
VMworld Pregame
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   11 years ago
#vmworldVMworld InfluencersEveryday at 9am PT during VMworld 2013 join us for live conversations with thought leaders all day
   10 years ago
#vmworldVMworld 2014VMworld 2104 Conversations
John Furrier
Question for Crowd: What should I ask Pat Gelsinger on @theCUBE live at the show? I will give attribution if I use your question.
Dave Vellante
let's re-visit his Docker answer fm May
Henrik Wagner
How does the intersection of ERP application such as SAP align with the 3rd platform open source stacks?
Aaron Delp
What are his plans to move further "up the stack" besides automation/orchestration? What are his plans around applications in this area?
Rick Scherer ☁
@henrikwagner73 ERP is so Platform 2... get with the times :) Love you! lol
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips Yup. however companies like #SAP are not asleep at the wheel, they are many times bldg 3rd platform tech faster than others ex HANA
Rick Scherer ☁
@aarondelp I think they've set that straight already... VMware provides the Software-Defined infrastructure to run any application. They'll make apps run easier/better with things like #CloudVolumes, but leave the apps and focus to companies like Pivotal.
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@rick_vmwaretips I think HANA would disagree with you. ;-)
#AskPat if he considers #SAP a Strategic Partner of #VMware - his thoughts on #Cloud (w.r.t #HANA)
Rick Scherer ☁
@sylvie75015 @henrikwagner73 Perhaps I don't know enough about HANA, but I'm confused how it could be considered 3rd Platform. We should definitely chat about it over a #vBeers next week.
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips Sounds good. Happy to chat about it. It's the platform + Packaged apps (from SAP and from others) on top of HANA
⚔️⚔️⚔️ kyaaS⚔️⚔️⚔️
what is Pat's favorite VMware technology/IP? And it could be from their recent acquisition as well.
@KongYang That's a GREAT question - curious what his response/thoughts would be
Henrik Wagner
How about asking Pat about what he thinks Chambers uttered the other month about trying to crush VMW. That would be a good ice breaker :)
Jamie MacQuarrie
@aarondelp Very interested to see how #vmware defines moving up the stack. What does the "application economy" mean to them?
Gregg Holzrichter
How will Cisco's rumored development of a more aggressive storage strategy impact general VMware / Cisco partnership, EMC pressure, VSAN adoption?
RT @henrikwagner73 Find out what #SAP activities the #EMC team has planned for #VMworld. http://bit.ly/1mL4Pp...
Henrik Wagner
We will have our #SAPPosse crew from EMC there in full force! Watch out for the EMC beach balls during the concert :) @kensaul @sylvie75015
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@henrikwagner73 I will be looking forward to the live tweets! I will stay virtual my friends. Shout out to @daven007 who is having laptop challenges!
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@henrikwagner73 that was part part of the problem. Mac issues abound. Yipes!
Henrik Wagner
I will be posting a new updated Virtual #SAPHANA blog today...which you can expect me chatting about next week @sylvie75015
How did we transition from #Virtual #SAPHANA to Fav brew #VMworld? Leave it to #vGeeks
Rick Scherer ☁
not everything is about #SAP Ken :)
Teresa Wade
@rick_vmwaretips No, it's all about EMC & SAP especially at #VMworld!
⚔️⚔️⚔️ kyaaS⚔️⚔️⚔️
I can guarantee that @virtualTodd can cover any performance related topic on SAP HANA & VMware
John Furrier
the data shows that beer and tea are the fav beverages of choice from the @vmware ecosystem coffee isn't considered a beverage
@furrier I'd suspect that beer has a (much) higher % of those stats than tea - just saying!!
Henrik Wagner
@KongYang Agreed! Looking forward to seeing the VMW SAP Posse @virtualTodd @blanchard_ray @rlichtenstein12
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips @kensaul Not all about SAP?? You sure. What world do you live in? :)
@henrikwagner73 Hey #Henrik, it's #allaboutSAP brutha! #SAP rules the (#ERP) world, NOT that other fellow in the west coast!
@henrikwagner73 How comes these (VMware) #SAPPosse is NOT on this #CrowdChat #VMworld?
Henrik Wagner
One of these days...others will get it!
Rick Scherer ☁
@henrikwagner73 It's all about EHC baby :) #SAP has to run somewhere!
@rick_vmwaretips Lol...#EHC is definitely picking it's strides, especially now that #SAP is rocking on it. C it always comes down to #SAP..again
stay tuned to our EMC ECN page for our latest EMC for SAP foundation paper due out soon
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips You will like what you see on the EHC for SAP launch
Question for the Crowd: What is the favorite beer of the ecosystem?
John Furrier
Very tough call to make - IPA is fav
got to go with Yuengling America's Oldest Brewery
John Furrier
ecosystem more like neighborhood
Hey @EMCSAP, I know a guy called #Whalen who like Yuengling - look out for him #VMworld
Kelsey Mulcahy
hmmm anchor steam!
@furrier Is IPA a west coast brew?
Jamie MacQuarrie
In SF, can't go wrong with Anchor Steam. Tons of local micros to choose from, too.
@JMacQuarrie Agreed. When in SF.....
Rick Scherer ☁
Briar Rose Talking Frog hefeweizen for me.. it's a local fav for me
Jeff Frick
Going to be Gordon Biersch after we take theCUBE crew down there in a few weeks.
Gordon Biersch
Company history; information about beers and restaurants. With locations throughout the United States.
Henrik Wagner
Stella Artois for Sure
Aaron Delp
I'm from PA before Yuengling went national. Yes, Yuengling all the way
Jamie MacQuarrie
@JeffFrick GB is good. For beer education in SF try Abbot's Cellar or Toronado. Very cool, very different places.
John Furrier
I'm been getting into 805 lately from SoCal I pick up cases when I go visit my son at UCSB
Vlad Nagornyi
Favorite beer - Whatever they have at Chieftain and ThirstyBear
Rob Steele
Sweetwater 420 Pale Ale out of Atlanta, GA is by far my favorite.
Kelsey Mulcahy
@furrier yes, 805 is awesome- wish i could find it around here. go gauchos!
Jeff Frick
Racer5 at the Nut House on Cal Ave. It's the whole package. #Solution
Oren Carmeli
@henrikwagner73 Stella was my first and still my favorite to this date
Mark Browne
The rather extensive range of craft beer available at Toronad www.tornado.com
Mark Browne
Dang my own exuberence. The venue is Toronado the website http://www.toronado.... apologies for typos