
Myths About Managing InsClaims
Let's chat about the "5 Common Myths About Managing Content within your Claims Management Systems".
IBM Insurance

IBM Insurance
Q3: Where does #insurance claims content typically come from? In what formats? #ECM
Diane Grefer
from third parties
Vincent Price
multiple sources and types of content media
Diane Grefer
email, spreadsheets, you name it...
Kimberly Trimble
#Insurance claims content can come from a variety of sources (in both structured and unstructured formats), including third parties.
IBM Insurance
Dealing with so much content in so many formats must be difficult to manage!
Vincent Price
for example in work comp (US) an examiner must deal with everything from large medical documents, legal, rehab, managed care, treatment plans and a vast amount of state regulated forms via paper, fax (still) email, digital, video etc
Willem Sellenraad
imagine a 200 page document! and have to read every page first to find key information
Vincent Price
=not just better search capabilities but what about content anayltics!
IBM Insurance

IBM Insurance
Q8: What are some measures that ought be taken to streamline insurance #claims workflow and reduce costs? #ECM
Diane Grefer
reduce cycle times
Vincent Price
Flexible workflow solutions-coupled with document processes
Kimberly Trimble
#Insurance companies should reevaluate their #claims processes and see if there are inefficiencies that are hindering fast claims resolution. They should also take a look at their technology and see if it is providing a streamlined solution.
Diane Grefer
allow the customers more self directed ways to be involved in the process
Vincent Price
Automate the simple claims and allow adjusters to focus on the complex and high cost claims
Diane Grefer
that is the best idea Vincent!
IBM Insurance

IBM Insurance
Q7: What factors hinder a business' ability to control the processes and content within #insurance claims systems?
Willem Sellenraad
claims systems are complex and require IT to make changes
Diane Grefer
unexpected delays
Willem Sellenraad
The claims department wants to practice continuous process improvement...this means they need some independence from internal IT
Willem Sellenraad
small changes to a claims system are not simple
Willem Sellenraad
can you imagine if a claims department could make simple changes and reduce their processing time?
Vivek Bharathi
Complexity of the claims system preventing businesses to leverage the full potential of the #claims system
Kimberly Trimble
#Insurance companies struggle with outdated systems that make it difficult to add data, keep all of the relevant data together, and make that content easily accessible to everyone who needs it.
Willem Sellenraad
changing a process using configuration should be the goal...a Business Analyst could do it. Customization is complex and requires IT.
IBM Insurance
Clearly there is much that goes into a well-functioning claims management system, where can people get more information?
Willem Sellenraad
When it comes to questions on managing content around your claims management system you can reach me: or www.pyramidsolutions...
Kimberly Trimble
The IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub has an entire section on insurance that is updated regularly. Bookmark it: http://www.ibmbigdat.... My personal favorites right now: http://www.ibmbigdat... and http://www.ibmbigdat... and http://www.ibmbigdat...
IBM Insurance
Attend next week's free webinar: "Five common myths about managing content within your claims management systems"
Willem Sellenraad
A yes, the webinar! it will be very informative, seriously worth your time...
Willem Sellenraad
It will address managing content will all claims administration systems including #Guidewire
Vivek Bharathi
The webinar is brought to you by #Insurance Networking News. Get all your answers on #InsClaims answered then
IBM Insurance

IBM Insurance
Q6: How does instant access to #insurance claims content enhance employee productivity? #ECM
Willem Sellenraad
Complete more work in less time and build customer loyalty
Vincent Price
better outcomes
Diane Grefer
faster response = faster resolution = happy customers and happy case workers
Vincent Price
but we need to consider auto work flow, business rules so adjusters can take the right action
Willem Sellenraad
Thats right Diane...happy claims adjusters reduce turnover
Willem Sellenraad
Adjusters look at content first and then decide how to complete work. The adjuster determines how to process work, not an automated workflow!
Kimberly Trimble
Instant access to #insurance claims content means that employees spend less time digging for the right information, which allows them to resolve #claims faster. This is a great way to save the business time and money.
Vivek Bharathi
Employees would be freed from routine tasks to focus on knowledge intensive tasks that add more value to business
IBM Insurance

IBM Insurance
Q5: How crucial is it for an #insurance company to act upon incoming insurance #claims content immediately? Why?
Vincent Price
delay can result in penalties, higher costs
Vivek Bharathi
faster underwriting resulting in satisfied customers
Vincent Price
example work comp-many states impose penalties for delayed action or payments
Willem Sellenraad
taking too much time to pay can turn a simple claim into a complex claim and increased costs
Vincent Price
such as increased litigation
Willem Sellenraad
YES! litigation will create even more content
Kimberly Trimble
Faster claims resolution leads to a better customer experience, and a lower likelihood of customer churn. Read this IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub blog for further information: http://www.ibmbigdat...