
IaaS Cloud Chat
We'll be discussing the topic "IaaS and the enterprise: Past, Present & Future."
   11 years ago
#cloudchatIBM Watson & CloudIBM Watson & the Cloud: Driving innovation
John Furrier
Are CIO ready for enterprise cloud? Serious question

Ready or not, here it comes.
Michael Fork
glad to see CIOs looking at competitive advantage and revenue streams instead of reducing costs!
Casey Lucas
Thank you all for such a great #CloudChat today!! I'm checking out!!#Cloud Thanks .@Furrier .@iSocialFans .@IBMCloud
John Furrier
Q9: According to Gigaom, #IaaS is the fastest growing cloud segment — what’s next to take that top spot? SaaS? PaaS? Other?
IBM Cloud
Here's the Gigaom study, for reference:
A checklist for stacking up IaaS providers — Gigaom Research
Enterprises must identify the common features for each IaaS building block and compare them to the services offered by key players in the industry.
Michael Fork
"APIs", building services to be exposed & consumed in PaaS runtimes & to build SaaS applications. Those APIs span from basic enablement for dev like caching and persistent storage to solution level capabilities that provide deep insight into data
John Furrier
@dvellante calls this the API economy on our@theCUBE at #IBMPulse - Steve Mills was all over this as well
DBaaS is certainly up there. #PaaS would probably get my vote. With a growing market of viable #IaaS offerings, developers will start innovating on the next layer up in the cloud stack, so we’ll see some big growth in the platform space.
Dormain Drewitz
#SaaS is probably already bigger, so law of large numbers will make it hard for it to outpace #IaaS... :)
John Furrier
@dvellante Datacenter will be an API
Crowd Captain
Orchestration is huge
Michael Fork
@dvellante "API Economy" is exactly what I was referring to.
Dormain Drewitz
multicloud - brokering workloads between different clouds to meet performance, cost, and availability needs as they change - #API-driven, for sure!
Renat Khasanshyn
In 12-18 months, #PaaS will be backed by $1T of market cap > incumbent IT vendors who are endangered by disrupting outcomes of #IaaS + IaaS vendors #4-#15, as they unite to differentiate #cloudchat
John Furrier
Q8: What role does #IaaS play in improving business agility—and how must it evolve to keep up with demand?
Because businesses will continuously demand even more flexibility and agility, #IaaS providers have to keep innovating and pushing the envelope to deliver high performance resources even faster.
Michael Fork
Improves business agility because it empowers the developer to respond in real-time. For evolution, we need infrastructure choices to support evolving workloads like IoT, primarily faster networks and storage with lower latencies to improve TTV.
Holger Mueller
#IaaS is all about agility - getting compute resources in a more elastic way - to reduce Capex and be faster at adopting / creating new business models.
Dormain Drewitz
#IaaS can shorten time to market for new apps, etc.. IT must evolve to be keep up with demand for #IaaS!
Crowd Captain
abstraction and enabling developers to keep fast iterations and ensuring integrated stack version control in building composite apps
Mike Miller
Focus on your core competency, and expect IaaS to provide latest hardware/services better, faster, cheaper than DIY.
Holger Mueller
Here is a post from me about #cloud and agility.
Enterprise Software Musings: Agility from the cloud - not a no-brainer
Agility is the most used buzzword to justify moving to the cloud, but it's not as clear cut that agility can be always achieved for all stakeholders in a move to the cloud.
Casey Lucas
A6: .@Furrier Difference between #IaaS and #Paas #CloudChat
IBM Cloud Computing: What is cloud computing? - United States
What is cloud computing? The definition is the delivery of on-demand computing resources”everything from applications to data centers—over the Internet and on a pay-for-use basis.
q6: difference? @furrier #cloudchat: software monitoring application, from within application or bottom up from O.S. ; non mature or standardize O.S. environments.
John Furrier
you should reply under the question for better readabiltiy for after the chat
John Furrier
Q7: What needs to happen to further ease security fears when it comes to #IaaS?
Mike Miller
Time. Pharma, Finance, biotech--many anal industries are already storing data in the cloud. Challenges mostly social, not technical
Michael Fork
More transparency! too much of what goes on is a black box. We need to give more control to the end-user, how do they secure their data and control who can access it, when, how, and for how long.
Holger Mueller
More transparency, education and mixed cloud access. The #Softlayer bare metal approach is helpful here.
Dormain Drewitz
a model for governance
Mike Miller
Transparency is definitely key.
Security is tough to generalize because it is so provider- and customer-specific. The best way for #IaaS providers to ease security fears is to be forthright and transparent about physical and network security.
Brian Fanzo
Yes @Holgermu has it right.. transparency, industry education & overall sharing of knowledge is key to cloud success!
Crowd Captain
To experts: Is Security a do over or incremental improvement with IaaS
Like compliance, security is a shared responsibility.
IBM Cloud
Greater transparency: noted.
Mike Miller
@CrowdCaptain Multi-tenency has taken some work, but containers have been in production for some time
Michael Fork
@CrowdCaptain only a do-over if app was poorly designed up front, IaaS won't cover for poor app design.
Mike Miller
Maybe more Apache 2 OSS running in the cloud, too?
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
Security needs to be planned upfront, not an afterthought!
Renat Khasanshyn
Q7: to solve security fears, we need Security as a Service, based on open source tech, and super easy to use, peer-tested to be anti-NSA-grade
multi tenancy certification, adoption of compliance regulation best practice/standard at company level, best DDos network infrastructure,
Q6: O.S. should be part of #iaas and improve stradardization/semplification of lower level of SW stack. #cloudchat @furrier
John Furrier
define OS? I see that definition changing #SDDC #SDN etc
Brian Fanzo
In order for the business to understand and embrace #IaaS you must have a software solution that provides that data. #SDDC gives IT/Business infrastructure data to make better decisiosn
What is the prerequisite knowledge or skillset required to leverage IaaS proficiently? (stupid question?)
Brian Fanzo
Great question and I think this is a great example of most companies or leaders haven't had to manage infrastructure (Facilities problem) or understand density, power, cooling or IT therefore they need for a secure, reliable #IaaS is a must!
There isn't really a prerequisite ... It's really just a matter of getting in and kicking the tires. You've got to start somewhere.
... ehhem... sooo... a non-programmer would not break a toe kicking those tires?
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
It's actually a good question. To leverage IaaS you would need to know how to access the APIs from your vendor of choice. Usually you may want to learn a scripting lang like Python or use tools like chef/puppet for automation
Thank you, @DrZeydy .. that is exactly what I needed to know.
IBM Cloud
As always, if you have your own #cloud questions for our panelists, feel free to start your own thread!