
OpenStack Austin/Mitaka
Preview of OpenStack Summit Austin 2016, Mitaka release and more
   9 years ago
#openstackOpenStack VancouverOpenStack Summit 2015 three days of chat
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
What are the reasons that Telcos have embraced OpenStack so quickly for NFV?
key NFV drivers include agility/flexibility align well with high level OpenStack design and focus of providing public APIs with many swappable backend options.
Russell Bryant
I think many of the reasons they want this type of infrastructure matches reasons across all verticals. operational efficiency, common platform and APIs, ...
Challenges along the way in terms of dealing with the additional abstraction versus the level of access used traditionally while trying to extract same performance, SLAs, etc.
Russell Bryant
@xsgordon indeed, interesting to explore the things holding them back and what makes their use case different
Sriram Subramanian
We need to give credit to better success rate among early OpenStack adopters from Telco space.
@sriramhere need to acknowledge it is a big transformation for their industry, not keep asking if we are there yet :)
Sriram Subramanian
@xsgordon agreed. and timing has played well there. Right when they are looking to refresh, OpenStack use cases gave confidence
Mark Collier
telecom is a trillion dollar industry that is facing a dramatically more competitive market. The need to move away from fixed function hardware to software on x86 is pressing. In fact, it can't come fast enough to get to 5G and support IoT.
Stuart Miniman
Is $1.25B in Market Size enough to support the breadth of the OpenStack community? (via: https://blog.rackspa...)
Infographic: OpenStack Comes of Age
OpenStack is demonstrating the capabilities enterprise-level CIOs need to address the growing requirements of their businesses.
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
I think that depends on what the growth curve will be. It it doubles every year, we may be in good shape.
I'm biased so I'm going to say yes and that was a 2015 figure so this year is going to be even bigger! /me ducks
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
It's a shameless plug but @Rackspace is expecting a big year as well. :)
Stuart Miniman
@kenhuiny wait, I thought @rackspace was doing the AWS and Azure things now...
Mark Collier
The total IT market in 2015 was $3.5 Trillion. As software eats the world cloud is essentially a prerequisite, so clearly this massive shift is just getting started.
Brian Gracely
@xsgordon Red Hat often says it does $1 for every $10 in commercial software. Do you think the $1.25B is 1/10th of what is used for OpenStack?
@bgracely I don't think the data we have in this area is as rich as I would like to be honest, too much focus on headline grabbing figures like this one rather than where the figure came from.
hey if we all agree we like pie, let's make the pie bigger...
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
@sparkycollier What will the big themes be for the Austin Summit? Will it mirror the themes for Mitaka?
Mark Collier
As usual we will hear from users, users, and more users including AT&T, SAP, VW, Liveperson, Time Warner Cable, Visa, State Grid (7th largest company in the world!), Walmart, GoDaddy, OVH, Datacentred (UK public cloud), NTT, BT, Wellsfargo...
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
I am hoping they'll talk more about the specific use cases so users evaluating OpenStack can see how OpenStack is being used.
Mark Collier
what I expect users will want to hear is where we are going with containers, NFV, SDN, and Bare Metal (as reflected in user survey) and UX improvements. The PTL of OpenStack Client @dtroyer will be presenting on that. IoT is an emerging topic
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
Sounds like the "OpenStack as integration engine for the data center" will be front and center again.
Mark Collier
At a high level I expect @jbryce to talk about culture changes sweeping every company as they embrace cloud. Part of that involves training and we have a whole "OpenStack Academy" section with intensive training and hands on workshops
Craig Johnson
NFV workloads, especially with the recent Verizon announcements at ONS.
Heidi Joy Tretheway
The Enterprise WG has a booklet "The Path to Cloud" on how to implement, available in the "evaluating OpenStack" track.
Shamail Tahir
I think we will see a more discussion around user experience, cross project initiatives, and how people utilize OpenStack (for hosting applications, workloads, etc.)
Stuart Miniman
Last year there was a lot of discussion of "Core" or "Big Tent" - what does this mean and what is the update?
Russell Bryant
they are two are separate concepts. The technical community has embraced an inclusive governance structure (big tent), while the foundation does work to define "core" for trademark program purposes
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
We need @eglute @zehicle @sdague @e_monty on this crowdchat to help translate.
