Bert Latamore26

[LIVE CHAT] DevOps Meets Networks
#DevNetCreate Inaugural event applications meet infrastructure for IoT & App developers
#DevNetCreate Inaugural event applications meet infrastructure for IoT & App developers

Bert Latamore
First DevNet conference at #CiscoLive exactly 3 yrs ago. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Saw this huge transition with IoT & Cloud. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Created DevNet Create as a stand-alone developer conference in response. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
At the event we see our content is 90% form the community. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
We think the community needs to come to gether to make the most of the opportunity. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Make sure the app folks understand the langague of the infrastructure folks. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
The 90-10 community-Cisco split is by design. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Focusing on the value & opportunities to developers. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
The network is an anchor point. It is changing but by step function. @PLBurris #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
The network is important, but it is not programmable. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Once you get it working, configured, you leave it. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Automation, controller-based networking is making it easy to reconfigure. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Because infrastr5ucdtured is not programmable it is easy to create different logical networks to support different groups of things with different needs. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
So your surveillance cameras are on a different logical network from you vending machines. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
Now the infrastructure and applications can be brought together to realize the otential. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
We can business optimize your apps so they run well on the infrastructure. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
With app dynamics what kind of info can U get from those bits of logic running throughout the network? @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
The execs are checking in on it. We have a cxonference going on in London concurrently or they would be here. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
It's letting people interact and building this new area.@SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
the energy here is a lot like those events that are obvious successes. @Furrier #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

Bert Latamore
The question was will this show appeal to app & cloud develoeprs? people seem very happy. @SusieWee @Cisco #DevNet #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2qdz0P...

John Furrier
Infrastructure as Code can't really be reality til #Cisco gets behind it. Now they have