
6/22 ~ CSC Education
Resources @ CSC | Open Conversation about what CSC offers education wise
   9 years ago
#CSCchatman5/28 Social Media VibesSocial Media @ CSC | Chat about Social Media Practices and uses for the company
J O V.
CSC University is an internal resource tool that consists of what almost seems like an endless amount of online courses and textbooks for us to indulge in. Majority of the courses in the university, if not all of them are applicable to the company&business
Kyle Zellman
CSC Univ has an unbelievable amount of material. It should be noted that CSCers can create courses too. Several of us at TechCom created microcourse that have been uploaded to CSC Univ's YouTube page
Jerry Overton
i'd like to see the list narrowed by my interest. i'ts overwhelming, actually.
Theyaa Matti
This is true, but sometimes it is hard to navigate all those resources inside the university, that is why we have built a tool allowing CSC employees to filter out CSC University resources and quickly access the resources they are looking for.
J O V.
@khzellman Jerry just showed me this and I like what I see so far, I was also unaware that we can create courses for our peers
Jerry Overton
@TheyaaMatti was just about to post the need for better navigation. better ways of getting to just the content i need.
J O V.
Does anyone use the Predictive modeling lab at all ?
J O V.
@JerryAOverton It can definitely use better navigation. Theres too many folders on top of folders on top of folders
Jerry Overton
i think user-created (or selected) education content should be a big deal. maybe even a topic for the next chat?
J O V.
@JerryAOverton This is another upvote in txt form. I agree.
Theyaa Matti
The CSC University team have been promoting it all the time through the entire Company. I believe it got alot of attention since TechCom
Faisal Siddiqi
@JerryAOverton user-created courses could be voted on so we create microcourses for which there is a known demand
Theyaa Matti
We will be working with the CSC University Team to apply analytics to the CSC University to improve its usability throughout the company.
Jerry Overton
@Faisal_Siddiqi yep. agreed. some of that is happening now with what is posted on youtube:
Jerry Overton
@Faisal_Siddiqi but we need to get students also to engage in long-running digital conversations on the course material. that's where the real learning happens.
Sorin Costea
@JerryAOverton and generally speaking, getting people _engage_ in discussions.
Jerry Overton
@sorincos so many times i learn more from the engagement than the actual course.
Sorin Costea
@JerryAOverton hmmm like haveing a C3 course thread for every course, and directly clickable from the course description (and final page and and)?
Faisal Siddiqi
@JerryAOverton good point on the conversations on youtube microcourse videos. If the material is useful, we'll naturally get requests for more info. I see this on my tutorials, but it seems to happen over extended times
Jerry Overton
@sorincos i dunno, something like that. the MOOCs do a really good job of this. we should follow that model.
Faisal Siddiqi
@JerryAOverton Yes - something like that. Possibly because of their serialized format, MOOCs usually setup discussion forums outside the video platform.
Carl R
Would be interesting to see which courses are popular (number of participants, like etc.)
J O V.
What would you tell the 30 new hires that start today from the GGP about the educational resources @CSC ?
Jerry Overton
get a mentor and map out a skills plan
Kyle Zellman
I would first tell them to determine what skills are most important to develop for their role. Managers and mentors can really help here. Once they know that, they should look at CSC Univ, and outside of CSC, to determine a development plan.
Sorin Costea
that "mentoring" thing deserves more form and publicity. around here nobody every heard of it...
J O V.
@sorincos I'm working with the recruiting team on rolling out a more structured mentoring system for the GGP
Jerry Overton
what does everyone think about group participation in a MOOC. a group of us enroll together and keep each other engaged?
Kyle Zellman
love that idea. Would definitely be willing to do that.
J O V.
Do you think enough people know about / utilize CSC University ? What can we do to help improve participation ?
Kyle Zellman
I do think the vast majority of people know about it. But I can't see how to increase participation absent some sort of tangible incentive to do so.
Jerry Overton
give the courses more teeth. tie course completion closer to advancement opportunity.
J O V.
@khzellman @JerryAOverton yeah, like Jerry just said, having the ability to change your Job Title after being successful within the University, being able to show that your in control of your future and education
Kyle Zellman
Yes, that would definitely have an impact. If you can capture a promotion or raise by proving that you are enhancing your skill set, then people will feel motivated to participate.
Theyaa Matti
I believe everyone in CSC should know about it, because it is mentioned in the IDP and was promoted in TechCom.
Jerry Overton
our educational resources should give us the power to xform our day jobs. thoughts?
Sorin Costea
I thought that's why people study in the first place
Jerry Overton
@sorincos yes, but we need it in an official capacity. imagine having the power to change your job description after taking an analytics class.
Sorin Costea
woohoo we're talking MAJOR organisational mindset change here
Jerry Overton
@sorincos absolutely. i would love to see a pilot of this get off the ground and used for internal xformation.
Theyaa Matti
Taking the class is enough to change your job title?
Jerry Overton
@TheyaaMatti not quite, but it should be a tangible step toward xforming your current day job.
Sorin Costea
the job title is only one part of the "job", and one course cannot dramatically change what you're actually doing and/or capable of doing
J O V.
Has Anyone filled out an IDP recently ? and do you feel as though it correlates with CSC University at all because I keep getting mixed responses
Kyle Zellman
It does not correlate imo. Of course one can include CSC Univ courses in your IDP, but it is easy to construct an IDP that includes 0 CSC Univ courses.
Jerry Overton
i keep notes on my individual skills development, but i haven't yet filled out the form -- shame on me.
Sorin Costea
@khzellman I think the question is whether the University contents allows you build a sensible IDP :)
Kyle Zellman
@sorincos Depending on area of study, I think so. Someone in a project manager position could easily build a sensible IDP while someone in analytics may struggle more to build a sensible IDP using just CSC Univ courses
Theyaa Matti
It might, and might not. Some of the skills you would put there might be job related and you might not find enough resources in the CSC University for them as they might be very specific skills.
J O V.
Hello All, the CrowdChat this morning is about the educational resources that CSC provides and positive/negative experiences or difficulties with them
J O V.
Does anyone have any experiences to share?
Jerry Overton
Really liked the micro courses:
J O V.
@JerryAOverton Aw man this needs to be pushed, Ive had so many conversations about the IDP & CSC University, but no one ever mentioned this
J O V.
out of the 7 different topic subjects of the business, which are you most interested in? (Big & Analytics, Cyber Security, Internet of Things, Dev Ops/Automation, Mobility, Cloud, Social )
Kyle Zellman
Big Data and Analytics for sure. Actually creating a couple courses in R at the beginner level. Should be out there sometime in July
Jerry Overton
data-driven business. this is everything from data-driven business strategies to advanced analytic algorithms.
Sorin Costea
I'm more on mobility and devops for that matter. But why the question?
J O V.
@sorincos just curious to see what the peers of the conversation are into and where they're coming from
Theyaa Matti
It is a good idea to know about every one of them and specialize in 1. I am more in Big Data and Analytics