John Furrier36
Q2: Is unstructured data really that much of a problem for the enterprise?
Jeff Frick
> Problem or Opportunity or Both?
Ashish Palekar
the numbers are staggering - 80% of data is unstructured and doubling every two years
Ashish Palekar
Data from IDC - the question for enterprises becomes how do you manage all this growth
Brian Gracely
@logicalblock can you share some customer examples of companies getting new value or insight out of that data? is it typically machine-generated or human-generated?
Jeff Frick
@logicalblock > What public unstructured data set are enterprises integrating the most?
Jeff Frick
@logicalblock > From exhaust that pollutes to exhaust with potential insight.
George Gilbert
batch processing log data is what first drove #bigdata and #datalake requirements - this was refined via ELT process for #datawarehouse usecases
Ashish Palekar
@bgracely Mix of both - machine generated data is what is causing the volume. Examples abound - analytics to predict how to stock warehouses, genome sequencing, etc
Dave Vellante
@logicalblock our data suggests that unstructured is even higher - over 90% of the data created is unstructured and growing much faster than structured
Ashish Palekar
@dvellante this is an emerging field with data trends changing real time #bigdata
Ashish Palekar
@dvellante would love to see the data - if anything it bolsters the DataLake 2.0 story
Sam Grocott
i am hoping for 100% someday! :)