
Take charge of your web security and performance
Doug Jones
Q.12) How can I establish a web delivery model for my site / business? How can I get started / get help?
Juergen Loeb
As mentioned above a web delivery model have multiple layers and should be optimized to my business requirements and future activities.
Juergen Loeb
From my experience in this arena we should analyze the existing delivery model, map it with your IT initiatives and strategic business activities to line out a roadmap for growth.
Juergen Loeb
Regardless of the strategy revealed by the roadmap, CDN will be a critical component to enable performance and security at scale. Consider evaluating IBM Edge Delivery Services for its capabilities in these areas.
Dan Schaffer
For existing or new environments, meeting your business requirements is essential to constructing a web delivery model.
Dan Schaffer
If you begin by leveraging a CDN like IBM’s Edge Delivery Services, you can design a lean architecture that utilizes traditional DCs or Cloud Environments.
Dan Schaffer
The price and complexity to enable scale, protection, and fantastic end user experiences are significantly lessened using either approach, and enable your business to be highly flexible with whatever design they find most beneficial.
Harris Sussman
The Edge Delivery platform has over 220 servers worldwide and is usually accessible from 1 hop away from any internet pop
Dan Schaffer
@Hman63 No CDN platform is larger: 220 Thousand Servers, in 3100 physical locations, within the networks of over 1400 Internet Service Providers.
Harris Sussman
@Hman63 I was mistaken in my number - 220 thousand as Dan pointed out.
Doug Jones
Q.11) If I implement CDN, then migrate datacenters or hosting providers, will I be impacting performance, availability, or security?
Juergen Loeb
We spoke about capabilities CDNs can provide like load balancing, workload offload and caching with application agnostics which means that we can take advantage in most scenarios incl. SoftLayer, Azure, AWS
Dan Schaffer
Flexibility is key to a modern DC strategy. CDNs utilizing DNS integration are incredibly flexible, and are not impacted by shifting hosting providers.
Dan Schaffer
You can use a CDN with any/all hosting providers, as long as the content is accessed over the Internet and resolved using DNS.
Harris Sussman
Moving DC's should not be a major factor when leveraging a CDN. Underlying infrastructure is the key
Juergen Loeb
@Hman63 and keep in mind .. with Hybrid / Cloud the DC gets virtual but CDN will stay and by the facing point to teh end device
Doug Jones
Q.10) I already have DC appliance firewall why should I consider remote security solutions?
Juergen Loeb
Let me point to Gartner and Forrester. They expect that this model will not scale and we have to think on protection which starts away from my compute center internet connection.
Juergen Loeb
It’s relatively easy to scale attacks within the internet and hire additional attack resources. We see a continuous growing number attacks and also strength of traffic per attack.
Juergen Loeb
And keep in mind an attack against one of your applications can result in an unreachability of your whole compute center!
Harris Sussman
using both appliance and cloud based is very common
Harris Sussman
if appliance is already deployed, cloud based DDoS and WAF makes sense
Dan Schaffer
Your local appliance firewalls guard your perimeter from attack, and are an essential part of good security policy.
Dan Schaffer
In the event of a high volume DDoS or Web Application attack, the inbound connection to your DC can be overwhelmed, like a long line at a store.
Dan Schaffer
The result is legitimate requests are delayed to the point where users give up, or try another store. Remote scrubbing solutions target high request rates and block malicious traffic away from your datacenter.
Dan Schaffer
Remote web application firewalls shield you from individual or high volume attacks against your site near the origin of each attack request.
Denyse Mackey
Share your thoughts on #WebInfraChat ...Is there a way how we can scope our required Web resources for new Web application?
Harris Sussman
using performance tools can definitely help in scoping need
Harris Sussman
there are both live and synthetic
Juergen Loeb
Good questions.. I would go the other way round. Let's understand how a client scope today and show him the way to go different.
Denyse Mackey
@Juergen_Loeb What are the key things we should keep in mind while understanding a client scope?
Dan Schaffer
The monthly delivered traffic, mix of devices accessing the site, and performance expectations in each of the customer's key geography.
Harris Sussman
Definitely want to be mindful of what they're trying to accomplish. If performance is key, the offer should demonstrate improvement
Juergen Loeb
The key points are -
expected number of concurrent users / peak loads like web campaigns / transaction business
Harris Sussman
if reliability is a key factor, then ensure the offer being used has the necessary redundancy
Nitin Mathur
Q: What is any organization's biggest security concern related to the Internet today, and do you think their strategy and expertise is properly allocated to address that risk?
Doug Jones
Denial of Service and data theft seems to be the biggest concerns in the market today. Customers are putting increased focus on these areas.
Dan Schaffer
@NitinMathur21 Today's businesses are at risk for downtime, defacement, or data theft. If I had to pick 1, I'd be most concerned about Downtime first, then data theft.
Harris Sussman
definitely could depend on the type of industry
Harris Sussman
Healthcare providers for example are experience heavy attacks today, but FS and Pub sector are big as well
Dan Schaffer
The financial impact of downtime is typically the easiest to calculate, and the easiest to mitigate. Datatheft, especially customer or Intellectual Property, has a much higher cost, that is harder to count.
Harris Sussman
Intent is to apply protection at multiple edges - internet, DC
Dan Schaffer
Any organization without a 24/7 security solution that can address 0 day vulnerabilities is very open to these attacks. Managed security solutions offered by some CDNs are the perfect way to bolster protection.
Nitin Mathur
@schaffer_akamai Great point! I bet these days organizations cannot tolerate downtime even for few seconds.
Nitin Mathur
@Hman63 Does #SDE help enhance protection, specially in DC?
Juergen Loeb
Keep in mind that we reroute / handle web traffic transparent for the application .. #SDE will just be an other technology at the backend
Nitin Mathur
@schaffer_akamai are there metrics available that points out the financial impact of such a downtime or DDoS. It would be worth looking at. I believe the figures would be astronomical.
Dan Schaffer
While the cost of downtime will impact each business differently, some average yearly risk calculations by the Ponemon Institute: DDoS ~ $1.5 M/year. Web App Attack ~ $3.1M/year
Dan Schaffer
The Cost of Denial of Service Attacks, Ponemon Institute: https://content.akam...
Steve Fijalkowski
How much technical & business impact is associated to the customer with implementing these solutions?
Dan Schaffer
There are no technical changes require to implement a CDN solution. When migrating DCs or to a Cloud Provider, technical impact will vary.
Steve Fijalkowski
What is the typical time to deploy te solution?
Juergen Loeb
It's important to look for the Web / IT strategy. It can drive simplification for Cloud/Hybrid migration -- also reduce complexity for growth