Absolutely! Our system provides real-time view of inventory, daily shipments, returns, as well as any fees charged to your account broken down by fulfillment, picking fees, postage, etc.
I have a friend at a non-profit who wants to ship items to event participants--is that something you could help with even if it's just a one-time thing?
Yes, we've done this before, so it's easy-breezy for us, which makes it easy for you! We'll give you an address for your suppliers to ship goods to, your account executive will manage the orders, and voila... a hands-off experience for you!
We are thinking of creating some custom "swag" for our clients with our logo as unique holiday gifts but our list is becoming huge--is that an opportunity with which you could help?
We do all that we can in house before the package leaves here; built-in address validation tool, tracked postage options, and weigh stations that every package passes through to ensure proper postage.