
Digital Transformation Journey
Helping businesses innovate, reinvent themselves, and lead their industry in the cognitive era
   8 years ago
#digitalreinventionGo digital or disappearFor every mega-success in business, 10 failed. Digital reinvention is how you win.
IBM and SAP Alliance
Q4. How should customer experience factor into your #DigitalTransformation strategy?
Customer experience is one of the top factors; market buying patterns have changed, adoption is key
Donovan Guin
If you can orient your digital transformation around new, transformative customer experiences, you'll get the most value from your investments
Donovan Guin
When it comes to digital transformation, nothing transforms quite like getting more customers
John Kirby
#DigitalTransformation should focus on simplifying the user experience for everyone. Business users should have easy access to the right intelligence at the right time.
John Kirby
Stakeholders shouldn’t have to worry about the technology that supports their role but instead focus their time and energy on executing their business role.
John Kirby
Design and architect the strategy based on the end user experience - Design Thinking workshops first.
@chawlamc Take a retailer as an example; consumer preferences and buying patterns are the number one factor ; loyalty programs
Alfred Menger
Priority no. 1. Guide your clients to the right offering – not only in a face to face conversation. Also in your online store. Out of stock was never acceptable. Out of information & personalized selling is the new “out of stock”.
Mark Dudgeon
Delivering a personal & outcome based customer experience is core to #DigitalTransformation not just nice user interface, although that’s important. Its about customer centricity and putting the customer at the heart of everything.
Dragica Boca
Customers expect more. SAP Hybris Commerce delivers contextual customer experiences for improved engagement & faster sales processes....
Mark Dudgeon
Customers choose their buying journey: the steps they take, the channels they use. Delivering a seamless experience is key. CMOs must look at how to shape behavior & guide customers on their chosen buying path.
Dragica Boca
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer brings marketing, sales, commerce, customer service, and social CRM together for powerful, personal connections that drive engagement
Donovan Guin
Also remember that customer experience is not just setting up new sites or apps; its about engaging your customers in new, impactful ways using digital
Matthew H. Schwartz
Customers regardless of experience need to start with a vision and operationalize that vision into a strategy and then a roadmap
Mark Dudgeon
See Technology and the CMO in a Digital Era: A PoV by IBM and SAP: for considerations of Customer Experience in #DigitalTransformation era
Preetesh Gupta
Use #designthinking as a starting point for digital strategy
Mark Dudgeon
Customers expect a frictionless experience with personalized experiences across any channel. Customers choose their buying journey, the steps and the channels they want to use. See #DigitalTransformation for commerce
IBM and SAP Alliance
Q2. What are the key things to consider when embarking on your #DigitalTransformation journey?
Mark Dudgeon
#DigitalTransformation means different things to different people: For some it’s about new technology; For others, it is a new way of engaging with customers; For others, it is an entirely new way of doing business, and new business models.
Donovan Guin
Different companies may start in different places, but the overall opportunity is to engage your market in ways that transform your position in the market.
John Kirby
Undertaking a #DigitalTransformation is by no means a quick and easy journey. A CIO needs a technology landscape, both IT and OT, that is agile and responsive so that it can be quickly adapted to changing business needs and goals.
Matthew H. Schwartz
Focus on business outcomes – use design thinking to come up with a prioritized list of key business drivers and only then apply the technology to solve those business issues
Alfred Menger
Start with the customer perspective
Think about your future market, and future customers. Think about your own expectations as a consumer. You will soon find out, that this wil have an impact on your strategy, offerings, business model
John Kirby
Strategy decisions need to be grounded in insights found in consistent and validated data; relevant data that leads to information and information that leads to actionable items.
Mark Dudgeon
A diverse range of #DigitalTransformation perspectives across organizations can lead to lack of alignment/vision where a business needs to go, resulting in piecemeal initiatives with missed opportunities, regret costs. Key is a digital business framework
Preetesh Gupta
#digitaltransformation is about a cultural change, a shift in mindset
Several factors need to be kept in mind for the #DigitalTransformation journey - Total footprint / scope to be transformed; inventory of existing Enterprise wide solutions in place: Selection of vendor of new platform and software
Mark Dudgeon
In IBM we assess and apply seven Digital Reinvention Drivers that address key elements for driving reinvention, including new business models. See #DigitalTransformation
Donovan Guin
Agility is a key goal - the pace of disruption is accelerating, and digital transformation should help you act more quickly -- and not just react, but lead
Alfred Menger
@preeteshgupta so true. just got a new coffee machine - and you can operate with your smartphone!
