
Retail Digital Readiness
Exploring what ‘Retail CEOs’ are talking about driving digital readiness.
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#IBMRetailChatRelevant, Responsive RetailingIBM Retail Chat
IBM Retail
Q3 - Retailer’s digital infrastructure for an omni channel world - what does that look like?
Brian Kilcourse
That’s the $60,000 question! It’s a world that empowers “the visibilities” in real time: for inventory, product, customer, and order data. These visibilities must be across the enterprise - viewable in any selling channel.
Stephen Laughlin
All retail will be online regardless of channel @ibmretail
Brian Kilcourse
That’s why a network-centric (or “cloud”) IT infrastructure and application delivery model is so important.
Shona Eliason
One that is agile, flexible, secure and quick to develop and deploy. #Cloud is the nexus of dramatic #innovation: @ibmretail
Stephen Laughlin
Thus the infrastructure must support the digital experience across channels @ibmretail
Brian Kilcourse
The days of retailers’ highly distributed operational data and applications are numbered.
Ralph Jacobson
A3: @ibmretail What does #omnichannel infra CURRENTLY look like?! A bowl of spaghetti with hundreds of legacy apps! Need to Cleanse!
Vish Ganapathy
It looks like an infra connected via a "glass pipeline" that is designed to share info/data/functions easily. After all rebuilding from scratch is expensive @ibmretail
Erik Bergeman
I think it is different over time. For instance, it might look like a hybrid cloud for the next 3 years and as more workload moves it become more cloud centric.
Vish Ganapathy
In some sense, our systems need to get "social", i.e. collaborate with each other better so that the experiences get more seamless ;-) @ibmretail
Shannon Wu-Lebron
One that involves multiple players in and outside of the retailer itself. One that can evolve quickly
Shona Eliason
One that keeps up with accelerating pace of #technology change while also supporting critical day-to-day business needs @ibmretail
Erik Bergeman
Biggest issue I hear from the actual omnichannel doers is how do I move data in that "Social" infrastructure without it taking 6 weeks and a "project"
Hybrid yes.. but distributed in the Apps design as well
David Fehm
New omnichannel architecture should simply be: any UI/accesspoint/Channel -- connects to Services
Wyatt Urmey
More sensors, more analytics of machine data and social data to find the precise moment of interest, need and opportunity to delight customer
Aditya Vijay Athanki
It gives a single version of the truth - check the Q&A with Shannon:
Patricia V Waldron
Retailers realize it's #mobile ONLY but still not investing - especially since avg sales via smartphones grew 87% in 2014 over 2013 and sales via tablets grew 52% per @Forrester
always on architecture, that is patchable without taking it down - bit like changing the engine while flying the plane
Wyatt Urmey
Branding and lovely functional design driving UX and store environment that is seamless on or offline
IBM Retail
Q4 - Data security is a big exposure in a digital world. How can CEOs keep their organizations fully secure?
Shona Eliason
#Security requires an ongoing disciplined, systematic strategy, with constant vigilance, from technology to individuals throughout the #enterprise. @ibmretail
Karen Lowe
First…Embed security on Day One. This new era of retail is a chance to do it right. Engage early and mandate security in cloud, mobile, social and big data& analytics initiatives.
Brian Kilcourse
It starts with having a security and privacy policy, #1! We were surprised in benchmark study that we conducted last year that less than 1/5 or our retail respondents thought such a policy was “very important”, and even less had implemented on
Ralph Jacobson
"fully secure" would be Nirvana. In the near term, leverage the best tools to stay ahead of the threats!
Shannon Wu-Lebron
it's not possible to keep things "fully" secure. However, making data and infrastructure security a high priority is a first step. Assigning dedicated budget, resource and a CISO for example
Some retailers still have traditional mindset on security ie. we sell stuff through store so it is ok as long as the store is secure
Brian Kilcourse
Secondly, make it a BOD issue - we live in risky times and there are a lot of “bad guys” out there who are actually very good IT'ers
Vish Ganapathy
Layer security via multiple layers/zones, plan to be breached and prepare for how you'd respond. There is no "full" security, but there is minimized risk of exposure. @ibmretail
Erik Bergeman
Right or wrong I don't think most CEOs think a lot about keeping their organizations fully secure. I think SteinHafel was pretty surprised at Target
Prakash Mohapatra
securing customer personal data will be key for retailers
Aaron S Carman, CPDS
Stick to what it is that has made them successful and to "rent" that part of their business to a company that has the tools, resources to protect their most valuable assets ... their customers data.
Brian Kilcourse
There has to be a focal point for responsibility within the company - a CSO, and that person’s efforts have to be well funded.
Stephen Laughlin
I fear that retailers are not taking this risk seriously or urgent enough @ibmretail
Aditya Vijay Athanki
IBM offers a new way to think with a multi-layered approach to security - - #IBMRetailChat
Wyatt Urmey
Be proactive. CISOs need to be thinking about the coming threat as much as the one in the headlines
Brian Kilcourse
The comany MUST have a policy and procedures for a breach if/when one does occur. It’s painful to see how companies stumble in the face of a breach.
Karen Lowe
good point @briankilcourse CEO’s should also prepare for the inevitable by creating a coordinated response plan and incident response team
Brian Kilcourse
Last, choose the best partners to help make you secure and keep you secure.
Karen Lowe
@wulebron Well said, Shannon!
Vish Ganapathy
@IBMWatson has a huge role to play in security. Given the propensity for hackers to share/distribute information via unstructured forms. The cognitive aspect can be huge in predicting (and learning from) breaches @ibmretail
Stephen Laughlin
They all say they do, they are working on it, but this scares me @ibmretail #ibmretailchat
Brian Kilcourse
typo alert:" s/b < 50%
Aditya Vijay Athanki
With consumers sharing more personal data in exchange for deals, data security is key
Erik Bergeman
@vishRetail Hmm hadn't thought of that there is a lot of information out there Its a little like the terrorist threat. If we can be specific to the threat and predict when and where maybe the Retail organization would take it seriously.
Ralph Jacobson
The rise of the "ethical hackers" is a great opportunity for companies to leverage
Patricia V Waldron
@karenannlowe No matter what you do, it's never enough, so being prepared to respond to an inevitable attack is a necessity
proactive monitoring and action, rather than being reactive
Also IBM X-Force/SIEM could be a good tools for proactively working against hacking