
How does your organization define adoption?

Brett Addis
What are some key considerations customers should consider when shifting to the cloud?
Joshua Hill
Resources, Resources, Resources! HR team, IT/HRIS innovators, executive champions, HR practitioners. Since HR touches all points of the organization - this is more than an "HR" shift to the cloud - it is an entire org shift to the cloud!
Brett Addis
Having a digital mindset is key
Jackie Ato
it's a different model but still requires oversight & maintenance as you would with on-premise solutions. Familiarize yourself with the release cycle, define your test strategy, determine your HRIS roadmap aligned to adoption of innovation
Strausie Markham
Keep it simple! Processes, configuration of tools should be kept as basic as possible while still being meaningful, beneficial
Debbie McKay
Understand that the technology will not correct a poor workflow
Kerri Brown
Thinking through the management of and ownership of your cloud solution prior to rolling it out to users is imperative. Legacy on-prem 'ownership' models not always translate to cloud. HR and IT need to define a co-driven governance model.
Debbie McKay
Brett- share your definition of a digital mindset!
Leslie Apony
Having a strong governance model is key to success
Brett Addis
What are some of the key challenges that organizations must overcome?
Joshua Hill
First is the overall change that this imposes on your workforce - must manage the change in an orchestrated fashion. This brings HR and HRIS/IT resources than ever before. Have you already decided who owns your data?
Brett Addis
I often find an issue with expectations setting; not being clear on the desired mindset shift
Jackie Ato
change management is typically a struggle. Communicate frequently - explain the business drivers; explain "what's in it for me" to end users
Kerri Brown
Understanding that in order to continually receive the full ROI of your cloud system you cannot 'set it and forget it'. Consuming new features keeps your end users engaged!
Brett Addis
I see less issues with usability and more with behaviors and new decisions.
Strausie Markham
Designing processes and tools that are so smooth that it's easy for end users to take ownership of them.
Debbie McKay
It is about changing the behaviors and understanding the WIIFM benefits
Strausie Markham
It's not always easy to win over colleagues who have significant investment in the old system / process
Brett Addis
In your experience, what are some of the best adoption practices a customer should consider?
Brett Addis
change management is always a must
Jackie Ato
defined process for reviewing quarterly releases including "showcasing" key features to stakeholders in the preview/test env.
Brett Addis
Keep it simple and don't over complicate the change
Strausie Markham
Communicate the benefits to each user group. Make the tools user-friendly and make it easy and/or unavoidable for users to use the tools.
Joshua Hill
Communication is KEY!
Strausie Markham
Agree with Brett, more time should be spent on change management than on system implementation!
Kerri Brown
HR and IT partnership is key! Know your culture and its tolerance for change.
Debbie McKay
Cross functional change management strategy with Exec sponsorship
Brett Addis
How to you see the pendulum swinging between HR and IT?
Strausie Markham
HR is looking for IT to be a service provider rather than a gatekeeper
Joshua Hill
HR finally has a stake in the technological world - HR is technology-based . . . and our friends in IT are supporting it!
Brett Addis
It is definitely an accountability issue, but HR needs to own it
Kerri Brown
After 10+ years in this industry it is clear the most successful customers are those who have achieved the balance of ownership between both HR and IT.
Debbie McKay
More balanced collaboration between HR and IT as the domain and technology experts
Joshua Hill
@KerriKaizen Co-ownership is key! Both groups must be invited to the party!
Brett Addis
What do you see as the top value of organization who take adoption seriously? Truly commit?
Jackie Ato
engaged end-users.
Strausie Markham
Simplify, standard, globalize people processes. Have enough internal resources to maintain the solutions.
Kerri Brown
A nimble and innovative solution that drives strategy!
Strausie Markham
They don't just communicate/train end users once. They continuously communicate.
Joshua Hill
Employees who use the process and the solution without constant encouragement
Debbie McKay
The actions become a fabric of the culture and a daily habit
Brett Addis
As I work with organization preparing to move to the cloud, I stress the importance of enterprise cloud criteria. What are some of the typical criteria you see from customers?
Brett Addis
I see digital as a common criteria or principle.
Debbie McKay
Begin with the end in mind when implementing so true reporting can be realized
Brett Addis
Focus on end user experience
Jackie Ato
ditto on reporting! be clear on metrics to inform design
Kerri Brown
Agree Debbie. Knowing where you are going will help you get there.
Debbie McKay
Time to revisit those old workflows and streamline!
Joshua Hill
Agree with Brett & Debbie! Mobile is the wave of the future!
Brett Addis
I agree with Debbie.
Debbie McKay
Consider your multigenerational workforce to ensure full end user experiences
Brett Addis
Let's get started, panel of experts based on your experience, describe what cloud adoption means.
Jackie Ato
I'd say actively engaging with the solution, actively managing the release cycle, and leveraging all the features/functions that align to business needs.
Kerri Brown
Cloud Adoption means being interested and prepared to incorporate software innovations in a predictable model in order to drive your desired strategy and and business outcomes.
Brett Addis
I agree Jackie actively managing releases is key and should not be underestimated
Strausie Markham
People use an app/tool and see the benefit in doing so