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IBM Social Business
Q2: Should organizations focus on understanding their employees better? Or their customers?

Chris Heuer
thinking either/or is a false choice, which is part of the problem @IBMSocialBiz need more #holistic approach
Leerom Segal
Q2 @IBMSocialBiz Yes. By rejecting the notion that it’s people, are interchangeable resources and eliminating one-size-fits-all solutions, decoded companies understand people better and personalize their processes, policies, and tools to the individual.
Jay Goldman
.@chrisheuer false dichotomy for sure. You can't win with either of them as the single focus.
Casey Lucas
A2: @IBMSocialBiz - Absolutely both!! Without a doubt, they're equally important!!
Leerom Segal
In a similar way to how Amazon, Facebook, Google, and other consumer companies have decoded our preferences to personalize our experiences; Decoded companies use the same big data techniques to understand their own people & curate experiences
Chris Heuer
a2: its really about people as @leeromsegal says - regardless of their title, role or perceived position in the market
Jay Goldman
Q2 I'd say it's a question of which one you focus on first, not to the exclusion of the other. @IBMSocialBiz
Wayne Hendry
@chrisheuer Agree 100%! People (employees and customers) are your greatest asset and source of ROI!
Chris Heuer
a2: as I explained in my Ignite talk at #IBMAmplify engagement must be understood and planned across every relationship of an organization
Jay Goldman
A2 We talk in the book about @vineetnayar's employee first perspective. Similar approach. @IBMSocialBiz
Jay Goldman
A2 @chrisheuer very true. Too many companies focus only the external side though. Internal relationships are equal if not more important.
Chris Heuer
@jaygoldman and the chicken/egg problem can become the challenge here, as you end up never being truly complete with understanding and supporting one, so some don't get to even thinking about the other - so customers often win the ceo's attention more
Daniel Davis
Are there fundamental differences (in approach or otherwise) in understanding employees vs. understanding customers?
Wayne Hendry
@leeromsegal Oh I like this as understanding engagement is huge!
Jay Goldman
.@danielkdtwt you can use a lot of the same approaches and technology. We talk about #DigitalBodyLanguage — the bits are different internally but the theory is the same.
Chris Heuer
@danielkdtwt one of the differences is naturally in regards to motivation and reward for the level of #engagement
Jay Goldman
.@ideakid88 hiring the right people and keeping them engaged is the single most strategic thing that leaders can do
Daniel Davis
It seems that orgs have also been collecting (or trying to collect) data on customers for a long time now, but only recently have they been moving beyond performance reviews to collect data on employees.
Chris Heuer
@danielkdtwt another thing to think about is the alignment of purpose and passion - if the org is made up of people only concerned with the paycheck and aren't actually a potential customer, its harder for them to understand each other
Leerom Segal
The companies that invest in understanding #DigitalBodyLanguage can thereby reduce bureaucracy and that allows them to execute and evolve faster
Chris Heuer
@danielkdtwt more companies are starting to hire from their existing customer base (I hope to see even more doing this soon)
Daniel Davis
@chrisheuer I hadn't heard of that practice! That's really interesting actually, and adds a whole new dynamic to the company-customer relationship!
IBM Social Business
Q8: How can organizations use social collaboration to manage a global workforce?

Jay Goldman
A8: all collaboration is really social collaboration :) @IBMSocialBiz
Chris Heuer
a8: @IBMSocialBiz all collaboration should inherently be social. the fact it was not, is THE problem
Leerom Segal
Q8 @IBMSocialBiz Take email for example. E-mail is the ultimate faster horse. It is simply a digitized memo. It gives people the illusion that they are moving faster, while it's a ultimate tool to let others re-prioritize your day for you.
Jay Goldman
A7 people in different offices or geographies often collaborate only on work but lose all the weak signals that come through the richer social channels. Adding social forms deeper relationships that drive collaboration @IBMSocialBiz
Chris Heuer
most importantly, HR needs to realize collaboration systems are in their purview - empowering employees job#1
Jay Goldman
.@chrisheuer selecting a collab system should be a collaboration itself, between HR/IT/and business units. No one group can assess enough of the requirements to choose for the whole business.
Leerom Segal
By drastically reducing email, we can reduce your interruptions & increase your flow (ability to keep focused). It wasn’t long ago when people used to rely on email to organize events and send photo albums, but Facebook solved this @ home.
Chris Heuer
a8 social collaboration definition: systems for communicating and creating that are open, accessible, integrated
Wayne Hendry
@jaygoldman Yes and return on collaboration is so much more than ROI!
John Furrier
I'm biased but setting up ad hoc group conversations in real time is great way to get things rolling
Jay Goldman
@furrier if only there was some great, web-based tool for doing that
John Furrier
the tools that are cloud based that can integrate well like Slack are great too
Daniel Davis
I still find email useful for certain types of communication, but let's face it, nobody wants to receive a 10MB file over email, nor to have to forward that same file. More, smarter, easier collab tools are going to make life way better.
John Furrier
@danielkdtwt email is great but not preferred for younger consumers; integrated messaging is a hot topic; I find I use DMs a lot recently
Daniel Davis
@furrier Yes, knowing the preference of the person you're communicating with is really important!
John Furrier
@danielkdtwt contextual and real time are my fav topics bc this will great acute conversations/transactions; email is system of record like but systems of engagement are real time
IBM Social Business
Q4: How important is it for managers to provide feedback to their team on a continual basis instead of quarterly or annually?

Chris Heuer
so many people think this is a #Millennial thing, but its a human thing. only way for us to improve is together
Casey Lucas
A4: @IBMSocialBiz - I think feedback is great. It makes me feel like they really understand our business / accounts, etc...
Leerom Segal
Q4 Very important. We believe performance reviews are a relic from our agrarian roots. We believe in 1x1's weekly that are data driven.Top performers have coaches whispering in people’s ears so they can make minor course corrections.
Jay Goldman
A4: part of this is what we call the #RuleOf5Degrees. If you set out from harbor on a boat and you're 5° off course, it's easy to correct early but very, very hard the further you go @IBMSocialBiz
Daniel Davis
A4. Regular 1:1s have always felt more natural and useful to me. When you only meet quarterly or annually, it feels forced and artificial. It also feels to late to do anything about the past and too vague to be useful for the future.
Jay Goldman
.@chrisheuer it's the only way we actually learn! Human nature. We need feedback.
Chris Heuer
one of the differences between being a manager and a leader is realizing that developing your people is the #1 priority
Wayne Hendry
@chrisheuer Thank you Chris! Relationships are human - you don't schedule a quarterly meet with your friend so why do it with your team.
Jay Goldman
A4 also, very important that feedback is separate from compensation conversations @IBMSocialBiz
Jay Goldman
.@chrisheuer the only thing that might be more important is hiring the right people in the first place, but otherwise agreed
Leerom Segal
we also have other feedback loops, including our dashboards being dynamically updated against goals, as well as social tools that allow people to recognize/thank each other, it is a more merit-based approach to reputation management.
Leerom Segal
would also highlight that who you promote signals to the organization what behaviors to emulate. As such, it is another form of feedback to everybody and as such, promotions need to be very data driven as well.
Jay Goldman
A4: @leeromsegal is pointing to the need for feedback outside of meeting with your leader — self-service feedback can come from data
Daniel Davis
@leeromsegal Yes, there are so many ways to get feedback these days, people can be a lot more involved in self-correcting. (Not to say managers are off the hook for providing regular feedback, of course!)
John Furrier
. @IBMSocialBiz this works the other way too glassdoor shows that feedback moves in both directions