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#VMworldVMworld 2017@theCUBE coverage of #VMWorld 2017 live chat from conversation from influencers
Brian Knudtson
Anyone have an opinion on the #HCI market at VMworld?
Julian Wood
.@bknudtson HCI is hot everywhere but tough to hear it all at VMworld as you guys/Nutanix etc. are competition
Trevor Pott
Anyone who doesn't compete with VMware. There is no competition. Speak not of witches lest ye be burned.
David Davis
#HCI offers great opportunity to make the storage silo more efficient
Stuart Miniman
Cisco #HCI has been a hot topic lately - @TheJasonNash nailed it - they often are heavily against something until customers beat them up enough, then give in (or acquire). Comment from SimpliVity?
Stuart Miniman
@davidmdavis don't we want to bust that silo?
Trevor Pott
Everything is a fad until VMware can "invent" it in-house. And then it was their idea.
Brian Knudtson
@davidmdavis Or to completely eliminate the storage silos. We have large customers who have eliminated that as a separate team.
David Davis
HCI is a critical piece of building a more modern datacenter
Brian Knudtson
@stu Yeah, customer demand definitely drives things. We've had partnerships emerge due to customer demand.
Trevor Pott
@stu Silos are great! And any customer who doesn't think so is "irrelevant". Until it's VMware that's busting a silo. Then silos are bad.
David Davis
VMware has VSAN but there are a so many good options to do #HCI
Brian Knudtson
@stu Customers need to stand up and demand what they want. Good things tend to happen. Vendors who listen and react flourish.
Trevor Pott
@davidmdavis Not if you're VMware.
Trevor Pott
Three words: Not Invented Here.
Trevor Pott
@mlbaltz Uh hunh. And I'm not fat, I'm just big boned. #puhlease
Steve Kaplan
@davidmdavis True, but HCI is only table stakes.
Brian Knudtson
@mlbaltz Very true. It's a building block that can be use. Of course, we could spend the next 30 minutes just debating the definition of HCI (or cloud for that matter)
Trevor Pott
When customers stand up and demand what they want they get told they're irrelevant, get ostracized and then get shafted.
David Davis
@mlbaltz True VSAN is SDS, partners offer their SDS as HCI
David Davis
@Josh_Atwell What gets you excited in tech these days Josh?
Josh Atwell - 60% Productivity
@davidmdavis do you REALLY think that? I can't see why anyone would re-platform with HCI.
Trevor Pott
The higher you stick your head above the parapet, the quicker some jerk on Twitter will lob it off.
Trevor Pott
@Josh_Atwell Hey, Josh, how much does it cost to refuel that Saturn V you commute to work on?
Julian Wood
@Josh_Atwell I can and do, simple integrated turnkey appliance for VMs.
David Davis
@ROIdude Great point Steve - HCI is table stakes - I get excited about all the other cool stuff around it
Brian Knudtson
@davidmdavis @ROIdude I also agree. HCI is not an ends, it's simply a means to an end.
Gabriel Chapman
HCI's natural transition is to being a software stack that runs on validated commodity hardware for a fairly specific set of customers who value low sophistication
Gabriel Chapman
lets also not make HCI into something its not, and thats a full sweep of the traditional datacenter floor
Julian Wood
@Bacon_Is_King low sophistication doesn't have to mean low performance though.
Gabriel Chapman
@julian_wood no, indeed it doesnt, but lets be honest, the majority of VMW hosted workloads in the HCI market are not pushing greater than 5-10k IOPS and thats great for HCI customers
Brian Knudtson
@julian_wood @Bacon_Is_King low sophistication also shouldn't be viewed as negative thing. Simplification should be a goal.
Gabriel Chapman
HCI value prop diminishes significantly when you get into that 12-24 node and greater implementation unless its single silo workloads like VDI and even then, HCI is expensive
Gabriel Chapman
it can be, but there is a big world out there where VM's are not the default
⚔️⚔️⚔️ kyaaS⚔️⚔️⚔️
@Bacon_Is_King agreed. Low barrier of consumption is a great value that HCI brings to the battle.
Gabriel Chapman
that broad swath of VMW customers, and I'm saying the ones with sub 10 hosts, are a great target market for HCI. For everything else, I'll say that its going to be a YMMV
Trevor Pott
@Bacon_Is_King Yes, Gabe. You don't use a Falcon 9 to go the moon. But you don't need a Saturn V to piss around in LEO or GEO either. And most people don't need or want to go to the moon.
Trevor Pott
@Bacon_Is_King Ah yes, the "anything bigger than a cube sat should really use our Saturn V" argument. Ignore the part where people are deploying 4 satellites off a Falcon 9, BUY OUR SATURN V, DAMN IT!
Julian Wood
@Bacon_Is_King profits are currently in the software, hopefully competition when you have "enough" features brings it down
Brian Knudtson
@cakeis_not_alie Totally agree with you. Even _I_ don't think HCI will fit all usecase, no matter how much tech/flash we throw under it.
Trevor Pott
@Bacon_Is_King But how does a rocket designed to fly to Mars help you when all you need is to sling a few comns sats into GEO?
Paolo Vecchi
You may have situations where a single virt server or HA is more than enough but isn't HCI the same as your virt infrastructure just neatly contained in commodity boxes?
Stuart Miniman
Is VMworld actually Storage World? Is that in a strip mall near Container World? ;)
Brian Knudtson
Many, many LOLs.
Josh Atwell - 60% Productivity
There's a certain amount of truth there for sure.
Brian Knudtson
But yes. That seems to be the most innovative area in the ecosystem. Could be that is a broken area of the infrastructure puzzle?
Marc Farley
it could be the last storage world after the acquisition closes
David Davis
@bknudtson I think that storage is the broken silo at most companies today
Dave Vellante
in '07 it was I/O blender issue in '11 it was VMware integration in '16 what is it? Storage is invisible?
Brian Knudtson
@gofarley Last storage world standing wins?
Trevor Pott
Storage world: an rusting industrial sector next to a modern shipping complex that can't store the goods it is trying to ship.
Wouter Kursten
Marc Farley
@davidmdavis I think it's more like mismatched than broken.
Marc Farley
@bknudtson @stu storageless is the right vector
Brian Knudtson
@gofarley As much as I hate serverless and storageless as terms, I do agree with the intent. Make them self managing and nearly zero management.
Stuart Miniman
nobody commented about containers - what about #cloudnative @docker and VMware?
David Davis
Personally I plan to spend some time with the vSphere Integrated Containers (vIC) tools - looks interesting
David Davis
The "cloud native apps" term still doesn't mean a lot to me - it's kinda fuzzy
Julian Wood
they're doing a lot of work but don't have mind share IMO, @Docker speeding ahead, already doing networking and clustering
Gabriel Chapman
lolz VMW is legacy