
Hadoop Summit 2015
Silicon Valley Hadoop Summit 2015 the crowd weighs in on the key conversations at #HadoopSummit
   10 years ago
#HadoopSummitHadoop Summit Social ChatHadoop Summit thought leaders weigh in on key conversations at #HadoopSummit
Jeff Frick
Rob Bearden, CEO @Hortonworks takes the stage at #HadoopSummit
Jeff Frick
"Next generation data architecture evolving because of Hadoop"
Jeff Frick
Shift to the new data architecture is happening in real time
Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks
Jeff Frick
Another architecture didn't have to lose, for #Hadoop to win.
Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
It's opened up a transformation of business models
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
Underpinning component that has made #Hadoop successful, is #OpenSource
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
John Furrier
. @JeffFrick Rob Bearden has a spring in his step has that John Chambers vibe going on with the inspirational talk
John Furrier
. @JeffFrick transformation message front and center at #hadoop summit
John Furrier
touching people they can't touch in the past changes a life says United Healthcare this is why this #bigdata is so important
John Furrier
this entire paradign is in its infancy stage; being responsive and agile is the exciting part of using data says United Healthcare
John Furrier
. @prussom says John Wilson, UnitedHealth: #Hadoop #analytics predict which patients won't take meds. We ensure they do so outcome is better
John Furrier
. @merv says Haven’t yet heard what actually happened - what did the analysis do to change patient behavior or interactions to drive it? https://twitter.com/...
John Furrier
. @hortonworks CEO really highlighting the #IoT opportunity; boundless opportunities says Rob Bearden CEO Hortonworks
Jeff Frick
Yarn changed the game
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
What we can't afford to do now is slow the innovation.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
We must provide better tooling (while we innovate), easier of use, more predictability, easier to interact with the tech.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
We're a big fan of Spark, we fully embrace Spark.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
Customers want to know how much data we can get under management how quickly. How quickly we can bring new paradigm data (click stream, etc.) under management.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
It's going to happen, and happen in a very big way.
- Rob Bearden f/ #Hortonworks #theCUBE
Ariana Gradow
We are like a swiss army knife. Lots of tools that we can offer people. - Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Aerospike VP of Strategy & Market Development Peter Goldmacher live now on #theCUBE from #HadoopSummit 2015. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] Hadoop Summit 2015
Silicon Valley Hadoop Summit 2015 the crowd weighs in on the key conversations at #HadoopSummit
Jeff Frick
Its not just a chess board, but a 3D chess board
- Peter Goldmacher @petergoldmacher f/ #Aerospike on #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
What I find so exciting, is that these technologies are enabling new new things
- Peter Goldmacher @petergoldmacher f/ #Aerospike on #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
When you look at a lot of the technologies, a lot are lower cost alternatives for proprietary software. A lot of it is reaction to what has been 20 years of abuse of the community by vendors - #Aerospike @petergoldmacher on #theCUBE #Hadoop.
Bert Latamore
Companies like MongoDB and Couch – their primary message is we’re an Oracle alternative. The new technology is often better for the applications users want to build - #Aerospike @petergoldmacher on #tdheCUBE.
Bert Latamore
One thing I like about being at Aerospike is rather than we can help you do old things better, most of the applications are in new areas like Ad Tech - #Aeerospike @petergoldmacher on #theCUBE
Ariana Gradow
One of things I like best about being at @aerospikedb is that we can help you do old things better. For Example adtech -@PeterGoldmacher
Ariana Gradow
you beat me to it ;)
Jeff Frick
Speed at Scale
- Peter Goldmacher @petergoldmacher f/ #Aerospike on #theCUBE
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore commodity mkt speed is the advantage
Bert Latamore
It's not clear to me that other than Red Hat the Open Source model is commercially viable for more than a very small number of companies. #Aerospike @petergoldmacher on #theCUBE.
Dave Vellante
@petergoldmacher speaking the truth - most of these open source co's contribute 99% of the code to "their" open source project
Dave Vellante
"If i build it...they will come" - or will they?
Dave Vellante
Most of the big raises turn out that most of the dough goes into sales and marketing
Dave Vellante
Goldmacher says "Cloudera / Hortonworks is 'tomAto tomahto' - not sure which one wins...they are both interesting" - I agree
Dave Vellante
.@furrier correctly points out the issue with in-memory ram vs flash is persistence
Dave Vellante
@petergoldmacher stressing that Aerospike is optimizing for flash/ssd
Bert Latamore
What Spark does because it runs in memory you can put more compute behind it & do what you normally do in Hadoop faster. #Aerospike @petergolmacher on #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
What we do is we have a different kind of database in SSD. Not doing a lot of traditional database operations. Instead of 20%-30% performance improvement we talk about 100% improvement. #Aerospike @petergoldmacher on #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We are not an Oracle alternative -- #Aerospike @petergoldmacher on #theCUBE
Dave Vellante
@petergoldmacher says there are generally two types of co's: 1/ great product, shitty marketing or 2/ shitty product great marketing - he sees Aerospike as the commercial version of websalers
Alex Yost
@dvellante we should talk about that ram vs flash thing :)
Bert Latamore
Talend CMO Ashley Stirrup live now on #theCUBE from #HadoopSummit 2015. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] Hadoop Summit 2015
Silicon Valley Hadoop Summit 2015 the crowd weighs in on the key conversations at #HadoopSummit
Jeff Frick
We're seeing our Hadoop business grow dramatically -
Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Bert Latamore
Hadoop provides tremendous value in cost and performance, but it is still hard to use, says Talend CMO Ashley Stirrup on #theCUBE. That's where tools like Talend come in.
Jeff Frick
What we're focused on is real time -
Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
We have a customer who can have a several hundred million dollar impact, simply by reducing the % of abandoned shopping carts -
Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Bert Latamore
The issue is not just dong the analysis but how do u make it actionable? If you can't act in real time all you can do is measure how much business you are losing says Talend CMO Ashley Stirrup on #theCUBE.
Jeff Frick
One of our financial services customers wants to merge their twitter data with their customer data, to help find fraud
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
Key is to combine the new sources of data (twitter, etc.) with enterprise proprietary data
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
Next step is getting predictive, being able to act on it.
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
#1 thing is the explosion of data
(market drivers)
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
We are providers of a swiss army knife, each company is trying to be unique, innovative
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Jeff Frick
How can GE pull all the sensor data, from the windmills, to schedule maintenance with minimal impact
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Bert Latamore
"Clearly this is a disruptive time, and the people who can take advantage of this to provide new products & services are the ones who will win," #Talend CMO Ashley Stirrum @astirrup on #theCUBE #hadoopSummit #Hadoop.
Jeff Frick
Any data integration developer, can use our tools, and start immediately with Hadoop.
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
Bert Latamore
"There's no question one of the barriers is lack of skills," says #Talend CMO Ashley Stirrup @astirup "Any developer who has been working with Oracle or SQL can take our tools & work with Hadoop." #HadoopSummit
Jeff Frick
Today, we're in preview mode with Spark.
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend
John Furrier
Talend CMO Ashley Stirrup says Spark will be 100% supported in September now it's in preview mode but working
Jeff Frick
Everything you do with Talend is being done directly inside of Hadoop
- Ashley Stirrup @astirrup on #theCUBE
#Hadoop #Talend