John Furrier12

AWS, Alibaba, Google continue to chew up public cloud IaaS and PaaS space. Microsoft gains share as well but comes down to earth. IBM finding its footing? True or False. Comment

John Furrier
I think #Azure is sandbagging their numbers but they are hiding the ball from the market so who knows.

John Furrier
@Grant_Case IBM #AWS partnership should be in place look what #vmware did; IBM could punt cloudfoundry and go all in on AWS and Jassy's team

agree on #Azure. They are everywhere now.

Ultimately, $AMZN has not been an honest broker w/customers and partners. The big lead means they can be price makers now, but many customers waiting for a reasonable alt, IF it materializes.

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@Grant_Case That's not too Crazy. My prediction was $AMZN buys $HPE for the edge support capabilities. Meg has done most of the hard work of divesting.

John Furrier
AWS and HPE that would be interesting