
Google Cloud Chat
Google Cloud will be talking about lots of exciting big news around Kubernetes 1.0
Brian Gracely
Everyone likes to talk about "running containers at scale". Almost nobody has "Google-scale environments". What's a realistic scale before a company needs Kubernetes with their containers?
miles ward
especially with a few small teams working on testing software, kubernetes can be hugely beneficial on even a small cluster
Navneet Joneja
Don't need to be near Google scale to benefit from k8s. Underlying capabilities and patterns are useful at any scale, but get exponentially more so with scale.
Craig McLuckie
it isn't just about scale. the reality is that everyone can benefit from this type of operating model, but it is literally the only way to run internet scale workloads. so internet companies have had to run this way.
Craig McLuckie
our mission is to make the model of operating available and accessible to everyone.
Kit Merker
the health model for pods is super helpful, who doesn't want auto-healing?
I think once you have users who expect your service to be up all the time you're at that scale. A lot of what we do is make it possible to manage and deploy software reliably at any scale.
Gaurav Bora
Hmm... We developed our next generation element management software @HDSCorp as a #cloudnative app as it allows us to manage ever device in every data center for our enterprise customers
Gaurav Bora
@brendandburns building apps this way allows them to scale based on adoption and not having to reengineer
Jeffrey Bean
personally on single small applications kubernetes proves itself from the declarative nature of orchestration alone. The best part is then when scaling that app you are already on the platform that can scale with your application needs.
John Furrier
What is #kubercon ?? Will there be more events?
Kit Merker
#kubercon was our event at @oscon. We have done regular contributor events, meetups, etc. This was special for 1.0. #cloudnative foundation will take it forward
miles ward
Also, stay tuned for upcoming #GCPNext event announcement; seems likely you'll find a few #kubernetes folks there ;)
seems to be "post a video" time?
Barney - I Love You (Extended Play 15 times back-to-back!!)
If your kids love Barney and keep asking you to play the "I Love You" song over and over then this should keep you both very happy..-:) If you intend to leav...
John Furrier
showing your age with Barney reference
Will it be possible to run unikernel-based solutions like #mirage or #erlangonxen in the future? http://erlangonxen.o... &
We're not working on it right now, but we'd love to extend the kubernetes (and the on-node kubelet specifically) to be able to use hyper-visor and microkernel based runtimes. PRs welcome!
Dr. Mesosphere
Kubernetes Launch - Customer and Partner Showcase: Mesosphere
From the Kubernetes 1.0 Launch, presented by Google. Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTube: Follow O'Reilly on Twitter:
Ariana Gradow
Kubernetes: The Journey So Far - Greg DeMichillie
From the Kubernetes 1.0 Launch, presented by Google. Watch Eric Brewer, the next speaker from the event: Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTu...
Stuart Miniman
Is there a typical use case or customer profile for #kubernetes? Where should users start?
Craig McLuckie
for now we have been focused on stateful and stateless web app hosting; lots of our customers use the platform for scale out testing, and build their devops pipelines on the platform too.
Craig McLuckie
Next up for #kubernetes will be running scale out batch workloads on the same basic infrastructure as the app hosting.
Brian Gracely
@cmcluck the microservices architectures haven't focused much on stateful data (to date). do you see that expanding with k8r going forward, or should that be solved at the container layer?
Stuart Miniman
via @jeffsussna - Go directly to your nearest @kelseyhightower preso :)
Mike Carter
I would look at the examples in the GKE docs, they have a networking and storage story, there may be similar examples on the kubernetes site.
Craig McLuckie
Yes; this is critical. inside Google we run all our stateful services on the same clusters as everything else. Even today we have pretty solid volumes support for local and network attached storage. I expect more intelligence around state to come.
brendandburns has a pretty gentle "how to" for Node.js developers
Mike Carter
What underlying Operating System is the default in a Container Engine node?
It the Google container optimized VM ( based on Debian with latest Docker and Kubelet installed
Steve Chambers
Google is like a science cloud, for the 1% hard core. For the rest of the world, beyond the Rockies and representing most of the $3+tn revenue, it's not so interesting
damn, forgot to switch accounts again.
Tim Crawford
This is kind of my point. There is a difference in relevance and demand.
Tim Crawford
@cloud_opinion Um... Not buying it. ;)
there's lots of different aspects to the Google Cloud, if all you want a virtual machine running Windows or Linux you can use Google Compute Engine. If all you want is reliable storage, Google Cloud Storage, or Cloud DNS, etc.
John Furrier
I am cloud opinion
Tim Crawford
@stu I'll take that for a dollar.
Kit Merker
we all *have* cloud opinions
miles ward
weird; I just circumnavigated in 8 days for #GCPNext, talked to 10k+ folks, and the demand is real. Use cases range from complex to simple, but value prop stands up across oldschool and #cloudnative
Navneet Joneja
You say science like it's a bad thing :) But in all seriousness, we want to do two things - meet customers where they are today and help them with the transition to cloud native, at their own pace.
Craig McLuckie
We are working hard to change this. A lot of Google technology has gone mainstream (bigtable -> nosql; mapreduce -> hadoop; cgroups -> Docker). We decided to build this one in the open with the community to make it immediately relevant to business.
Jeff Frick
> I don't know. Know a few people who spend more time in fly over country instead of flying over
@ImAmyO @Schmarzo
Steve Chambers
@njoneja science is a bad thing to a lot of people, don't shoot the messenger :) I am an admirer of Google, met some of their team tonight, but it doesn't mean I'm blind or lacking critique
Mike Carter
Will some PODS require custom plugins to support scaling, I saw a talk about scaling etcd using Kubernetes that seem to suggest this was the case? If so can you elaborate?
ReplicationControllers can scale any set of pods, but the policy of how you scale (e.g. how quickly) may be something custom that you want to build.
Mike Carter
@brendandburns Are we able to run custom ReplicationControllers on GKE and if so are there any examples?
There are not any examples, but it's definitely possible. Just create your application that talks to the Kubernetes API and creates/deletes Pods. Moving toward the future, we would like to enable the API be extensible for custom user-defined types