IBM Insurance15
IBM Insurance
Q3: Where does #insurance claims content typically come from? In what formats? #ECM
Diane Grefer
from third parties
Vincent Price
multiple sources and types of content media
Diane Grefer
email, spreadsheets, you name it...
Kimberly Trimble
#Insurance claims content can come from a variety of sources (in both structured and unstructured formats), including third parties.
Willem Sellenraad
mobile devices
IBM Insurance
Dealing with so much content in so many formats must be difficult to manage!
Vincent Price
for example in work comp (US) an examiner must deal with everything from large medical documents, legal, rehab, managed care, treatment plans and a vast amount of state regulated forms via paper, fax (still) email, digital, video etc
Willem Sellenraad
imagine a 200 page document! and have to read every page first to find key information
Vincent Price
=not just better search capabilities but what about content anayltics!