
Analytics for Big Data
Analytics for Driving Better Business Outcomes
John. When will the truly enabled digital executive emerge?
John Furrier
. @DeLeonTavo Jim is one right now who is jumping into the crowd not afraid to engage. To me the new exec has to be accessible and engaging authentically
John Furrier
. @DeLeonTavo The best young exec are pushing ideas in the open and creating an "inside out organization"
Robert Novak
I'd say @kieranhannon is up there as well. When will it become the rule rather than the welcome exception though?
Jim McHugh
when do the non-digital execs disappear
Robert Novak
@JimMcHugh Probably when the paperless office happens. :)
John Furrier
@JimMcHugh there will be "machine learning" algo to get rid of the "exec spam" :-)
John Furrier
connecting with targeted groups of people will be a big thing for any social organization.. so this so called sharing economy is somewhat real
Ariana Gradow
I guess I need to get more connected in order to move up #womenintech
John Furrier
frictionless communications creates faster access to real data on what people say and do..this will drive and change behavior to be more open which should in theory be postiive change
John Furrier
for example the negative can happen like this http://www.nytimes.c...
John Furrier
this is a great question.. love it - adding it to my list of things to watch and evaluate- very compelling conversation
the digital exec will have dashboards and predictive and prescriptive analytics working for them - insights and action will be the KPIs and ROI variables
Ariana Gradow
.@DeLeonTavo @jikechong was just on @theCUBE and said communication between the people who write the algorithms is vital to the success of the business
John Furrier
What role does IT play with respect to #IoT in a cloud and mobile architecture for analytics?
Robert Novak
I'd say IT is still responsible for the plumbing, keeping the traffic going, whether it's on-site or cloud or hybrid resources. They're no longer the gatekeepers for making IoT analysis happen though.
Jim McHugh
@gallifreyan completely agree wise man
where will the value be created? IT will enable it
John Furrier
@Crowdfather value is in the applications and the users driving them - technology scale and features are table stakes- execution and ideas will be the key differentiators imho
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
Role of IT: adapt or be left behind
John Furrier
If you're not in front of the next wave you become "driftwood"
Robert Novak
I'm no longer sure that "adapt or be left behind" is all that true. Catchy, yes. Inclusive or accurate, probably not. You still need people who can see the big picture even if they don't use the same buzzwords.
Robert Novak
But then people have vastly different definitions of "IT" so your mileage may vary.
John Furrier
@gallifreyan it's a great fear tactic but I feel like if the network and apps are not scaling for UX and CX then customers will lose money which is detrimental to growth
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
@gallifreyan Working on the high end of IT, we sometimes forget that not everyone has access to the same tools/capabilities
Robert Novak
Very true. If your network people jump directly to the latest and greatest and no longer have your wall jack or access point working, nobody wins. You need people who adeptly turn technology into business drivers and enablers. That's IT.
John Furrier
@gallifreyan IT is not dying at all it's changing for sure and that is obvious how it changes is dependent on the company's goals and objectives no std playbook anymore after core critical infra is established imho
Crowd Captain
Is the Internet of Things a buzzword worthy? #strataconf some say it should be called Emerging connected devices rather than #Iot
Robert Novak
I'm certain that #IoT or #IoE is easier to tweet or type... but everything seems to start out as a buzzword or catch phrase.
Robert Novak
I know I'd rather refer to Big Data (which is not 100% precise) rather than "amalgamated aggregated multi-source multi-format data."
Ariana Gradow
Is there a way to simplify the #IOT?
Platfora Help
Like @gallifreyan i agree it's sometimes easier to go with the catchy phrase.
Robert Novak
@arianagradow Depends on how you want to simplify it. Ultimately, gathering the data uniformly and processing it together makes it pretty simple, as opposed to collecting and schematizing it all before looking at it.
John Furrier
Who creates more value the vendors or the practitioners (customers)
Big Data buzzword needs to sleep with the fishes
Robert Novak
I haven't heard a better term lately. Have you? :)
Robert Novak
@furrier It's like car manufacturers vs drivers and their crews, I'd say. Both are necessary but with different visibility.
Jim McHugh
All the android users are looking for plugs. I wonder if Google has analytics on that pattern?
what do you mean by plugs?
Robert Novak
You mean micro-USB cables?
Ariana Gradow
.@JimMcHugh not sure what plugs are but I'm guessing Google has analytics on it
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
I just saw @googleanalytics tweet a link to Best Practices for Android: http://codeversed.co...
John Furrier
Google analytics are clickstream based not first party based unless you're on google only
John Furrier
@DrZeydy great to see you back on CrowdChat!
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
Thanks @furrier Do you have a schedule of the chats this week? I just catch them whenever I'm paying attention
Ariana Gradow
@DrZeydy check out www.crowdchat.net and see upcoming chats. Do you like data chats? Lot's of them going on this week
Louis Gray
Google Analytics is for apps and sites. BTW, hi John.
John Furrier
@DrZeydy here is the schedule and you can "follow" chats wchih notifies you went a new one gets added and then you can add to calendar https://www.crowdcha...
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
Cool! The "follow" will be handy
Jim McHugh
@Crowdfather not the kind for ears
John Furrier
Our own @JimMcHugh on the Cube https://www.youtube....
Jim McHugh & Shannon Poulin - Oracle OpenWorld 2014 - theCUBE Studio Cisco
Jim McHugh, Cisco, and Shannon Poulin, Intel, at Oracle OpenWorld 2014 with John Furrier and Jeff Frick @theCUBE #*OOW14* *CiscoUCS* As Oracle Corp. shifts i...
Ariana Gradow
love this interview!
Jim McHugh
yes that's me and Shannon Poulin @intel
Crowd Engagement
#strataconf #stratahadoop @theCUBE are great resources thx for sharing this crowdchat