Robin Scharpf17
Let's kick this off with Q1: with everyone #blogging, is it still worthwhile for our #b2b team to #blog?
Jerry Overton
more than ever, i think. i run an agile #datascience team and blog posts are a regular deliverable.
A1: #Blogs give businesses a way to tell their stories.
Paul Krappman
@JerryAOverton How often are you posting?
Paul Gillin
Do is for SEO if for no other reason.
Brian Gilb
Still relevant for gathering online traffic for #B2B
Paul Krappman
@pgillin Great point.
Jerry Overton
@PaulKrappman about 1x/mo externally, about 1x/week internally to the enterprise
A1: So true, @JerryAOverton and guest blogging is good to get in front of your audience and boost your SEO in a cost-effective way.
Paul Gillin
HubSpot research has shown that once a week is optimal. There is actually no significant benefit from blogging more often than that.
Jerry Overton
@pgillin cool. do you have a link to the research handy?
Mimi Murray Meagher
@JerryAOverton I so often think external, internal is good also!
Jerry Overton
@MeagherMimi many times, it's better than powerpoint, because you get long running digital conversations started.
Paul Gillin
@JerryAOverton Actually, the latest research shows that 2-3 times per week is optimal. This is different from a couple of years ago. http://blog.hubspot....