
End User Computing Podcast #10
The End User Computing Podcast ( live crowd chat!
   9 years ago
#EUCPodcastEnd User Computing Podcast #9The End User Computing Podcast ( live crowd chat!
Dane Young, MBA
Talking about @vmware Unified Endpoint Management from #VMworld, see
Unified Endpoint Management is cool!!
Dane Young, MBA
Now talking about the #NSX revolution from #VMworld 2016!
Marius Sandbu
It has been historicaly easier to do l3 and routing instead of layer 2 ( makes it easier with overlay protocol like with vxlan)
Marius Sandbu
Being able to strech layer 2 across multiple clouds with management is key
Marius Sandbu
Citrix is the one that has the best support for anycloud so far.. #azure #aws
Dane Young, MBA
Now talking about @VMware Cloud Foundation on the podcast!
Dane Young, MBA
Wrapping up Episode #10 from #VMworld in Vegas! Thanks for joining everyone!
Eduardo Molina
Thank you very much for having me. It is always a great experience
Dane Young, MBA
Talking about endpoints and the Kangaroo device, $99 "Thin Client" for VDI
Kangaroo launches Microsoft Windows 10 mobile PC for $99 | ZDNet
Kangaroo is an ultra portable device that runs Microsoft Windows 10 and allows you to access your work and media files on any device at a price you can afford.
Eduardo Molina
@vmwarehorizon now also have support for RaspberryPI and mouse for iPad. It can be ordered #VMWorld
Dane Young, MBA
Here's the video to the Horizon Air Hybrid Mode demo using VxRail #VMworld
During #VMworld session #EUC10682, we saw the Horizon Air Hybrid Mode with VxRail interface for first time. Watch!
21 hours ago
Quoted By @youngtech
State of @VMware EUC is strong
@VMware Instant Clone is badass
Eduardo Molina
@VMware has a lot of love for #EUC right now. I like the focus @spoonen @shawnbass have given to the BU