
06/09 CSC Tech Town Hall
TechCom review, tech strategy highlights and transformation next steps
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk04/14 CSC Tech Town HallDiscuss where we're coming FROM in the last phase of the Tech Transformation & where we're going TO.
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk07/09 TechTalk SoundbitesGetting where you want to go - Development Insights from CSC Distinguished Engineers
Dan Hushon
Why don't more @csc ers come to @crowdchat at 70 participants we're 0.01% of population.... hmmm
David Fogarty
brains aren't at their best at 11pm!
Kyle Zellman
I think there's a massive lack of awareness of these sessions outside of the technology community
Dan Hushon
@davejem but 11pm and a glass of ? and sometimes the tongue get's loosened up?
Jerry Overton
lots of viewing, not a lot of typing, though.
Bob Donnelly
Wish we could count lurkers. More could be reading.
Carl R
Can we be sure they know they take place; perhaps we need to make more noise about them
Stu Downes
using traditional calendar invitations may help, one co-worker only spotted the twitter activity and asked me what was happening.
Lisa Braun
@khzellman Agree it's awareness. Will work on that! @heatherswall
David Fogarty
water, of course :)
Chris Fangmann
@danhushon Dan, talking about impatience: What can we in the regions do to accelerate MWS rollout?
Dan Hushon
stay tuned, we are piloting our first region now
Ganesh Swaminathan
Energize, Engage and Evangelize the tech community
Chris Fangmann
@ganeshwrite agree, but leads to more we need to respect limits
Ganesh Swaminathan
Engage and work with account delivery teams directly - where rubber meets the road
Daniel Angelucci
@ChrisFangmann, I've told all our solutions and architecture teams that they are in the lead. They are the co-owners of the relationship with the customers with our sales teams. Don't be quiet if you have a better way! #csctechtalk
Chris Fangmann
@dangeluc you know quiet is not my style ;-)
Dan Hushon
@dangeluc cannot agree more.. all of us have carried a bag for a sales guy only to have the client look to the technologist for the answer that they "believe"...
Daniel Angelucci
@DanHushon Best part about telling the technical teams that they are in the lead is they are now more motivated than I have ever seen them. They are ready to walk through walls. #csctechtalk
Chris Fangmann
@dangeluc Now we need to make sure the tech teams feel empowered to bypass internal road-blocks - getting better, but we're not there yet
hayley smith
not there yet but a hell of a lot closer than before - TechCom helps to bring the community together and take down the road blocks
Daniel Angelucci
Getting past the road blocks is where I come in. If I can't win an internal battle of principle around technology, I should probably find another job. :) #csctechtalk
Dan Hushon
long rooted cultures are hard to break until you have evidence that different = better!
Ganesh Swaminathan
Customers are more than ready and keen to collaborate in this. They see the real value
Rich Reba
we have a Technology Decision Committee meeting today - reminder that the TDC is there as an escalation channel for our tech teams as one way to make sure they are empowered
Chris Fangmann
@richrebajr I'll be late due to customer call but will join
Jerry Overton
Msg to the Data Community: any burning/cool issues we should add to our agenda (
Dirk Withake
What about analysing digital communication flows within project teams? Goal is to find out what differentiate successful projects in terms of communication and collaboration from unsuccessful ones.
Dirk Withake
Could be used to settle question if single-tasking/fully dedicated teams have advantages compared to multi-project team members...
Jerry Overton
@dwithake absolutely, but we a data source to get us started.suggestions?
Dirk Withake
Could be used to identify pockets of communication-wise neglected stakeholders maybe in real-time
Rich Reba
@dwithake what else can we be doing to accelerate the use of Agile delivery styles across the company?
Dirk Withake
start with using meta data of mail files (certainly needs user permission) to build a network model of communication. then maybe add twitter, C3, etc.
Dirk Withake
I have tried to do this in a very amateurish way few years ago, but could share what I did back then. Was based on a project I did as hired-gun PM for Disney...
Daniel Angelucci
@richrebajr We need to differentiate between Decision Makers and Decision Contributors and get people to start thinking in terms of Risk rather than Process. Not easy, but absolutely has to be done. #csctechtalk
Dirk Withake
@richrebajr Focus on value description. One thing I noticed on a lot of boards was that they were very task-oriented. We need to put some work in having real user stories with value statements and then link tasks to them...
Stu Downes
data analysis to show a hypothesis that I have that the design of a place and the value of the interaction directly correlates with the likelihood of people commuting or travelling. Prove which places people work in best for specific tasks
Sorin Costea
everybody I met so far, including at TechCom struggles A LOT with the concept of "testing a hypothesis". Measures to take, everyone can come up with some ideas. But testing them?? Aieee... so what can be done about this?
Dirk Withake
@swdownes yep, might test hypothesis what the impact of distributed (off-or nearshore) via co-located agile teams is and how to use this in improving our estimation sheets for agile projects.
Jerry Overton
@sorincos 1) keep the hypothesis to it's minimum viable form...
Faisal Siddiqi
We're designing a data driven user experience framework that responds to aggregated user interaction logs. Could be a cool item to address to the Data Community
Jerry Overton
@sorincos 2) start w/testability in mind...
Jerry Overton
@sorincos its the same mindset you have to have w/test-driven development. takes thought, but worth it.
Rich Reba
@sorincos I think maybe to @dwithake earlier point - we need to get good at stating our hypotheses. For example, INVEST principles for stories (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable)
Dirk Withake
Sticking with the agile project team locations hypothesis: There is not a strong correlation between number (and geographical distance) of project team location and project success (in form of DCM).
Jerry Overton
@richrebajr also need to differentiate between task and hypothesis. we tend to be task-oriented. there is a difference.
Sorin Costea
I believe the problem is rather the mindset - one must internalize that all measures must align with a strategic goal (whatever the context is) AND must confirm/infirm it.
Rich Reba
@sorincos In a sense each User Story is a hypothesis (GIVEN circumstance WHEN user does something THEN result happens WHICH has expected benefit)
Kyle Zellman
@Faisal_Siddiqi That sounds awesome. Would love to hear about it. The community is meeting at 11am EDT tomorrow if you want to join.
Dirk Withake
Direct valuable outcome of this hypothesis test would be if we should invest in distrbitued agile teams or better push for co-located teams....
Sorin Costea
@richrebajr perfectly true - one must be fully aware of these three stages. And I argue, it's not :)
Rich Reba
@dwithake Due to our scale it seems to me we should aspire for excellence in both: co-locate when possible, but still be effective when not possible.
Sorin Costea
@richrebajr So I have a hypothesis here: our colleagues don't get the WHEN/THEN/WHICH. Now what can I do to confirm or infirm that...
Jerry Overton
@richrebajr good point. closest we've come so far are efforts to be aggresively agile.
Jerry Overton
@sorincos know the behavior you want. do an A/B test. seriously, lets queue that one up and try it.