
The Future of Open Technology
In preparation for OpenStack Summit 2015, we'll discuss open tech and the role of the developer.
   9 years ago
#IBMdojo2015: The Year in Cloud As 2015 winds down, we'll take a look back at the year in cloud, mobile, IoT and open technology.
IBM Cloud
How do you expect open technology to advance in 2016?
Chris Ferris
I'm looking forward to the Cloud Native Compute Foundation getting up and running with a head of steam in 2016
Daniel Berg
I hope that we will see improvements in open network technologies aligning #OpenStack and containers.
Brad Topol
More seamless integration across OpenStack and Cloud Foundry
Todd Moore
New communities will be on line like the CNCF that will wrestle with the container space and more
Brad Topol
@IBMCloud Definitely will see improvements in networking support for containers
IBM Cloud
Here's some background on IBM's role with the CNCF:
Daniel Berg
@christo4ferris Yes...been watching with interest.
Todd Moore
API's will also be in the news. The API economy is heating up. Spec's like swagger are taking hold
Brad Topol
Will also see OpenStack container support (Magnum) improve for Mesos, Kubernetes, etc
Todd Moore
Node.js has grown up into a fantastic technology and I expect to see complimentary technologies become top line projects in that foundation
Jeffrey Borek
Great that OpenStack is Tokyo next week, how do views on open source vary by geography?
Todd Moore
All geographies have broadly embraced OpenStack. 140 countries and 28,000 members
IBM Cloud
First question: What do you think will be the biggest focus for the upcoming #OpenStack Summit Tokyo?
Brad Topol
Improved Neutron Scalability
Todd Moore
Lots fo topics are hot. I'm sure we continue to see a lot of work on how containers can be used
Brad Topol
Improved volume replication and migration support
Chris Ferris
each successive Summit, Containers get more and more attention
Daniel Berg
agree that networking will be a hot topic
Brad Topol
Easier upgrading across versions of Neutron
Brad Topol
Better enccryption support for object storage
Rich Hintz
coordination among projects to improve ability to upgrade and emergence of a long term support distro. Well, I wish.
Todd Moore
Nuetron is hot. The foundation is highlighting to all the membership how important it is
Chris Ferris
I'm also hoping for increased focus on interop and portability - defCore and refStack
Brad Topol
Improved load balancing and autoscaling support for containers in Magnum
Todd Moore
Translation took a big leap with another million words of translation added. IBM played a big role with that
Rich Hintz
@tmmoore_1 Can't help but think that containers, while important, are a distraction while security and networking are still emerging.
Brad Topol
Greater involvement from operators in submitting interoperability testing results to RefStack
IBM Cloud
If you're speaking at #OpenStack Summit next week, tell us your topic and which day you're scheduled.
Chris Ferris
@dancberg Containers Containers Containers
Daniel Berg
@rjhintz I agree about security and networking but I don't agree that containers are a distraction.
Chris Ferris
@dancberg what he said - we need alignment of these things (security and networking) across containers and vms
Rich Hintz
@dancberg They're a distraction in the sense that people can't upgrade in a reasonable time frame (and no curated Long Term Support distro). There're only so many cycles for dev & deploy.
Todd Moore
Lot's of us are speaking for a summary of sessions see what Nate posted in his blog
Brad Topol
I will lead a panel session on federation Wednesday night
Brad Topol
Will also cover federation in the IBM sponsor track wednesday
Todd Moore
but @BradTopol will have a constant crowd looking for him to sign his book
Brad Topol
Will also do a book signing 1-2 on Tuesday at the IBM booth for our new book:
Rich Hintz
@bradtopol is the panel on federation going to be recorded? Especially interested in active-active data replication across unreliable networks
Brad Topol
Yes absolutely will be recorded. If you cant be there plz DM me on twitter your question details
Rich Hintz
@bradtopol Thanks. My question really isn't much more nuanced than what I said. What's possible and what's practical for active-active replication across unreliable (that is, all) networks?
IBM Cloud
How have you seen open technology evolve over the past year?
Chris Ferris
there's been some really tectonic changes in open technology
Rich Hintz
Besides GitHub first and figure out how to monetize, if ever, later?
Chris Ferris
the healing of the Node.js community
Chris Ferris
establishing open governance for the core container technology in Open Container Initiative
Daniel Berg
Greater adoption of open technologies being used in production.
Chris Ferris
big data coming together under ODPI to get agreement on APIs
IBM Cloud
@dancberg Any notable examples?
Kris Vishwanathan
IBM known for Security and Scalability, wondering what are our Open Source efforts in the Security area? are we doing anything in the Open Stack related to secuirty
Jacques Perrault
@dancberg also an evolving risk, without the right license and governance.
Brad Topol
Continues to get broader acceptance and blessing from customers
Chris Ferris
@v2kris yes, we have the PTL for Keystone, and have been driving improvements and new features there for some time
Daniel Berg
there are many such as #IBMBluemix supporting #OpenStack, #Docker, #ELK, and many other open technologies.
Brad Topol
We are doing lots in security! Improved federation
Brad Topol
Swift encryption
Brad Topol
Improved security policy support
Brad Topol
Improved single sign on support
Chris Ferris
Also, I am seeing an increasing trend of open technology adoption by consumers of IT
IBM Cloud
WATCH: Panelist @Christo4Ferris discusses the critical role of open source today —
Sahdev Zala
@v2kris I think IBM was the #1 contributor to OpenStack Keystone in the latest Liberty release
Todd Moore
We see the pace of open source increasing from companies, and our own effort focuses on quality through the newly launched dwOpen
Rich Hintz
Companies are struggling trying to consumer open source. Procurement and support are stumbling blocks.
Todd Moore
The Blackduck survey shows that this is improving and there is a focus on consuming open source in companies. We often have our clients asking for how we do it.
Kris Vishwanathan
Greats inputs on Security, thanks @Christo4Ferris @sp_zala and @BradTopol
Kris Vishwanathan
It is great that we are powering IBM Cloud platform with Open Stack, Docker and Cloud Foundry, Lets compare with some of our major competitors and see where we stand.