Ken Klee
IT has to be embraced from the Top@IBMSAPAlliance, and then implemented across the entire organization
Mark Dudgeon
#DigitalTransformation considerations: 1. Outcome-based customer experience; 2. Re-platform core; 3. Smarter/engaged workforce; 4. Supplier collaboration to accelerate growth; 5. Harness big data to drive real-time insights and new business models
Howard La Kier
@KenKlee Can't agree more.. executive engagement and alignment across the organization is key for successful outcomes
Sha-Lene Pung
@dunowon Leading vs reacting, excellent point! In any journey it's important to know your business goals.
Dragica Boca
84% of companies fail at digital transformation. To succeed you need a new digital core: a simplified environment, real-time processing
IBM and SAP Alliance
Q5. How do you drive insights from #bigdata and embed #AI to drive business value?
Dragica Boca
Leading organizations act on insights extracted from unstructured data in real time, to gain competitive advantage. IBM and SAP HANA deliver advanced predictive analytics; the right info at the right time; ability to access large volumes...
Donovan Guin
In the customer experience, you can have AI engage your customers in real time, to generate much more personalized content, recommendations and more
Dragica Boca
Discover key customer groups and segments, and accurately identify microsegments on the fly at high query speeds!
Leverage Joint SAP and IBM solutions. IBM Watson to the rescue...
Alfred Menger
Data 2 Cash is the new process. Consumers are ready to share much information about their preferences, ideas, experiences – Create systems, that include customer feedback into your value chain, and constantly adopt to clients needs.
Mark Dudgeon
Data drives differentiation - CMOs are acutely aware that creating captivating experiences requires considerable digital insight and acumen. Technology and the CMO in a Digital Era: A point of view by IBM and SAP:
Matthew H. Schwartz
#AI Example would be personalized consumer experiences using real time data
John Kirby
#IBM has a really amazing breath and scale of solutions that we offer to organizations, most notably our Watson and Cognitive offerings that can find insights in structured and unstructured data.
Mark Dudgeon
Drive value from data, actions based on Insight - discover, interpret, communicate. See American Water Opens Floodgates for Real-Time Data Analysis with SAP HANA:
John Kirby
We live in an age where there is a constant stream of incoming data and vast amounts of untapped data that has been harvested for years. We’re just now getting to the point where we can efficiently analyze all of this #bigdata and develop insights to drive
John Kirby
Dark data hides unconventional information that would never seem relevant in the past.
Donovan Guin
@MarkPDudgeon ...and CMOs can play a lead role in driving the overall transformation strategy, based on their experience shaping how companies go to market
Dragica Boca
Increase intelligence by using advanced predictive analytics to deliver deeper insight into the past, present, and future !
IBM and SAP Alliance
Q1. What is driving the need for companies to digitally transform their business?
John Kirby
Enterprises are facing an ever-evolving market landscape. Prioritizing a #DigitalTransformation allows organizations to completely reinvent the way they’re able to reach their customers
John Kirby
and design user experiences from insights they previously never had access to!
Companies need to stay competitive in the marketplace and adopt the disruption going on...They need to adopt a cloud strategy for cost savings, competitive strategy and put a plan in place for growth
Donovan Guin
Changing expectations by customers, driven by new technologies, which in turn have enabled dramatically different levels of service, are forcing companies to transform or be disrupted
Mark Dudgeon
The digital economy is here across all industries, underpinned by disruptive technology trends converging in the market. If organisations don’t keep up, their business might no longer survive.
Preetesh Gupta
Digital transformation is not a matter of choice, but survival for companies today
Mark Dudgeon
If organisations don’t keep up, their business might no longer survive. #DigitalTransformation and the CIO: a POV by IBM and SAP:
Alfred Menger
Customer expectations in terms of totally new products and services. The new technology available is driving the expectations of new offerings, connected services.
Mark Dudgeon
Industry convergence is collapsing the barriers between formerly distinct industries. “Redefining Connections: Insights from the Global C-suite Study – The CIO Perspective,” from IBM IBV
Sha-Lene Pung
@MarkPDudgeon Agreed! Digital transformation is a question of survival for businesses to keep their place in the market
Mark Dudgeon
CIOs believe Industry convergence is the biggest trend transforming their business. See
Matthew H. Schwartz
CXO’s tell me it’s not just about cutting costs anymore, it’s about finding new revenue channels / new markets and doing it quickly
Mark Dudgeon
We’re in the age of Outcome-based economy that requires a deep change in the business model, new organizational capabilities, and new business process capabilities. This requires a different approach to product and process design and customer experiences
Alfred Menger
@dunowon agree. It does not matter any more, if you are in the business for many decades already. It matters, if you understand the expectations of your existing and new customers;
Preetesh Gupta
With entry barriers pulled down dramatically, being innovative is the key..
Susan Wallace
Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures are an opportunity for companies to take big steps on the digital transformation journey. #digital transformation. This Rockport case study is a great example