Rich Reba23
so, wide open to feedback on all of this - want to make sure we're responsive to the needs of our clients and of the company. Thoughts on the next phase of our technology transformation?
Sue Cronizer
I like the idea of tying it to people's day jobs but it's also important to pull from those that might have alternative perspectives for specific aspects of the TT
Soren Helsted
I would like to see a phase that really change how we work and gives a big impact to the company and the employees
Rich Reba
@sorenhelsted Good news here is I think by aligning the "day jobs" across the technology community on accelerating our ability to enable key technology shifts for our clients we will accelerate our own growth.
Jerry Overton
love the idea of delivering in smaller chunks: a portfolio of agile experiments.
Soren Helsted
I agree that that should be a main differentiator and am looking forward to seeing that work
Jerry Overton
would like to see an inventory of accomplishments from one central source.
Rich Reba
@scronizer yes - one example of where we've had incredible success with engaging the broad perspective of our tech community is "minute polls" - we ask participants to take 30 seconds to think and 30 seconds to respond - response rates are as high as 50%!
Dan Hushon
@scronizer to your points on day jobs... still many roles for challengers and supporters
Tom McSweeney
I'd actually like to see less reliance on aligning by "day jobs" and more alignment best on interest
hayley smith
@danhushon People transformation is the biggest transformation yet
Helen Jones
The Challenger role is one we need to focus on this phase - sometimes tricky to balance inclusion in team with meaningful challenging of ideas...
Sue Cronizer
like this crowd chat - pulling from people who would not normally engage in a closed environment is key
Faisal Siddiqi
A pitch for our AEC Communications objective that enables and encourages communication by our experts with External and Internal communities. Architects and Engineers - please contact me or see the AEC C3 group :-)
Soren Albeck
tying to dayjobs could limit engagement. would like to set stretch-goals
Rich Reba
@sorenalbeck I see how it can be limiting, but I also would ask everyone in our tech community as they are doing their job to pick their head up and connect with others who can help you deliver value that much better - our clients expect it!
Martin Lee
@JerryAOverton Paul mentioned this in other thread, need to be able to experiment in smaller chunks with OK for failures to speed agility