
The MH370 Vanishing Act
Where in the world is MH370?
   10 years ago
#MH370The MH370 Vanishing ActWe remember #MH370 as Malaysian officials announce the plane went down in southern Indian Ocean
Consider This
How powerful are satellite images? WATCH w/ Derrick Pitts (@CoolAstronomer) #MH370
How powerful are satellite images? | Al Jazeera America
Astronomer Derrick Pitts talks about whether satellite imagery could help the search for the missing Malaysian plane
Christi Bhattacharya
#Malaysia government pretty confident flight #MH370 ended up somewhere on this map:
Twitter / theseoulvillage: #Malaysia government pretty ...
#Malaysia government pretty confident flight #MH370 ended up somewhere on this map: 
Bradford Roy
This is huge security threat... "with the intention of using it later for another purpose." #MalaysiaAirlines #mh370
U.S. investigators suspect missing Malaysia plane flew on for hours after disappearing from radar
U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details
“BREAKING WSJ EXCLUSIVE: Engine monitoring data shows missing 777 was airborne for 5 hrs -sources #MH370
khidir jamaluddin™
Map:If #MH370 flew for 4 hours after disappearance, it could have gone 2,200 nautical miles. …
Twitter / TroyWSJ: Map: If #MH370 flew for 4 hours ...
Map: If #MH370 flew for 4 hours after disappearance, it could have gone 2,200 nautical miles. … 
Mohamed Othman
#Malaysia jet sent 'pings' after going missing, sources say #MalaysiaAirlines #MH370 #MH370LIVE #worldnews
Malaysia jet sent 'pings' after going missing, sources say | Reuters
KUALA LUMPUR/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 after it went missing on Saturday, but the signals gave no information about where the
Crowd Doc
so if the plane was sending pings when the problems started, why did no one receive them/track them???
Marcel Friese
Pray for #MH370 #MalaysiaAirlines Shanghai, China.
love the global support
The True Perspective
Fox News thinks flight #MH370 landed in #Pakistan. #Ridiculousness
Fox News thinks Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 landed in Pakistan
Fox News thinks the disappeared flight MH370 went to Pakistan.
Thuy Usahi
Praying for #MH370. Please stay safe and come back to us! <3
Now You Can Hunt for Flight 370 via @thedailybeast #MH370
Now You Can Hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
With the help of high-res satellite images and altruistic humans, the world's leading earth imagery company has launched a campaign to scan the Gulf of Thailand for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
5 major tech communications military companies have hi-tech employees/exec on the #MH370 manifest: via @BeforeItsNews
You Won't Believe What Spies On Malaysia Plane Were Doing! | Events
Military intelligence is heavily involved in Malaysia Airlines 370, but contradicting itself and denying the public from needed information, thus increasing speculations officials are unauthorized by the military to disclose the craft’s whereabouts....
Alexandra Heber
This is scary: US Investigators Think Missing Plane Might Have Been Stolen To Use Later For Another Purpose - #mh370
US Investigators Think Missing Plane Might Have Been Stolen To Use Later For Another Purpose
U.S. investigators suspect that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours after it reached its last confirmed location, according to Andy Pasztor of The Wall Street Journal.
this is what I was wondering about as well.. but maybe i am too pessimistic!