
Tiering to Public Cloud
How to think about and manage tiering from the private data center to public cloud.
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#LocalDataScale-out ArchitecturesCurrent state of scale-out technologies and where we can go from here.
John Furrier
What are the top changes driving use of hybrid cloud?

What are the top changes driving use of hybrid cloud?

John Furrier
Q3: What applications are driving hybrid cloud use cases? Backup? Archival? Cloud bursting?
Stephen Pao
Cloud bursting is definitely one. Elastic compute in cloud, long term storage in datacenter.
Chris Dagdigian
federated ID management across multi-organizations , bursting, backup and cost reduction (by moving systems out of managed service provider claws)
jeff dinisco
just working with a VFX house who had their busiest pilot season ever, bought zero new gear, burst to cloud for everything
Andrew Miller
Absolutely Archive with Backup a close second - are seeing lots of customers replace tape with cloud archives. Cloud Bursting is great in theory but still really hard in practice given the weight of data and LAN vs. WAN speeds.
Andrew Miller
Also seeing test/dev drive it...spot pricing on AWS can even help there. This works given an underlying mechanism to move data around and leverage EC2/Azure instances on the fly.
Stephen Pao
Backup is an easy way to get started with #hybridcloud. On-premises secondary copies, with tiering to cloud.
jeff dinisco
@andriven agree cloud bursting is a huge challenge, also think if you can make it happen, it provides the most obvious value
Andrew Miller
There's dreams around DR but still automation/orchestration to be worked out there - it's variable across the space how much is baked out there.
John Furrier
All three but bursting has broader use cases that drive variable revenue. backup and archival must be standard so it's a hard decision different both valuable use cases
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
I think archive and backup is a dominant use case. I'm not sure for how long. Enterprises will figure out Object storage and offer a comparable cost to cloud based storage.
Stephen Pao
Archive in hybrid cloud is real. Just needs to be paired with analytics to understand what might need to be retrieved.
Andrew Miller
@dinisco Absolutely agree - there's huge potential value/market there that no one has truly unlocked yet.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
But you have to think beyond the IaaS layer. SAP is a good example. Cloud hosted enterprise apps make sense as cloud providers show greater ability to support the app than the enterprise. SAP in the cloud, bolt on in the private DC.
Chris Dagdigian
I'm starting to see an interesting edge case where people arbitrage against discounted bandwidth from the cloud providers. For instance US-Europe connectivity between branch offices may be cheaper routed through an AWS transit VPC
Andrew Miller
@CTOAdvisor There are even some providers (Cerner for instance) that will host just not just their own app but specific other apps that integrate closely or need to be at LAN speeds to the core app.
Stuart Miniman
@steve_pao cloud-bursting? please explain/defend, because moving data is challenging
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Obviously Saleforce dominates the conversation. How many data center managers are building operations based on SF integration?
jeff dinisco
@CTOAdvisor totally agree, very ez to demonstrate the value of SaaS that works, IaaS is harder
Stephen Pao
@CTOAdvisor Agree with integrating IaaS layer with apps. Azure get more interesting because of Azure AD + O365.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@andriven All of the serious providers are offering colocation of the ecosystem of enterprise apps.
Andrew Miller
@CTOAdvisor Hosted @Epic hosted @cerner - there's a long list...
Stephen Pao
@CTOAdvisor Yes. Amazing how even condo HOA's use prem.force.com!
John Furrier
@CTOAdvisor great point about vertical cloud bc that speaks to hybrid use cases expanding imho
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
IaaS becomes an enablement for legacy software providers to remain relevant. Elastic compute allows for a business model where they run software they write for the customer with heavy capital investment.
John Furrier
@CTOAdvisor I would add to that also by saying moving from large capital investments to operational model key transition factor
John Furrier
great flow and quality on Q2 getting ready for Q3 remember to vote fav comments
Chris Harney
It depends on the industry. Smaller businesses are leveraging DR in the cloud
Chris Harney
@CTOAdvisor The HCI manufactures are making it easy to do DR / Backup to the cloud
Andrew Miller
@csharney I might agree with that comment. ;)
Chris Harney
I wouldn't call it server backups but companies are putting tertiary copy's of backups to the cloud so maybe archival is a better answer
Chris Harney
I don't think people really know why. They are still trying to figure it out.
John Furrier
Q2: Has hybrid cloud change been driven in central IT, in lines of business, or in the executive suite?
jeff dinisco
execs in the enterprises
jeff dinisco
admins in green field or startup environments
Chris Dagdigian
in my world the drivers have been business app/service owners in IT orgs or high-level power users / scientists from the R&D side of the fence.
Andrew Miller
It's really customer by customer. Execs don't care about hybrid cloud per se but want increased flexibility/lower cost and from their peers are starting to see the challenges in public cloud for certain apps.
Andrew Miller
So if hybrid cloud gets them there, they're all for it - call it a dose of realism.
Andrew Miller
Lines of business are often more SaaS focused as they don't know the underlying mechanics...but if/when SaaS doesn't work/isn't secure/doesn't integrate will be open to an option that actually works.
Stephen Pao
@dinisco I've seen execs drive "cloud first" and get brought to hybrid cloud by their line of business or IT teams.
John Furrier
Stu @wikibon just talked about this the other day with #Cloud Service provider chat https://www.crowdcha...
John Furrier
Here is the thread on who will be the buyer of #cloud services https://www.crowdcha...
Andrew Miller
In general seeing hybrid cloud move through the hype cycle where it's not a perceived panacea but a legitimate option that helps customers move in the "right direction" / move the dial.
John Furrier
Keith Townsend @ctoadvisor said "Business. I don't readily see the value IT offers in the purchasing relationship today. That may change over the next couple of years. Today, I find it hard to define enough value for it to change."
Andrew Miller
I will say the smarter IT folks I see are using hybrid cloud to get ahead of the general trends and reduce the amount of reactionary work.
Stephen Pao
@andriven Agree on line of business often being driven to SaaS in certain green field environments, but I see many wanting the agility to augment cloud with what they already have. Particularly in analytics.
Andrew Miller
And at times hybrid cloud can be driven by the Line of Business when the AWS bills skyrocket. ;)
Stuart Miniman
It is often still a fragmented application-based decision as to what bucket to use - SaaS/on-premises/public cloud. "hybrid" comes back as the state of what they are using today.
John Furrier
Josha Stella @joshstella said "lots of bottom up will continue, but in that more strategic context, which means there is risk of losing some of the benefit of cloud in speed to delivery."
Chris Dagdigian
@steve_pao agreed. Hybrid cloud is a capability play driven by high-level execs and lower-level engineers; especially in research and science spaces.
John Furrier
Funny but serious comment was that maybe "bots" will be determining the buying aka automation but that speaks to setting up architecture first
jeff dinisco
lines of biz used to create shadow IT, never worked that well, AWS now legitimizes this approach
Andrew Miller
I actually love the concept of AI driven markets determine in real time best place to run/move applications...like the Chicago commodity exchange but more.
John Furrier
I was riffing the other day about infrastructure being like "stock market" with valuation metrics. If that happens the infrastructure will be tied to revenue and value. thought exercise
Andrew Miller
@steve_pao Often just gets back to "sunk cost" or the true cost of cloud when run it all the time.