Arin Dey21

Why IT-Led Digital Transformations Fail? @danhushon @DXCTechnology

Dan Hushon
because the business doesn't trust traditional IT to have the skills to deliver the value?
Martin Risau
We need to be able to demonstrate value way faster than before. This is why we have services like Data Experience to show customer what you can do differently in the business based on the insight of your data.
Martin Risau
And an average time to do this is 6-8 weeks and not months.

digital transformation is about making business processes more intelligent - that cannot be done without the business participation and commitment.
John B. Corrin
IT assumes they know what business wants and develops the transformation in a vacuum.

Jerry Overton
I see this a lot as well. I look forward to the prominence of experimentation + collaboration in this area
Martin Lee
I think it's the age-old conundrum of the business-IT disconnect that's been around for decades. A big part of that problem is senior mgt has rarely seen IT as core to their business, but IT to blame too, thinking technically when need biz lens.

vittal krishnasamy
@AnalyticsCTO Traditional I.T needs to leave way for software innovation which should base itself on business transformation