
Cognitive Teamwork for Dummies
Ami Dewar and Matt Holitza from IBM discuss their new book Cognitive Teamwork for Dummies.
   7 years ago
#ibmconnectCollaboration StrategiesFuturist Dion Hinchcliffe discusses collaboration strategy for businesses.
IBM Connect
Q4 #Cognitive technology and teamwork may seem like an unusual pairing for some. What benefit does cognitive bring to the concept of teamwork?
Ami Dewar
Cognitive, by definition, understands, learns, reasons - so if you think about how you can apply that capability to every day collaborative circumstances.
Ami Dewar
Imagine how it can automate, coordinate, discover, analyze for you - as you work with others. Helping you to align, stay in the know
Matt Holitza
a. It’s really about driving teams in the same direction, through better communication, alignment and common purpose by applying Watson in things like analyzing a summarizing a conversion
Ami Dewar
Cognitive has the ability to reduce the number of pivots you need to make to different tools and services, minimize the number of steps you need to take to get the job done, identify the right experts when you need them...
Matt Holitza
the first big feature we are working on is what we call "Moments" - which is the Watson cognitive summarization capability
Daniel Davis
Discover is a big one for me -- getting results back that actually match my inquiry, rather than a bunch of nonsense I have to filter through to find what's useful.
Ami Dewar
Imagine leaving for lunch and instead of coming back to 800 new messages - you have a smart summary of what happened where the key topics, questions, actions, commitments are highlighted for you.
Ami Dewar
So true @danielkdtwt The stats are pretty impressive on the amount of time that users lose to "searching"
Matt Holitza
and really there are a lot of ways Watson can be applied, we are trying to guide our roadmap with user feedback
Ami Dewar
Cognitive is really powerful when it comes to understanding conversation. For ex - I am looking for the next big sales lead and Watson understands this and automatically responds in my team space with a list of opportunities for me to pursue.
IBM Connect
I wish I'd had that when I was a sales rep.
IBM Connect
Q7 Okay we are going to open it up for Q&A from our audience right now. If you have a question about the book Cognitive Teamwork for Dummies, or IBM cognitive technology, please tweet or reply and use the #ibmconnect hashtag
Daniel Davis
How good is the technology these days at figuring out what my expertise is, vs. me having to tell it?
Ami Dewar
You'd be surprised - stop by and we'll show you some demos that we have running doing this exact thing.
Hugo Millan
how the cognitive solutions will impact the digital workplace ?
Matt Holitza
@hamillan we see it transforming the way people work, by giving people the relevant information and expertise they need, when they need it so they can stay focused and work with their team
Ami Dewar
I truly think cognitive solutions will revolutionize the digital workplace. Lots of tools have come and gone over the years - but this is the first time we are truly experiencing tools that will work for you - vs. just be the way to work.
IBM Connect
Q3 What is the biggest teamwork challenge you are hear about from customers? #cognitive
Matt Holitza
Teams are overwhelmed with tools, apps, content, updates to the point that they can’t stay aligned – impacting their ability to deliver high quality, timely results
Daniel Davis
One common challenge is finding the right person with the knowledge I need to complete a task.
Matt Holitza
the book will talk about these challenges in detail and how we plan to address these challenges with #ibmwatson
Matt Holitza
@danielkdtwt +1 that is another big issue, finding the right expert at the right time
Ami Dewar
Work is naturally transactional - people are constantly needing input from each other, moving between different tools and services. A lot of time is lost just in the coordination of that collaboration
IBM Connect
@danielkdtwt Yes definitely. I think this is where chatbots would be beneficial.
Phylicia Teymer
@amihdewar I'd like to see 'cognitive capabilities' assist by reading/deciphering all the "collaboration" taking place on different platforms and serving up specific insights - and being able to simply tell it to take actions for me.
@danielkdtwt when it is silo-ed it's hard to take advantage of the collective knowledge! #IBMConnect
IBM Connect
@PhyliciaTeymer @IBMCollabSvcs I could not agree more with both of you. This is where the learning really learns which conversations or projects are important to me.
Hugo Millan
teams want to work seamless with externar providers in a simple way
Matt Holitza
@hamillan absolutely, we are working on integrating Watson Workspace with many external providers
IBM Connect
Q2 What made you decide to become authors? What sparked the idea to write this book?
Matt Holitza
These books are great for introducing new paradigm shifts in a short simple format that’s easily consumed
Matt Holitza
and we thought it was important for professionals to understand how cognitive will impact their day to day work
Ami Dewar
+1 to what @holitza said. It also opens up the opportunity to have conversations like this with others in similar circumstances
Ami Dewar
Collaboration is the way we work today, Cognitive is really evolving how we can effectively team.
IBM Connect
A2 so like sharing best practices?
IBM Connect
@holitza A2 that's a good point because it could be intimidating, plus I know from our chat with @dhinchcliffe change is always a challenge to implement
Ami Dewar
Absolutely, there are so many factors that influence how we work, how we collaborate, and thinking about how cognitive can enhance that - we've learned a lot through user research - but can never stop learning.
Phylicia Teymer
@holitza I agree, Matt and Amy - Professionals now hear 'cognitive' or 'AI' buzzwords, but it's important to understand what benefits "cognitive" can really bring to the users - It's great this book will help make those benefits clear and simple.
IBM Connect
@PhyliciaTeymer That is so true. We have to make new paradigms as easy as possible to understand.
IBM Connect
Q5 Who did you talk to /meet with n writing this book?
Ami Dewar
We have talked to 1000 of users in the last few years - all different industries, roles and domains.
Matt Holitza
and we validated in discussions with our thought leaders and industry experts. The last chapter contains predictions from experts and leaders we consulted...
Ami Dewar
Our goal has just been to learn how they work - what works for them and what doesn't. When designing for cognitive it's important to understand pain points - these are prime opportunities
Matt Holitza
@amihdewar +1 we are definitely user driven in this initiative
IBM Connect
@amihdewar Yes glad to know you took that into account.
Matt Holitza
so we wanted the book to reflect our user driven direction for this initiative
IBM Connect
Here is the cover of the book f

does this book help an hr professional? How are we using cognitive tools tk drive this?
Ami Dewar
Awesome question - it's an area we are really looking at - I think one opportunity is with streamlining conversations between HR professionals and employees...
Ami Dewar
for ex. being able to recognize the question an employee has and route it to the right person, identify the right material they are looking for....
Ami Dewar
Recognizing overall tone and sentiment of your employees as a gauge ... so many possibilities
Matt Holitza
@priyankad1234 the other nice aspect of our solution is that it will be on the secure IBM cloud - helping address issues with employee privacy...
Ami Dewar
The book specifically will outline similar solutions that are more general to teaming, applicable to everyone - but the opportunity to further tailor cognitive capabilities to a particular industry or domain is where it gets really interesting
thats great!! Thanks