
Hybrid Cloud
The Power and Promise of Hybrid Cloud.
   10 years ago
#cloudchatThe Open Cloud MovementOpenStack, Cloud Foundry and the open cloud movement.
IBM Cloud
Is hybrid a fad? Will we still be discussing hybrid environments in 5 years?
Rich Miller
Not a 'fad'. And, yes, we'll probably be talking about hybrid cloud in 5 years, but for different reasons.
John Furrier
No way it's the natural progression for the new IT and business applications that are and will be built
Rich Miller
As security & data governance generally is accepted in the cloud, the decision as to where the best storage venture and the best workload execution venue will want to be a late-binding decision.
Michael J Dorosh
Definitely not a fad, in fact, the most likely defacto model.
IBM Cloud
@rhm2k What reasons do you foresee, Rich?
John Furrier
@rhm2k AWS announcement today about Germany availability zone is proof the global consumption of cloud (data) is complicated but it's happening
Adam Wray
Agreed, not a fad, but I'd bet the buzz words morph over time to incorporate more subtleties, such as on premise, public or SaaS environments vs generality
Duncan Johnston-Watt
Definitely not a fad unless you see enterprise adoption of a cloud as a fad!
Michael J Dorosh
@adamjwray Yeah, on prem, pub, hosted private, SaaS.
Rich Miller
Hybrid is a 'fashion statement'. It's really about how we'll need to compose cloud-based applications in the future.
Rich Miller
Sorry. That should be: Hybrid is NOT a 'fashion statement.'
Duncan Johnston-Watt
5 years out we'll simply tap into cloud for whatever we need - hybrid will be seamless foundation
Mike Onsing
I'm in the marketing business and all the great apps are SaaS based so cloud is the best infrastructure to run new apps on
Duncan Johnston-Watt
In other words our job as enablers is to provide right level of abstraction - we are at the start of this journey
Mike Onsing
To me the business model of cloud is key because it allows for the freemium land and expand value prop. I (my customers) don't overpay for tech they aren't using. Buy as you grow is very compelling for me and customers
Kelly Meade
hybrid cloud is definitely not a fad--but in 5 years it will just be a natural progression/way of doing biz so no need to talk specifically about it
John Furrier
SaaS based anything is a winner bc you can turn it off if it doesn't work; reduces the risk; IT is more complicated in that there are compliance issues
Duncan Johnston-Watt
final thought on hybrid - He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it. Wittgenstein
Shubham Anand
we wont be talking about it.. but that doesn't mean hybrid would phase out but then.. it will still be the model in use however the abstraction in technology would not talk about such very common elements of infrastructure/ computing.
Duncan Johnston-Watt
@JerryAOverton hybrid is the natural state of affairs - no cloud is an island
Jerry Overton
Then we can't consider hybrid cloud to be particularly disruptive, right?
Adam Wray
@JerryAOverton is it disruptive to suddenly have critical workloads running potentially all over the world? Most CTOs say yes...
Rich Miller
Something doesn't need to be disruptive to be 'innovative' or valuable. Can't confuse (or equate) disruption and useful/valuable.
Amy Hermes
@JerryAOverton I'd look at it a slightly different way... can hybrid computing be used to reduce frustration? Can we remove some of the complexity from today and use a surface that is essentially easier and cost-effective to manage existing workloads?
Adam Wray
@amyhermes JerryAOverton long-term less disruptive, short term very disruptive
Jerry Overton
What's the big deal? Why are hybrid clouds important?
Michael J Dorosh
They allow the most flexibility for enterprises to deploy the right application in the right space. Things that need more security/privacy/data residency stay on prem, where systems of engagement can be placed out in the public cloud.
Rich Miller
< Important (in part) as a form of 'safety' for enterprise which needs a means of managing data security and separation of management control.
John Furrier
Hybrid clouds are the answer to having both on premise and in the cloud solutions; multicloud is a big variable
Marin Debelic
You can benefit from the economics/agility of the Cloud whilst keeping the Crown Jewels data at home.
IBM Cloud
OK, first question: How do you define hybrid cloud?
Rich Miller
An infrastructure or platform topology in which there exist two or more distinct organizations taking management responsibility for (their) portion of the foundational technology.
Michael J Dorosh
Hybrid Cloud is the best of public and private cloud, allowing the right solution for the workload!
Adam Wray
try again, hybrid = distributed workloads
Duncan Johnston-Watt
Hybrid is an any-2-any cloud environment
Jerry Overton
any-2-any...what does that mean?
Dan Hushon
hetrogenous in some dimension...
Duncan Johnston-Watt
In many cases hybrid is a cloud on-ramp for enterprises
Dan Hushon
so public|private aws|azure vmware|openstack
Marin Debelic
On-premise Cloud + Off-premise Cloud + something to glue them together.
IBM Cloud
Hello and welcome to today’s discussion on hybrid #cloud, featuring Duncan Johnston-Watt, Michael Dorosh, Rich Miller and Adam Wray.
IBM Cloud
Bios for our panelists can be found here:
#CloudChat preview: The rise of hybrid cloud - Thoughts on Cloud
We’ve come well past cloud computing’s infancy and we’re beginning to realize its full potential. Enterprises are increasingly turning to hybrid cloud solutions to remain flexible and agile. They love the low cost and ease that public clouds offer, w...
IBM Cloud
As always, please feel free to ask your own questions of our panelists and offer your own opinions on our topics.
Adam Wray
hybrid = distributed workloads
Mike Onsing
I really enjoy this chat and the app. Better than tweet chat and nurph/twubs