Klaus Löhnert6
How do we avoid to rebuild the world of spaghetti code as an api spaghetti landscape?
Dan Hushon
curation... I really like ontologies vs. a more traditional data model
Daniel Angelucci
@DanHushon agree 100% on ontologies. This also builds possibilities around machine learning for integrations. Data models don't have the exploitable coherence of the ontological model #csctechtalk
Chris Swan
I'm a big fan of Google's data bazaar approach https://blog.acolyer...
Faisal Siddiqi
As @bassmanitram will say, APIs should be discoverable via hypermedia & schemas - just like a website. This builds semantics into the API
Frédéric Lé
The financial services industry is creating shared ontologies... See http://www.edmcounci...
Klaus Löhnert
I think all these API's are related to some business assets and are them self business assets, because they enable a business to generate revenues. Should these API's not represent some proper abstraction of the assets they relate to?
Martin Bartlett
As @FredericLe3 would say, APIs are not the final stage of Tech transform - in fact they are the only the starting point. They provide the initial "veneer" to expose you long tail functionality.
Martin Bartlett
But unless you then start sorting out what lies behind that veneer (e.g. splitting into bounded context components that are themselves loosely coupled and communicate via APIs and async events,) then it's not really done you much long term good.
Klaus Löhnert
As soon as you start to build your business on these API's, it is of high value be sure that the foundation of that business, the API's, is rock solid and not just sand.