
Identifying the Developer Gap
Discussion on the looming shortage of skilled developers and ways to address the gap.
Cloud Foundry
Q2) If there are gaps in skills, what’s the best way to address? #DeveloperGap
Abby Kearns
Training. Continuous training.
Ruben Orduz
a culture that encourages continues knowledge acquisition and sharing amongst different organizational groups.
Richard Seroter
@ab415 Yes! Purposeful training. Not just trawling Stack Overflow for random tips.
Chip Childers
Giving developers enough time to learn, both about technical skills and the business problems they are working to help solve
Joshua McKenty
honestly I don't think there's a SINGLE approach. Focus on outcomes, remove barriers, and iterate.
Tyler Britten
need to give dev's time and resources to experiment as part of their job
Carl Swanson
Excite developers by making it clear there is a strong path forward and marketable skills with the platform and tooling
Joshua McKenty
Start with an honest assessment of your current state. (Blame-free, of course.)
steve greenberg
@ab415 yes, but different than traditional. The "on the job" model (ie pairing at Pivotal) coupled with the more formal training is the best approach. devs need to understand how to apply what they have learned.
Richard Seroter
@vmtyler Completely agree. Stop assuming techies learn just in free time. Provide guilt-free windows to learn.
Chip Childers
@spgreenberg +1 - training without practice is a futile endeavor
Joshua McKenty
Use what works in kindergarten; never underestimate the value of a gold star sticker.
Dave Vellante
one of the other big gaps we see is data prowess - so collaboration processes are key to closing that gap
Abby Kearns
@spgreenberg I agree with @jmckenty - it requires all types of approaches. So, not just a single training model.
Ed Saipetch
@MassHaste I hear those are a rare breed. Nice mic drop.
Dave Vellante
for ex: data scientists, data engineers, QA people & biz people using data - how to use, data quality, etc - culture of collaboration is the key
Andrew Clay Shafer 雷启理
people learn by doing, focus on the outcome and let people do the work, the skills will come
seriously, wtf
@MassHaste @cloudfoundry and not being afraid to hire and train good talent, as opposed to searching in vain
steve greenberg
@ab415 agreed. culture of learning. solving real problems. learning through collaboration.
Joshua McKenty
. @Kennjason hire for the ability to learn, not the ability to do.
Ruben Orduz
@edsai it's not easy or cheap, which is why it's not often heard about. But companies that see training-as-an-investment are usually the ones with best prepared workforce.
Chip Childers
@jmckenty completely agree... technical skills have a window of value, and that window continues to decrease as the industry changes
People learn differently and no one way is proven best, so org must be open to many ways to 'enlighten' software developers
Josh Long (龙之春, जोश)
organizations that prioritize learning win big here. It's not easy to do that, though. @littleidea gave a nice talk about building continuous improvement-centric orgs
Cloud Foundry
Q3) When evaluating technologies, do you look at those your company already has skills for, or all available technologies? #DeveloperGap
Ruben Orduz
It really, really, really depends.
Richard Seroter
It's natural to start with something familiar, but that can also accidentally blind you to better things!
Chip Childers
@MassHaste if you hired correctly (learners) then technologies are tools...
Chip Childers
Picking a technology based on your available skills can be a little like a carpenter trying to use a hammer to paint a wall
Carl Swanson
evaluate the latest avail - if you limit to existing skills you rarely expand - sharp people are excited to learn and expand their knowledge - give them the opportunities and they will
Dave Vellante
Our CTO generally starts with what's the outcome you desire then maps the tech to the problem
steve greenberg
I agree with @chipchilders. If you hire people that can learn, you can evaluate tech based on its merit rather than current skills of the org
seriously, wtf
@chipchilders @masshaste goes back to previous question, too as the best way to address gaps is by hiring learners (and letting them do so)
Ed Saipetch
and don't hire people who chase shiny balls all the time or you won't get outcome-based decisions.
Joshua McKenty
evaluate technologies that are leading edge, not bleeding edge. Don't rewrite your CMS in Haskell.
Richard Seroter
@jmckenty To this point, sometimes we chase things JUST because they are new. Don't throw away what you know if it actually solves the problem in the best way.
Andrew Clay Shafer 雷启理
everyone comes with perspective, no one has time to evaluate everything, find a healthy balance
Chip Childers
@littleidea well that gets into the whole constraints are actually a good thing discussion
Ed Saipetch
which also leads to the question of why we reinvent the wheel weekly. Because it's fun solving hard problems.
Abby Kearns
@edsai Just because you can, does not mean you should.
Andrew Clay Shafer 雷启理
you don't do your organization any favors when technology decisions are all anchored in the past
Ed Saipetch
@ab415 yeah the mobile crowdchat site completely jacked a great point I was trying to make.
Abby Kearns
@edsai Blaming the technology? :)
Ed Saipetch
@littleidea anchored no but based on lessons learned, yes. No need repeating stupid mistakes we made years ago.