John Furrier24

What can we learn from other mega trends in the past and how that relates to bigdata #hadoop etc

George Gilbert
in the mid- to late-90's #ERP, internet infrastructure sw revenue grew triple digits

George Gilbert
but they all crashed into a wall starting in '98 because customers had bought much faster than they could deploy - some in anticipation of #Y2K

George Gilbert
there is a similar sense today of "fear of missing out" driving #bigdata purchases while the technology is still maturing

George Gilbert
that's what our survey data and research in the #bigdata ecosystem tells us

George Gilbert
for example - between spring '14 and fall '15, those describing their deployments as "successful" has grown from 41% then to 45% now.

John Furrier
So do you see the Hadoop market crashing @hortonworks is releasing earnings today

George Gilbert
part of the push for triple digit but unsustainable growth in the late '90s came from the vendors themselves

George Gilbert
enterprise #software could cost well over 50% of every $ in revenue because of cost of paying expensive sales reps

George Gilbert
the problem of the cost of sales is worse today because #opensource #software doesn't come with the huge upfront licenses that came with software in the '90s

John Furrier
I think hadoop is still messy but the foundational elements are in place now to extend to other systems that should propel growth; what do you think?

George Gilbert
so vendors have an even greater motivation to sell more to the customer than they can absorb in any near term period

George Gilbert
#hadoop isn't a product but rather an ecosystem. parts of that like #yarn and #hdfs are ubiquitous and will be a foundation as the #analytics stack grows and matures

George Gilbert
for customers to get past complexity, we are likely to see convergence of more components

George Gilbert
for example, most #hadoop vendors are placing #apachespark as the core of their #analytics frameworks while keeping the more mature management and admin bits from hadoop

George Gilbert
other vendors like #aws #azure #googlecloudplatform are further simplifying #hadoop and #bigdata #analytics