
Social Selling: Relating
How to relate to decision makers throughout the B2B buying journey.
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Selling: FindingHow can you find business opportunities using social media?
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Selling: EngageHow to engage with decision makers via social media & spot business opportunities.
Q4: What % of #B2B sellers you know are using #socialmedia successfully to relate with customers & prospects?
Kasey Stevens
Ha, probably not enough...
Sandy Rikkers
I don't think I can ballpark a % it's too low. @kaseyastevens is right, not enough do it right...or well
A4: Good question. Most sales people I know are dabbling, with one foot in the *new* world and one in the *old* - cold calling will likely never go away.
Kasey Stevens
...Bueller? ...Bueller?
Denise Bahs
Very little! I find many are having trouble going from broadcasting to engaging and leveraging. That's where our #socialselling class can help. ;)
Sandy Rikkers
@VictoriaBSocial if only those who were die hard cold callers understood how much time they are wasting by not doing the social work and listening.
Kasey Stevens
@VictoriaBSocial Totally the case I see too - half in half out. They are scared to try using social to sell.
Kasey Stevens
@SandyRikkers SO TRUE! Cold calling = Thing of the past for sure.
What's it going to take to get more sellers & marketers on right track with #socialselling?
Paul Krappman
I know some of our clients have increased revenue by $22 million thru #socialselling
And yet, 78% Of Salespeople Using Social Media Outsell Their Peers
Sandy Rikkers
I don't think those half in and half out really give #socialselling half a chance, it's DIFFERENT!
Denise Bahs
@PaulKrappman ha! That says it all really!
Kasey Stevens
Gotta prove there is an ROI, it just takes time, and people are impatient and want instant satisfaction/proof.
Paul Krappman
@VictoriaBSocial That same client, #socialselling devotees outperformed their peers by 198%
Q1: What is the "buying journey"? And how has #socialmedia and internet changed it?
A1: People are better able to educate themselves, thanks to the Internet and sales people can reap the benefits.
Denise Bahs
There are more people in on the buying process now which has elongated the process.
Kasey Stevens
Well, like @VictoriaBSocial's article says - everything starts with search. And what would we do without the internet for that?
@kaseyastevens exactly. i'd be lost without @google.
Agree @kaseyastevens! Buyers are much more informed when talking to vendor for 1st time
Denise Bahs
And, there is soooo much info out there (noise) that it's hard to navigate without the right tools. #hootsuite
Kasey Stevens
Very much so. I can't picture a time I bought something without doing AMPLE research ahead of time.
Denise Bahs
@kaseyastevens do u think research is harder or easier now? :)
Studies indicate 50% to 70% of #b2b buying journey is completed before a vendor is contacted
Kasey Stevens
@denisebahs Research is both easier AND harder. It comes down to credibility of sources.
.@denisebahs research is more accessible to all not just large buyers which makes it better, but not easier
Paul Krappman
A1: The buying journey used to be guided with phone calls and lots of paper.
Kasey Stevens
@denisebahs I'd say that because more people are on the internet giving their 2 cents, sometimes you have to sift through not so great info.
Paul Krappman
Now, #social and #blogs have accelerated the process and surprisingly personalized it more.
Denise Bahs
@kaseyastevens especially harder if one isn't tuned into the social channels.
Also @kaseyastevens, businesses are gaming the system, which makes it hard to identify true reviews vs. canned reviews
Q3: What are challenges #b2b buyers face when making a purchase decision?
Kasey Stevens
There are SO many challenges - buying cycle, executive buy-in, reliability of technology especially with so much innovation.
Denise Bahs
A3: Knowing who to trust. How do I know if a vendor is who they say they are.
Kasey Stevens
@denisebahs Totally agree here. How do I know a product is reliable, but ALSO how do I know the vendor is too!?
Denise Bahs
A3: That's where looking at the scope of their participation in social can be helpful. Do they back it up?
What can businesses do to overcome challenge of building credibility & preference?
Kasey Stevens
If they provide content, set themselves up as a thought leader, provide case studies - shows a value add.
Great advice, @kaseyastevens . Does it work better coming from a brand account or people within organization?
A3: With big budgets involved, no one wants to make a purchasing mistake. I imagine communities like @Spiceworks where developers hang out, would be a good place to throw out a question.
Kasey Stevens
I say both - if from brand, provides brand recognition. If from individuals, you're exhibiting you have SMEs who know what they're talking about.
A3: I'd also suggest asking for references or if you can speak to current/past clients.
Kasey Stevens
@VictoriaBSocial Testimonials can go a long way!
Paul Krappman
A3: Where to start with gathering the info you need.
Paul Krappman
A3: Another big hurdle is cutting through all the marketing fluff.
A3: I hear it's more a team sport these days. Good = spread the decision around. Bad = more time to make a decision.
Moving on to Q2: How do you relate to your prospects through #socialselling?
Sandy Rikkers
A2...listening and being interested in your prospect
A2: Understand what stage of the research process the customer is in, so you can provide the right content.
Paul Krappman
A2: #social helps you find personal "touchstones" that helps you connect on a more "real" level.
Denise Bahs
A2: Looking at the sales process look to see where there are gaps for providing content and fill them in the social channels.
Denise Bahs
For instance, in the early research phase, provide a podcast or blogpost about the benefits of your solution. Tag with the painpoint.
What type of #content do you recommend for relating to prospects? #b2b #socialselling
A2: Timing is key. Completing a journey map with a current customer can help understand what they found helpful.
People like to read case studies and see/hear what worked for others with similar issues/needs. #socialselling
Great point, @VictoriaBSocial! Peer referrals & reviews are top sources for #B2B decision makers.
@PaulKrappman Ask questions like: what motivated you to seek a solution? Where did you search for info? How did you find us and what did we do to earn your trust?
Denise Bahs
A2: get in the head of the prospect and deliver the right info at the right time.
@PaulKrappman the answers to those questions will help you refine your point of differentiation, but also give clues to how to find other good customers.
Paul Krappman
.@VictoriaBSocial Great point... #socialselling starts with listening....then sharing the right info.