
Let's Talk Maximo 76!
Bursting with NEW features-Join us to get YOUR questions answered on the STELLAR Maximo 76 release!

Welcome! Please let us know if there are any future chat topics you are interested in! #maximo76

Pam Denny
Q8: Do you have understanding of Cognos products/features in #maximo76?
Pam Denny
There is direct entitlement to the Cognos BI Server products, along with enhanced meta data creation (cognos packages) and delivered reports and workspaces. YEA!
Pam Denny
Lots of demo recordings here
Dave Gasdia
Great way to easily analyze Maximo data!
Neil Mallia
By the way, went through this youtube channel a few days ago...seems great! Well done and thank you
Pam Denny
Excellent Neil! Thank you for the feedback!
Dave Gasdia
Great to hear! Pam put lots of work into these
Bill Murphy, PMP, CMRP
We do not use Cognos.
Pam Denny
Q4: Will some of the new Ad Hoc features in #maximo76 reduce your number of custom reports?
Pam Denny
Oh....I LOVED this question! : )
Dave Gasdia
I love Ad Hoc reports!
Bill Murphy, PMP, CMRP
not sure - can you remind us of some the new ad hoc features?
Brian Baird
I love developers who own their product!
Pam Denny
In 76, you can add calculations to reports, add summaries and apply preview limits for performance improvements
Pam Denny
There are lots of demo recordings on 76 ad hoc at our new You Tube Site
a lacy
I wish I could say our users will run with it....BUT.....I know I will use it.
Kim Woodbury
When I presented at MUWG people liked being able to use the Adhoc as a foundation for other 'full' Birt reports...
Neil Mallia
Is it possible to use Non-Persistent fields in reports?
Pam Denny
No -- Reports only use persistent fields
Stacey Miller
The #maximo76 You Tube site is full of great information.
Bill Murphy, PMP, CMRP
the calculations will reduce some. But I see it as more likely that the use of the ad hoc reports will grow greatly. I also see the performance improvements as a big plus, like limits and more reliable job cancellation.
Neil Mallia
Is there a best practice on what should be done when we need to show a Non-Persistent field on a report?
Brian Baird
@ neil, I have used scripting to persist non-persistent values into custom attributes for reporting
Tom Sarasin
Since Reports don't use non-persistent field, you could do a script to move the NP field value to a new persistent field
Tom Sarasin
Brian you type faster than me
Pam Denny
typing battle!!
Neil Mallia
But if the calculation has to be done on load (for example due to meter readings) changing a persistent field will ask the user to save the changes when moving away from the document, even if he changed nothing himself. or am I wrong?
Tom Sarasin
Haven't done that specifically but I think your right
Pam Denny
Q2: Are you planning an upgrade to #maximo76? If so - when?
Brian Baird
HS&E will drive the timeline
Pam Denny
Excellent! Anyone else?
Bill Murphy, PMP, CMRP
Scheduled to begin Q1 2016
Pam Denny
Excellent! Another Q1 1016 upgrade!!!
Danny Gammon
@gammonfb Probably Q1 or Q2 2016.
joellyn carpenter
as soon as we can get it setup correctly
Pam Denny
If you need any info on the upgrade - please let us know.
Bill Murphy, PMP, CMRP
Is Calibration Industrial Solution 7.6 available yet?
Kim Woodbury
I've seen at least 40 different organizations have called in to ask support 7.6 questions...that's a great sign
Brian Baird
Has anyone developed a look/feel differences doc to help us train?
a lacy
We are. We have already attempted 7.6 MT install but are having problems. We would like to upgrade to 7.6 very soon - perhaps the Q4 2015 and install MT by the end of June.
Pam Denny
Also remember there is the 76 preview site available - the link is on this chat
Dean La Porte
@alacy88 Lacy - where have you been hitting the problems?
Kim Woodbury
@bgbaird - I know there is a lot of the new look/feel in the what's new guide...don't think there is specifically a differences doc...
Stacey Miller
@alacy88 Interloc just completed a successful 7.6 upgrade with MT.
a lacy
@Dean_LaPorte Our biggest problem has been getting 7.6 connected to DB2.
Dean La Porte
@alacy88 Do you mean direct access to DB2? It is different than in non MT. Would you like to discuss this on a call?
a lacy
@Dean_LaPorte that would be fantastic.