
Reinvent with IBM and Oracle
Discuss digital reinvention through cognitive, cloud & more.
   8 years ago
#digitalreinventionGo digital or disappearFor every mega-success in business, 10 failed. Digital reinvention is how you win.
IBM and Oracle
Q1. What does IBM mean when it talks about digital reinvention for Oracle-enabled organizations?
Sarosh Khan
COOs are rethinking their business strategy and operating model – technological innovation is resulting in massive digital operations change. COOs say industry convergence is the biggest trend on the horizon
Sarosh Khan
Digital reinvention involves a balanced approach to attain customer value and re-designing operating model
Brian Martin
In regard to Human Capital Management, moving to Oracle HCM Cloud is certainly the right move. There are many IBM research studies available to showcase the importance of employee sentiment, amplify employee voice, and employee engagement.
Sandra Kataoka
Digital reinvention harnesses the structured data stored in Oracle applications today and combines it with unstructured data from external sources to get real time information. Goal is to be predictive rather than reactive.
Sarosh Khan
It involves moving from inside-out to outside-in thinking and leveraging digital technologies like mobile, social, big data, IoT and Cognitive
Doug Bloom
For IT it's about outthinking status quo. Systems are optimized to help you become cognitive.
Which lets you capitalize on business opportunities while averting IT issues.
Evan Knopp
And that rethinking of the business model includes a larger focus on the customer experience than ever before.
Randy Chinn
Customers are reinventing their IT solutions to achieve specific business benefits and also to create a platform for ongoing innovation
Steve Johnston
It also means changing the approach to app development, maintenance and hosting. Taking advantage of cloud-based development via PaaS, to enable agile development and integration of cloud-based data sources, APIs and services.
Brian Martin
IBM has helped many clients take advantage of the advanced features in Oracle HCM Cloud that help engage/re-engage employees which has material impact on corporate success.
IBM's C-Suite Study revealed that businesses are transforming around improving "customer experience". Digital Reinvention focuses on that central theme applying Oracle applications within the Cloud.
Chacko Thomas
For a customer running Oracle On Premise applications, digital reinvention could mean leveraging Oracle IaaS for optimization, Oracle PaaS for extension and Oracle SaaS for enhancement
John Furrier
To me it's all about customer moving out of their database "swim lanes" to embrace all data in many databases
Doug Bloom
It is. Starts with data centric design. And goes beyond databases to unstructured data.
John Furrier
Question for experts: What is the biggest most important stories that need to be told at #OOW16?
Steve Johnston
The pace and types of innovation that are helping not only drive competitive advantage, but change business models and industries.
Brian Martin
Wander by the IBM booth to hear about how IBM helped XL Catlin go live with Oracle HCM Cloud:
Steve Johnston
Technology such as cognitive, blockchain, the rise of open source, containers. These are all having a major impact on industries and the development of applications and services to support the needs of customers within them.
The IBM Booth will provide cogntive stories / demos. We also will host cognitive Workshops. Info available at the booth
Steve Johnston
These are also changing the dynamics between partners.
Doug Bloom
Check out our #IBMatOOW stories ahead of the show on our website
Paul Masquelier
IBM has a big presence at Open World, with a number of speaking sessions, joint customer presentations, and workshops that we'll be running to share IBM's point of view with customers and help them to leverage new Oracle capabilities.
Steve Johnston
For folks on the business side, there are a lot of demos which will show what is possible today. For developers and technical folks, there are a lot of sample apps and code snippets that you can access and play with to learn how you could apply them.
Steve Johnston
All of these will be available at the IBM booth. Talk to robots, teach a robot how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, and interact with fun demos which you can apply to your own business.
Sandra Kataoka
Cognitive will be the game changer. We will talk about Cognitive and Oracle in 3 workshops from 11:30 - 1:00 Mon thru Wed. Contact anyone of us on this chat to reserve your spot. We will explain cognitive, give Manufacturing and HR POV.
Steve Johnston
And stop by to see what kind of sweet tooth you have, while trying our cognitive Sweet Tooth app.
Sarosh Khan
Come visit us for the General session. IBM will be presenting with Oracle SCM development and strategy team: Session ID: GEN6347
John Furrier
I'm very interested in integrations that are not Oracle on Oracle
Steve Johnston
We have a number of demonstrations which show the flexibility of IBM cloud and cognitive solutions which can be applied regardless of the data sources or types. Oracle, non-Oracle, custom, open source, etc.
Chacko Thomas
Check out the JD Edwards Keynote discussions on Cognitive..Monday JDE general session @ 3 pm
Chacko Thomas
: We have several Client stories of Cognitive with IOT being introduced in our Cognitive Workshops and other educational sessions
Doug Bloom
Oracle on IBM Systems is a fully certified and optimized/integrated set of offerings. One example is our new Oracle Database Cloud Appliance through partner Vendita Technology
Brian Martin
An example of an integration that is not Oracle on Oracle, are the many cognitive solutions powered by IBM Watson that are being built to enhance the Oracle Cloud applications. There are many in the area of HCM.
