
Does Blogging Still Matter
With so many B2Bs on the #blog wagon, can our team still benefit from a blog?
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Robin Scharpf
Let's kick this off with Q1: with everyone #blogging, is it still worthwhile for our #b2b team to #blog?
Jerry Overton
more than ever, i think. i run an agile #datascience team and blog posts are a regular deliverable.
Paul Krappman
#Blogging is the one #social tool that allows you to provide real, in-depth info & analysis to your followers
Mimi Murray Meagher
A1: Absloutely worthwile for #b2b to #blog!
Jerry Overton
i often make top #b2b connections through good #blogs: my company-> me-> blogs -> experts -> their company
A1: #Blogs give businesses a way to tell their stories.
Paul Krappman
@JerryAOverton How often are you posting?
Paul Gillin
Do is for SEO if for no other reason.
Brian Gilb
Still relevant for gathering online traffic for #B2B
Jerry Overton
@PaulKrappman about 1x/mo externally, about 1x/week internally to the enterprise
A1: So true, @JerryAOverton and guest blogging is good to get in front of your audience and boost your SEO in a cost-effective way.
Paul Gillin
HubSpot research has shown that once a week is optimal. There is actually no significant benefit from blogging more often than that.
Jerry Overton
@pgillin cool. do you have a link to the research handy?
Mimi Murray Meagher
@JerryAOverton I so often think external, internal is good also!
Jerry Overton
@MeagherMimi many times, it's better than powerpoint, because you get long running digital conversations started.
Paul Gillin
@JerryAOverton Actually, the latest research shows that 2-3 times per week is optimal. This is different from a couple of years ago. http://blog.hubspot....
Robin Scharpf
Let's dig in to @JerryAOverton answer about internal vs external #blog. Why internal blog?
To keep team members informed and excited as they are the best advocates for the company.
Brian Gilb
This can be more technical and increase the awareness of your team
Jerry Overton
its an easy way to start long running digital conversations in the company.
Paul Gillin
Much more interactive and personal than email.
Robin Scharpf
Who are ideal contributors to internal #blog?
@JerryAOverton I like when the blog author keeps the conversation going in the comments.
Paul Krappman
@JerryAOverton That's interesting. Do you find any issues with #shortattentionspan?
Jerry Overton
@Profitecture what are best practices in getting people to post comments?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Building engagement internally. Do you then leverage internal expertice for your external blog?
@JerryAOverton Using provocative questions, for one.
Brian Gilb
Have a question at the end of your blog that evokes them to provide feedback.
Paul Gillin
@JerryAOverton I really like that point. Conversations should be ongoing and open. Another strike against email.
Jerry Overton
@PaulKrappman no the opposite. conversations go on and on because people can join on their own schedule
@JerryAOverton A company needs to have a culture of honesty and transparency if you want people to share openly.
Jerry Overton
@Profitecture yes! and that's a big barrier to blogging in general. people have to get used to public conversations.
Paul Krappman
.@JerryAOverton I suppose you also end up with a self-filtering community so the quality of comments is higher?
Jerry Overton
@PaulKrappman yes and you get a wealth of ideas and connections. ideas lead to more ideas and people actually start volunteering for things!
Paul Krappman
@JerryAOverton "People actually start volunteering for things!?" Now there's the magic bullet! #b2b
Robin Scharpf
Q3: Who are ideal contributors for a #b2b #blog?
Jerry Overton
techies. a blog post is a very effective way to pick up new tech skills-- learn in bite sized chunks
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: Often times it's marketers, but they should leverage #SME's for #B2B #Blog
Paul Gillin
Subject matter experts (tech folks) and top execs.
Brian Gilb
Past clients that can help showcase how effective the blog and the host company is. Helps to get more potential business.
A3: Customers, clients, your CEO & subject matter experts. Anyone who can tell a story about your company. #blog
Paul Krappman
A3: .@pgillin tells a great story about @indium – all of their engineers keep a blog. Huge success.
Robin Scharpf
Agree @MeagherMimi! Too often marketers own #blog; they should feature more sellers, engineers and other #smes
Paul Krappman
.@IBM uses a series of meta-blogs that have content from @ibmpartners, influencers & IBMrs
Jerry Overton
presenters. blogs are great companions to public presentations: drive interest from the prez into offline digital conversation.
A3: If your product/service is technical, get your tech folks talking with others in techy forums like @Spiceworks
Paul Gillin
@PaulKrappman I spoke to Indium a few months ago. They have so many leads that their focus has turned to quality rather than quantity.
Paul Gillin
@GilbBrian Yes, guest posts by customers are great when you can get them. Case studies are also good material.
Robin Scharpf
Q4: What does the future of #blogging look like for #b2b?
Brian Gilb
Places like #Tumblr will have more reach for #B2B
Paul Krappman
We have already seen blogs become ubiquitous in #b2b, but format will continue to accelerate to rich media posts.
Brian Gilb
The #LinkedIn Pulse seems to be more of the platform for blogging now. I see more #B2B blogging moving there as well
A4: Video blogging! How-to demos, videos are easy ways to showcase products and services.
Robin Scharpf
.@PaulKrappman are you suggesting the reader's experience will evolve for #blog?
Jerry Overton
#blogging as innovation catalyst: "outside in" is a powerful way to xform a company. #blog posts jumpstart the process.
Paul Krappman
Yes. The written word is being slowly subordinated to rich media-based posts.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: Leverage your #B2B #Blog on various #periscope the new #Blog?
Paul Gillin
I think shared platforms will become more influential. I'm impressed at how effective the LinkedIn publishing platform is.
A4: Agree with @GilbBrian about shorter form content being more popular in the future and @PaulKrappman about visuals.
Brian Gilb
@MeagherMimi #Vlogging is a bit of a different beast.
Mimi Murray Meagher
@pgillin I love the LinkedIn publishing platform!
Paul Gillin
Anyone run across any great ideas to get subject matter experts involved?
Jerry Overton
@pgillin i have blogs posted in so many places. how do you manage platform sprawl?
Paul Krappman
@pgillin Incentive$...Leads that develop from a #blog post gets them a spiff if a deal closes. #b2b
Robin Scharpf
.@pgillin incentives and setting expectations are needed to get SMEs engaged in #blog
Robin Scharpf
Some #sme's love blogging, but usually a small % so add'l incentives necessary.
Paul Gillin
@JerryAOverton Are they all your own blogs? If so, consider consolidating them, exporting the entries and importing them into one place.
Jerry Overton
i think many SMEs would engage just for the luv of it...if they get proper cover from management.