
Risk and Compliance in Canada
A discussion on the opportunities, challenges and realities around risk, compliance and regtech.
Bob Summerwill 🇨🇦
A1. Also, on a more general compliance point, something I found when I was at TD was that the majority of the financial industry was not engineering compliance into their processes. It was a manual add-on AFTERWARDS, rather than something continuous. As a SW requirement.
Bob Summerwill 🇨🇦
A1. I agree with Hilary on the pace of change in the blockchain. No doubt it was similar at the rise of the Internet. The old rules don't exactly fit with the new moving parts. Understanding emergent tech is hard even for people within the industry, let alone regulators.
Thomson Reuters Risk
Q2: How do you calculate the ROI of compliance technology? Don't forget to reply to the question on this post with A2 so everyone can follow along!

Hilary Carter
A1. I think the rapid pace of change in the blockchain industry a constraint for regulators. First it was cryptocurrencies, then ICOs. The goal is to find sensible regulation that enables innovation to be sustained and investors to be protected.
Axel Troike
A1: For too many organizations, compliance is still not part of their business strategy.
Bob Summerwill 🇨🇦
No. It is seen as a necessary evil, rather than as an aspect of quality. Like software QA, or marketing, or other similar "making a good product" elements.
MaRi Eagar
#TRRisk Hello everyone. Chair of @futuresdigital Founder of @ForumBlockchain in BC, I am passionate about the potential of emerging technologies in contributing to creating a more inclusive economy and prosperity with respect for our environment.
Thomson Reuters Risk
Hi, glad you could join us!
Donny Halliwell
A1 in general the availability of client/user data across multiple channels within an organization and the ability for individuals to leverage it is quite tempting. Keeping internal stakeholders in line -- and locking down data externally is extremely taxing on a compliance team.
Helen H Chan
Hi, @helenhchan here, reg intelligence specialist with @RiskManagement. For data management, would you say that storage and security or finding the right people with technical expertise is a bigger challenge in terms of compliance?
Donny Halliwell
I think it's a bit of both. Finding the right technologies and having a team that can champion the cause and effectively manage compliance are both required.
Bob Summerwill 🇨🇦
And holding user data is often a massive liability, as well as an business asset!
Don Curren
Hi All. We're all living in a world of #risk. And it's probably worse than we think. Looking forward to the discussion.
Thomson Reuters Risk
Nice to have you here for the chat!
Martin Pelletier
risk is like energy, it can not be destroyed but rather transferred from one form to another. :)
Hilary Carter
Thanks @RiskManagement for hosting! A shout-out to everyone at Thomson Reuters for supporting the work that we do @BlockchainRI.
Thomson Reuters Risk
Glad to have you here!
John Colthart
JC over at MindBridge Ai here. Thank you @RiskManagement team for inviting me to participate!
Thomson Reuters Risk
Thanks for joining us!