
Q4: What % of #B2B sellers you know are using #socialmedia successfully to relate with customers & prospects?

Kasey Stevens
Ha, probably not enough...

Sandy Rikkers
I don't think I can ballpark a % it's too low. @kaseyastevens is right, not enough do it right...or well

A4: Good question. Most sales people I know are dabbling, with one foot in the *new* world and one in the *old* - cold calling will likely never go away.

Kasey Stevens
...Bueller? ...Bueller?
Denise Bahs
Very little! I find many are having trouble going from broadcasting to engaging and leveraging. That's where our #socialselling class can help. ;)

@kaseyastevens Exactly!

Sandy Rikkers
@VictoriaBSocial if only those who were die hard cold callers understood how much time they are wasting by not doing the social work and listening.

Kasey Stevens
@VictoriaBSocial Totally the case I see too - half in half out. They are scared to try using social to sell.

Kasey Stevens
@SandyRikkers SO TRUE! Cold calling = Thing of the past for sure.

What's it going to take to get more sellers & marketers on right track with #socialselling?

Paul Krappman
I know some of our clients have increased revenue by $22 million thru #socialselling

And yet, 78% Of Salespeople Using Social Media Outsell Their Peers

Sandy Rikkers
I don't think those half in and half out really give #socialselling half a chance, it's DIFFERENT!
Denise Bahs
@PaulKrappman ha! That says it all really!

Kasey Stevens
Gotta prove there is an ROI, it just takes time, and people are impatient and want instant satisfaction/proof.

Paul Krappman
@VictoriaBSocial That same client, #socialselling devotees outperformed their peers by 198%