
theCUBE at #ReInvent
SiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   11 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
Tim Crawford
#AWS has a great #ecosystem today, but do they have the *right* ecosystem long term for the large swath of enterprise demand?
Stuart Miniman
Pivotal has made lots of good ecosystem parter announcements, now we need to see a lot more customer adoption
Tim Crawford Agreed...sort of. The question is around relevance which leads to adoption.
Caroline McCrory Agree with @tcrawford Business relevance and ease of consumption will aid adoption
John Furrier Many are saying that Pivotals partner announcements are "barney deals" " I love you and you love me" -customers want real tech not open source projects and window dressing
Todd Cadley
or are all of the other "frenemies" going to circle the wagons around #AWS. Or has it already happened? Who flies in to shake up the nest?
adrian cockcroft they collectively don't have enough wagons to reach all the way around AWS :-)
adrian cockcroft
from my POV the AWS Ecosystem has changed rapidly from early adopters to include a lot of trad. enterprise over the last year.
John Furrier
great question Tim.. to my post about iphone vs android in consumer mobile.. cloud will go the same way..if mkt is open developers will love it #devops will be the model
John Furrier
#gopivotal just launched their Pivotal One platform ...thoughts from the Crowd? is it vapor or real?
Brian Fanzo
Very interesting... I was just reading about it here... "Pivotal One Launches, Now Every Enterprise Can Develop Like An Internet Giant " Enterprise PaaS
Tim Crawford The question isn't can they? The question s/b: should they. For some, it is needed. Most others, not so much.
Brian Fanzo Agree @Tcrawford... But is it also a question of enterprise customers still aren't sure exactly what and how to solve their big data problems. Is PaaS the right answer.. I guess we will see
Tim Crawford Spot on! Most enterprises are still struggling w/ #cloud. PaaS bring further q's to the table.
Caroline McCrory
Customers who have it working, love it.
John Furrier which customers and what do they like about it
Matt Wolpin Other than it just being released, what is stopping other customers/prospects?
John Furrier I attended EMC analyst event last month people need to remember Pivotal is very young issue is 1600 employees and lots to build - it will either flame out huge or be a monster success
Caroline McCrory
Warner Music Group, Baidu, Swisscom to name a few
Brian Fanzo
It seems like they really are focusing on helping "real-time" rearchitecture help for companies to manage big data... Would love to see more details on the exact problems they are solving..
Caroline McCrory
Agreed it is young, but with a lot of clout and seniority across suite of products.
Todd Cadley
Agree w/ @CloudOfCaroline - heard a bit of reality checking in Q2 7 Q3 w/ many but people understand need. Throwing tons of resources/IP (people/tech) at it.
Stuart Miniman
Pivotal is now also hosting on Verizon - of course expected alternatives to AWS - choice is appealing
John Furrier I do agree that getting good motivated partners is very good move Cloud Foundry by itself will not make it
Renat Khasanshyn
as long as they pull off real integration between 4 product categories - PaaS, Data (Hadoop, scale-out DBs) and Analytics - it can kick ass of quite a few vendors!
John Furrier that what they need to line up on a string and pul it.. it's very hard to do.. I don't think they have the personell to do it.. developing mkt use cases while technology changing fast = dangerous
Brian Fanzo Integration is the key across the product categories but that is going to require some heavy re-architecture as well for customers.. right?
Tim Crawford Success and failure of #cloud solutions will ultimately rest w/ the value of their ecosystem.
Brian Fanzo Teaching Change is no easy task & #Cloud solutions require change in all aspects of IT & in all layers of the IT stack.. Ecosystem plus Ability to embrace change are key..
Caroline McCrory
Agree with @stu. Choice is appealing. The community enhancements to Cloud Foundry where it is tested by Pivotal is extremely appealing. True sharing.
Crowd Captain
@andypiper says
@furrier absolutely real, I wrote about it today too - have lots of customers I’m working with already
2 minutes ago
Andy Piper
the customer and contributor roster at @platformcf was impressive and geniune. With Pivotal One we also deliver on the Hadoop and Analytics story.
John Furrier Spring story is solid but what about other projects ..are you leading the contribution or just using them..Redis, etc
John Furrier not doubt the force of pivotal will be huge like i said it will be huge success or massive implosion..i just don't see it any other way
Crowd Doc
RT @furrier @Werner come drop by and say hi to your fans in the crowd you are invited as an influencer to #reinvent Crowdchat. at
Crowd Doc
MT @Werner Join us for "CrowdChat" Re:
RT @cyclecomputing: Record Utility #HPC #cloud: 1.21 PetaFLOPS rpeak 156,000 cores for #CleanEnergy materials on #aws #ReInvent
11 minutes ago
Crowd Doc
CrowdChat runs on 100% #AWS #ElasticBeanStalk. Very easy do to daily deploy. We don't have an Ops team.
Crowd Captain
Hello Crowd Dr - . Very easy to maintain multiple version of applications. Very easy to scale up and down. Most of it is auto-configured.. other mgt is needed but they are working on it
John Furrier
We have been using #elasticbeanstalk for a while and it's amazing for pushing code into the stack.. this is the direction Pivotal and IBM are trying to go.. not easy to do but it's the future
John Furrier
RT @Werner Record Utility #HPC #cloud: 1.21 PetaFLOPS rpeak 156,000 cores for #CleanEnergy materials on #aws #ReInvent
Brian Fanzo
Was anyone else surprised to hear that the event was "sold out" with it being the 2nd year such great buzz around year 1 why have the cap... Is that to make it feel like an Amazon Prime special because its limited?
Matt Wolpin
It was sold out last year too. They were turning people away at session doors in 2012.
John Furrier
many were trying to compare #AWS 8k attendees to #Dreamforce of over 100k attending #dreamforce is old #aws is new
Brian Fanzo Yeah I saw the same comparisons.. I am interested how it compares to #VmWorld not on size but on knowledge shared..
Tim Crawford
Let's not forget that "Sold Out" is a manufactured constraint for this show.
Crowd Captain #AWS mgt is smart they own the developers and that will be their future
Todd Cadley
Great question by @mwolpin - what defines "enterprise grade"? Is it flexibility, orchestration or all the bells and whistles or both? #AWS #reinvent
Matt Wolpin
Orchestration will be critical in ensuring smaller teams can manage growing demands.
Caroline McCrory
Regardless of Cloud platform, Enterprises need to understand how to move off those Clouds. Per @tcrawford, how do you get divorced? Do you get your data back? In what format? Can you still read it? Use it? #AWS #Reinvent
Tim Crawford
Thanks for the ref! Here's the link: What's your #Cloud exit strategy?
Crowd Captain
Question: who has the most mindshare among developers for coding in the cloud: AWS, Rackspace, IBM, Microsoft?? #cloud #devops #mobile
Todd Cadley
I'd have to assume #AWS education and training with customers and channel partners will still be a massive topic. Especially if they want to jump more into enterprise. Thoughts?