Dan Hushon28
If there were one feature, one capability, one application which would change your productivity at $company what would it be?
Dan Hushon
everything just gets "updated/upgraded" like the cellphone does?
Dan Hushon
new services are easily integrated thru a common SAML on boarding?
Cherry Pie Valencia
reliable and fast virtual conferencing capability to allow better collaborations across locations
Max Hemingway
Search with API for personalisation
Phil Lathaen
single sign-on....logon once and let me get on with my work!
Sukhi Gill
Enterprise Search across people, functions and projects. Democratise the enterprise data and content for everyone and not just the few.
Dan Hushon
appropriately persistent team collaboration environment?
Max Hemingway
@sukhigill The reverse is also needed on publishing data into the right place. AI saving capability based on content and audience
Jerry Overton
Access to clean, up-to-date streams of data that has a global context
Dan Hushon
@Max_Hemingway or even the ability to recognize who could best be joined to a collaboration to save a problem...
Steven Wheeler
Not just "persistent" but multi-media and pervasive - collecting, analyzing, transcribing and indexing transparently BUT with appropriate "need to know" intelligence.
Sukhi Gill
@Max_Hemingway i think remembering where to put stuff or remembering to add meta data approaches don't work. Agree AI based approaches to "save" are required.
GayathriDevi SureshBabu
Need to move to concept of working anywhere, anytime and with any device. Extensive use of cloud can be of good help, for workplace optimization.
Jerry Overton
you don't think we're there yet?
Marc Wilkinson
@sukhigill search that works !! bring on the GRAPH. I couldn't agree more. help me find people, content, insight
GayathriDevi SureshBabu
@JerryAOverton Even the software development or testing if exposed over SAAS, we could be more effective. Not only accessing email or IMs.
Sarah James
the transporter or the virtual equivalent save travel costs but feel like your there
lewis richards
@GeoSuperGirl Just look at HighFidelity.io or Facebook Spaces to see where enterprise collaboration is going
lewis richards
@GeoSuperGirl Hiya by the way :)
Sarah James
@stroker Hi Ya! knew this was one you would like my answer too! Just think star trek
Sarah James
@stroker facebook spaces is very cool