
The Art of Listening in IT
Live, round-table discussion about Hybrid IT.
   9 years ago
#HybriditfilesThe Modern Data CenterLive, round-table discussion about Hybrid IT.
Scott Brindamour
How many companies have community managers? Is this a 2.0 version of the IT Business analysts? Seems like a key role and having them understand the technology is key. Is this a emerging trend that is now a common role?
Katlen Tillman
Scott definitely seeing a lot of community manager, evangelist type of roles in tech companies. CenturyLink Cloud also has meetups to interface with customers
Scott Brindamour
The feedback loop with your users/clients and those that work with your customers is key - know thy customer!
CenturyLink Business
In your business Scott how does that manifest?
John Furrier
Agile is a dev concept but now Agile is going across all value chains
CenturyLink Business
Transparency is an aspect -- to listening and the feedback loop
Scott Brindamour
Providing a vehicle for those on the front line to provide to those that develop your products/solutions/services
Scott Brindamour
And having a vehicle to prioritize, combine and understand the feedack
Scott Brindamour
innovating with the customer is key - great comment Lauren
CenturyLink Business
Customer disruption: Take the disruption, combine it and build the disruption into the process @lcooney
CenturyLink Business
Twitter listening is an area for @Cisco, something done on a personal level by @lcooney -- how many people who are with us today are paying attention to social media for customer feedback?
Scott Brindamour
Seriously using Twitter as a customer feedback loop is interesting.
Crowd Captain
I'm listening to this conversation as we speak
CenturyLink Business
Biggest organic focus group
Jen Hollingsworth
Critical for staying present to the customer/industry voice and predicting future needs/trends.
John Furrier
Twitter is about market signals from audiences who are talking about topics they are interested in
CenturyLink Business
Welcome! where are you joining from today! The Hybrid IT Files team is streaming from Salt Lake City
Sam Kahane
- I am live from Boston! Excited for the #cc
Scott Brindamour
Scituate, MA - South Shore of Baaaaston
Scott Brindamour
Love it - "Disruption is the customer". Technology is the enabler. Nice point Lauren
CenturyLink Business
"Love it - "Disruption is the customer." Technology is the enabler. Nice point @lcooney"
Katlen Tillman
You can't be an effective community manager unless you understand the technology <- absolutely agree Lauren....
Tim Crawford
Listening: Two ears, one mouth.
John Furrier
I pinged a bunch of Cisco Cube Alums to join us ... hope they come esp Lew Tucker
John Furrier
huge echo going on guys
Scott Brindamour
@lcooney @CenturyLinkEnt The concept of "Shadow IT" was created by these IT orgs that standing in the way, and not listening to their users. Great point Lauren
Scott Brindamour
Question - How do you balance being responsive to the customer with staying on path in a strategic direction you are committed to? If you listen to the wrong customer and adapt your roadmap to much your solution may suffer. Any best practices?
CenturyLink Business
Great question -- others in the chat care to weigh in?
CenturyLink Business
Answer- @lcooney You need to keep your strategic direction unless enough of your customers are telling you that's not the right direction, Cisco @ebender Feature requests can in many cases be written by our own customers, so that's an aspect for Fastly
Crowd Captain
Is there any tools or best practices on listening both with technology and human capital process improvements