The big tent is about being more inclusive of "who is OpenStack" in terms of development process, but less useful than previous designations in terms of navigating. Hence the introduction of tags and the project navigator.
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
@russellbryant Where are we with the tags? They were supposed to help sort out the projects in the big tent.
Russell Bryant
a relevant post from last week, "DefCore: What OpenStack Devs Need to Know" -- http://markvoelker.g...
@kenhuiny tags are exposed via the project navigator, a couple of new ones were added to governance in this cycle...
Russell Bryant
@xsgordon @kenhuiny tags have been progressing, perhaps slowly. Full list of currently defined tags: http://governance.op...
Stuart Miniman
useful data in the project navigator (will be updated soon for Mitaka) https://www.openstac...
@kenhuiny some examples - "assert:supports-upgrade, assert:supports-rolling-upgrade, stable:follows-policy" - check out http://governance.op...
Russell Bryant
@xsgordon the upgrade tags were a nice addition. they still lack some nuance (upgrades with which configurations or backends?)
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
Will the tags help users to determine what projects are mature enough for production?
Eglė Sigler
DefCore latest guideline: Companies must certify using 2 latest guidelines.
Mark Collier
@russellbryant another nice resource to mention is the work @thingee has done to improve the new contributor experience
The navigator rolls a number of tags and survey metrics into a maturity "score" - still not really granular enough for operators to navigate IMO
Eglė Sigler
DefCore sets base requirements by defining 1) capabilities, 2) code and 3) must-pass tests for all OpenStack products
Stuart Miniman
my roundup from Vancouver, where we discussed this topic a lot:
Heidi Joy Tretheway
User Survey showed deployments use 11 projects on average; well beyond the 6 core.
Shamail Tahir
big tent is no longer a topic of discussion and has been fostering the inclusion of additional OpenStack services over the past year. The discussions in DefCore are about ensuring interop between providers of highly-adopted OpenStack services
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Will OpenStack in containers be a big topic of discussion. From a high-level I get some of the appeal. But are there improvements in Mitaka that lend itself to stateless compute?
Stuart Miniman
top attended sessions at recent summits, @coreoslinux attends, @docker is discussed. Kubernetes is the new hot topic.
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
What do you mean stateless compute? Containers, cloud-native apps, serverless computing?
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
@stu The user survey shows big increase in use of kubernetes as opposed to docker swarm.
Brian Gracely
@kenhuiny Swarm seems to be confined to the All-Docker environment, whereas k8s seems to have broader appeal in more frameworks
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Meaning the management layer running in containers ie Heat in a rkt container. It allows for versioning of the mgmt layer. But can OpenStack management nodes easily operate in such an infrastructure.
Mark Collier
@kenhuiny user survey showed top 3 technologies of interest were 1) Containers 2) NFV & SDN, 3) Bare Metal.
Russell Bryant
It will certainly be discussed. I see OpenStack as very complementary as a platform to run your containers / orchestration system of choice on
Mark Collier
@kenhuiny expect some LIVE DEMOS at the summit involving OpenStack & Kubernetes #shamelessplug
Brian Gracely
@sparkycollier OpenStack on k8s as an application, or OpenStack with k8s as a container scheduler for applications?
more noise has been made about containers *on* OpenStack but definitely lots of work being done on the backend on containerizing OpenStack itself. Main improvement in Mitaka from this perspective is probably Kolla upgrade support.
Also working on making Kolla a little bit more abstract, easier to plug in different orchestration options (Ansible, Mesos, Kubernetes)
Brian Gracely
@xsgordon what's the difference between Magnum and Kolla?
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
@bgracely @xsgordon My understanding is Magnum focuses on containers 4 workloads on OpenStack & Kolla focused on deploying OpenStack using containers.
@kenhuiny yes, there is a bit more flexibility regarding workloads though - folks also using Heat directly or even just rolling their own using e.g. Ansible on older clouds that don't have Murano/Heat yet.
Existing deployments will of course also need an upgrade path to get to containerized OpenStack in the first place (not an issue for greenfield).
Heidi Joy Tretheway
Also, User Survey showed Magnum #1 project of interest (44%) followed closely by Manila.