
OpenStack Vancouver
OpenStack Kilo and Vancouver Summit 2015 preview
   10 years ago
#openstackOpenStack ConversationsThought leaders chatting all things related to OpenStack
   9 years ago
#openstackOpenStack VancouverOpenStack Summit 2015 three days of chat
Stuart Miniman
Last year's top CrowdChat topic was containers and Docker - will Magnum (new container project) and "container day" be the talk of the show this year?
Alessandro Perilli
I guess so. We are seeing a tremendous interest in containers in Red HAt
Jesse Proudman
It's obvious containers are here to stay, so continuing to discuss them is boring. Container management is the key. Expect that to be discussed.
Gabriel Chapman
with more competition in the container space, it will make the conversation more pointed, unlike atlanta where it was 24/7 docker
Patrick Amor
Yes! Containers are definitely a hot topic. Check out for some background on what is happening in the world of Magnum and Kolla
Ian Wells
@Bacon_Is_King We need to unite containers, VMs and bare metal. They all have their uses, and they're better together
Alessandro Perilli
@blueboxjesse Completely agree. We are spending a lot of time on this topic to be sure that CloudForms governs both VM and containers at the same time
Gabriel Chapman
security remains the roadblock to wider container adoption, I'd like to see a good panel from the various providers on how they plan to address it
Duane DeCapite
Kolla is also of interest for service containers
Stuart Miniman
@Bacon_Is_King I expect to hear about that at #DockerCon - not sure about OSS
Erich Morisse
@Bacon_Is_King here's a head start on containers and security from Red Hat https://securityblog...
John Furrier
. @stu I expect that containers will "rocket" up fast
Alessandro Perilli
@Bacon_Is_King Check out https://securityblog... for some thoughts on container security
Stuart Miniman
@furrier nice - we've got @brianredbeard @lynxbat and more on #theCUBE to talk containers
@Bacon_Is_King I believe that there is a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt being expressed by users and leveraged by some vendors. I feel it's mostly a matter of educating users regarding the threat model.
Stuart Miniman
What are people most excited about or open questions they want answered in Vancouver?
Alessandro Perilli
I guess it's always the usual question: is OpenStack ready for enterprise adoption?
Ian Wells
I'm looking forward to the #OPNFV sessions on Monday.
AWS API :) //ducks
Alessandro Perilli
I have a packed agenda of Red Hat customers that want to meet and discuss that very topic
Ian Wells
@lan_wan_ian A motivated bunch of end users who are getting together to solve their problems with OpenStack
Stuart Miniman
@giano what would your title be if you were writing this today http://blogs.gartner... ?
Stuart Miniman
Here's the Wikibon post on OpenStack entering its Second Epoch http://premium.wikib...
Stuart Miniman
@cloud_opinion will @randybias appear if we say AWS API 3 times in a row?
Erich Morisse
what are the next rough edges operations want to see smoothed
I think there are still a lot of open questions around containers. Magnum is still very new, unknown, and unadopted. The pessimists will question how many more summits remain (either for themselves or overall).
Duane DeCapite
OpenStack as a Strategy for Future Growth session on Monday
Randy Bias
Sure, but tweets will be delayed. I'm on a plane over Nevada somewhere...
Patrick Amor
There will be a good session on Thurs 9am about Magnum and its future goals.
Leo Leung
- one question I have - where does Manila stand
Patrick: the questions about Magnum aren't just "what is it" and "where is it going", but "will it execute?", "is it the *right* thing?". I don't think we can know that just yet.
Randy Bias
@blueboxjesse The latest work on the EC2 API by Cloudscalers is quite good. If we had more people working on it, it would be amazing.
Jesse Proudman
@randybias Agreed. Need to get more support from other orgs there.
Alessandro Perilli
:) new title would be "Why OpenStack is not adopted as fast as it could"
Patrick: I say that as someone involved in the founding of Magnum, and not as a slight. It's just that there are bets being made against unknown variables. The open question: the right bets? Does it matter? etc.
Alessandro Perilli
And by that, I mean that there's a lot of things that OpenStack could and should do better to simplify enterprise adoption. It's complexity remains overwhelming, unreasonably so.
Patrick Amor
@ewindisch For sure, (practicing my Canadian there) Magnum is but a toddler now but it's growing fast and moving in the right direction in my opinion.
I really want to see the community and the foundation reorganize for innovation and community, not just who pays the most money or hires the right engineers. Individuals should be able to have an effect, too.
Ian Wells
@ewindisch It might not be the last bet we make but we have to keep betting to find the right answer.
@lan_wan_ian sure, it's just an answer to what are the open questions. The problem is that OpenStack bets like an enterprise, not like a startup, so the risks and stakes are often higher than they should be. IMHO
Ian Wells
@ewindisch It's a mindset. Always remember if you want to innovate you don't have to do it on the curated trunk or even in an existing project - Magnum is a good example of that, in fact.
Gabriel Chapman
With this event slated for up to 7k attendees, are we starting to get towards PeakOpenStack? I fully expect this to be the largest customer/end user attended show yet.
Erich Morisse
just getting started. Wait until wide spread production deployments.
Stuart Miniman
my question is how many are builders of OpenStack vs users? Last year was dev and vendor heavy, will the users and operators be there?
Gabriel Chapman
looks at CF Summit this year, much larger mix of end users compared to last. My impression is that each OSS swings the mix towards the End User/Builder
John Furrier
I'm expecting lots of real meat on the bone
I do expect lots of curious end users to be there...
Ian Wells
@stu Frequently in OpenStack, devs and users are one and the same.
Erich Morisse
idea - user:dev attendence ratio as a measure of technology maturity
Stuart Miniman
@lan_wan_ian dev is the new ops (I'll duck and cover now)
Ian Wells
@stu It's just an excuse for the ops people to get bigger monitors ;)
Gabriel Chapman
I will say the OpenStack meetups are getting large attendance, LA/SF are both close to 80-100 attendees.
Alessandro Perilli
@stu which is great. But what about all the experience that "traditional" ops have and devs still have to gain?
Jesse Proudman
We're seeing growth in operators, vendors, and end users at every Summit. We're far from Peak OpenStack.
@stu I have to say I was surprised at the turn-out for the Ops summit. The feel in the room, the participation, etc. was very different than the other mid-cycles.
Gabriel Chapman
Curious about the impact of Managed Open Stack offerings like Metacloud vs the packaged distros like Mirantis/Redhat/Piston etc in terms of gaining adoption/implementation
Jesse Proudman
There should be no question: Managed OpenStack will win out in the majority (quantity) of vendor led deployments. Software distributions are the wrong approach for this technology.
Alessandro Perilli
@blueboxjesse I wouldn't be so sure. Market is never black or white, and there is political, cultural, organisational issues that constrain a company from going managed.
Patrick Amor
It's evolution. Some people can hunt, some pay others to hunt! Not all customers have the skillsets in house to stand up clouds and are willing to let others do it on their behalf. Probably just another sign of maturation of the offering.
Jesse Proudman
@giano Hence the qualifier of quantity. Distributions have their place. I just disagree that they're the right approach for the majority of deployments.
Alessandro Perilli
@blueboxjesse It will be like for everything else: different tools solve different problems. You are not going to do all your home maintenance with a hammer, are you?
Randy Bias
I think we are near peak OpenStack and hence my State of the State preso will cover what that means. Be there.
Gabriel Chapman
Distros grant flexibility and customization, managed offers faster route to market and less customer pain. It will be interesting to see what hand-off rates look like and the time it takes to happen for managed groups