Suhela Dighe33

Why should people attend on of the over 50 #DellEMCForum events? Discuss! http://www.via-cc.at... some of you already mentioned your reasons. Post them under here in a neat thread. Thanks.

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
People. The #DellEMC expanded ecosystem. Let's build a community!

Charlotte Schmidt
Discover Dell EMC end to end solution within the three core areas that supports your digital transformation

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@CAspeheimAtDell the new reach of #DellEMC solutions! Great reason to attend!

Andrew Miller
To hear the official messaging...both what is said and what isn't. Being real, I often find as much insight in what is left unsaid/not said as what is said in official messaging.

Allen Ward
The EMC Forums were always like a mini EMC World update. Looking forward to Dell EMC Forums to be the same for the entire Dell EMC enterprise

Suhela Dighe
@AllenFWard and we're coming to Canada this year! :)

Allen Ward
Yes, I'm definitely excited about that.

Charlotte Schmidt
Dell EMC has identified 4 end user profiles - come and explore our solutions that makes you more efficient at work!

Linda Christensen
And the beauty of that is that the news is updated, so you're getting the best of what was EMC World and the latest from what is now Dell EMC.

Charlotte Schmidt
@AllenFWard Pictures from the first Dell EMC Forum last week: https://www.dell-eve...

Suhela Dighe
Thanks Charlotte!! Some are also on our Dell EMC Forum Facebook page: https://www.facebook...

Dinko Eror
@vGazza You are so right Rodrigo. We will set up new Standards as essential infrastructure Company, but also as main Player in new industrial Revolution.

Linda Christensen
New industrial revolution is truly what we're seeing. Technology changing at the speed of light and businesses having to change on the fly....or risk obsolescence in the blink of an eye.

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@DinkoEror from the Data Center to the End User with single turnkey user experience!

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@lchristens I like the concept of the Second Machine Age too. #2MA

Andrew Miller
It's essentially a miniature conference if you look at the 36 total sessions.