Steve Johnston
And we have a number of customer stories which highlight the flexibility of our cloud based platforms and services. So regardless of the mix or data sources, and where they reside, you can select the IBM services and solutions which best fit your need.
Chacko Thomas
@brianMartin: Demos of JDE integration with Cognitive is available in JDE labs, Oracle HCM with Cognitive in IBM booth, Siebel with Cognitive in Siebel demo area and Oracle Procurement Cloud with Cognitive in IBM booth areas
IBM and Oracle
Q3. What are the biggest advantages of moving on-premises applications to the cloud?
Sarosh Khan
Business Agility, Scalability, Global Reach, Enables innovation and provides a platform for technology enablers like mobile, social, big data, cognitive and IoT
Randy Chinn
Digital disrupters such as IOT, Mobile, Social, cognitive, etc are best built upon cloud based solutions. This creates a foundation for innovation. Cost take out and reduction of maintenance are simply by-products of the move to cloud.
Sandra Kataoka
Moving on premise application to cloud allows for more rapid response to change in customer demand. I.T. can respond by enabling solution faster versus calculating cost for new infrastructure to support new demands.
Steve Johnston
The ability to quickly drive value and use the data within these applications through new cloud based apps or interfaces is another advantage.
Brian Martin
Especially in HR, the ability to uptake new features quickly is key. In the past, HR departments often felt hampered by the slower moving upgrade cycles of On-premise solutions driven by their ERP counterparts.
Randy Chinn
We will be sharing specific ideas at Oracle Open World
Steve Johnston
And showing demonstrations which you can not only interact with, but get access to code and sample apps which your developers can play with and use.
Brian Martin
HR departments will be able to capitalize on advances in the latest features more quickly and easily. This includes advances in how employees learn, tracking performance, feel engaged, etc.
Steve Johnston
One of the keys of moving to the cloud is that it is not about whether you need to, but how and when you need to, in order to avoid being disrupted by a competitor. Whether an existing one or a startup. You don't want to get Ubered.
Evan Knopp
@skatfong A lot of people are worried that their company is too 'unique' for changes like cloud and cognitive... what can be said to that?
Chacko Thomas
Scalability, Ability to manage Complex algorithms in real time and the opportunity to create applications in the Cloud leveraging Cloud platforms to enhance ERP capabilities
John Furrier
Economics, Personel, Security, and Agility
Brian Martin
Please join us at OOW and hear the esteemed Eric Lesser talk about redefining talent: https://oracle.rainf...
IBM and Oracle
Q5. What do IBM's #cloud platforms and services offer for #Oracle customers?
Doug Bloom
Build your own private cloud or hybrid cloud with #IBMSystems. Deploy faster, improve agility, enable new applications.
Sarosh Khan
We offer a range of services including a 'Journey to Digital Reinvention for ERP Cloud' offering. Visit us at OOW'16 for more detail
Sarosh Khan
Journey to Digital Reinvention with Oracle Supply Chain Cloud: Insights from the Global C-suite Study – The COO Perspective [CON7949]
John Furrier
If #devops developers are looking for pure agility then #bluemix might be something to consider; My take is the developer angle is big for IBM
The best hybrid cloud implementations and integration of systems
Steve Johnston
IBM Bluemix offers the ability to quickly leverage your data and build modern applications to meet the needs of your customers internally and externally.
John Furrier
Oracle is solid on systems of record but doing new things might require specialty outside of Oracle's wheelhouse
Sarosh Khan
We are leveraging Oracle PaaS to integrate and extend Oracle application with Cognitive and IoT
Steve Johnston
IBM also offer Bluemix Garage services to help design, develop and help launch new enterprise class apllications.
Chacko Thomas
One of the unique capabilities is the tight integration between Cognitive API's and IBM's Cloud
Brian Martin
We have seen IBM Cloud offerings help HR organizations move entirely to the cloud. In addition to Oracle HCM Cloud (OHC), many times ancillary niche systems remain. Those systems can move to the IBM cloud and compliment OHC.
Chacko Thomas
With Cognitive API's you can enable language translation, develop personality insights, offer dialogue capabilities to your application, analyze the tone of a conversation thread or email, perform high end analytics like trade off analytics
Steve Johnston
We will be showing a number of demonstrations of how you can leverage IBM cloud platforms with your Oracle data and systems to drive new and innovation applications.
Sandra Kataoka
IBM helps our Oracle customers with their Journey to Cloud. Clients invested in Oracle may take several steps to get to cloud over time while others will make the big leap. We see many clients moving to hybrid with both on premises and cloud coexisting.