Jeff Frick44

Rob Bearden, CEO @Hortonworks takes the stage at #HadoopSummit

Jeff Frick
"Next generation data architecture evolving because of Hadoop"

Jeff Frick
Shift to the new data architecture is happening in real time
Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks
Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks

Jeff Frick
Underpinning component that has made #Hadoop successful, is #OpenSource
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE

John Furrier
. @JeffFrick Rob Bearden has a spring in his step has that John Chambers vibe going on with the inspirational talk

John Furrier
. @JeffFrick transformation message front and center at #hadoop summit

John Furrier
touching people they can't touch in the past changes a life says United Healthcare this is why this #bigdata is so important

John Furrier
this entire paradign is in its infancy stage; being responsive and agile is the exciting part of using data says United Healthcare

John Furrier
. @prussom says John Wilson, UnitedHealth: #Hadoop #analytics predict which patients won't take meds. We ensure they do so outcome is better

John Furrier
. @merv says Haven’t yet heard what actually happened - what did the analysis do to change patient behavior or interactions to drive it? https://twitter.com/...

John Furrier
. @hortonworks CEO really highlighting the #IoT opportunity; boundless opportunities says Rob Bearden CEO Hortonworks

Jeff Frick
We must provide better tooling (while we innovate), easier of use, more predictability, easier to interact with the tech.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE

Jeff Frick
Customers want to know how much data we can get under management how quickly. How quickly we can bring new paradigm data (click stream, etc.) under management.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE