John Furrier33
Question for Crowd: What should I ask Pat Gelsinger on @theCUBE live at the show? I will give attribution if I use your question.
Dave Vellante
let's re-visit his Docker answer fm May
Henrik Wagner
How does the intersection of ERP application such as SAP align with the 3rd platform open source stacks?
@henrikwagner73 That's a Great Q
Aaron Delp
What are his plans to move further "up the stack" besides automation/orchestration? What are his plans around applications in this area?
Rick Scherer ☁
@henrikwagner73 ERP is so Platform 2... get with the times :) Love you! lol
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips Yup. however companies like #SAP are not asleep at the wheel, they are many times bldg 3rd platform tech faster than others ex HANA
Rick Scherer ☁
@aarondelp I think they've set that straight already... VMware provides the Software-Defined infrastructure to run any application. They'll make apps run easier/better with things like #CloudVolumes, but leave the apps and focus to companies like Pivotal.
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@rick_vmwaretips I think HANA would disagree with you. ;-)
Rick Scherer ☁
@sylvie75015 @henrikwagner73 Perhaps I don't know enough about HANA, but I'm confused how it could be considered 3rd Platform. We should definitely chat about it over a #vBeers next week.
Henrik Wagner
@rick_vmwaretips Sounds good. Happy to chat about it. It's the platform + Packaged apps (from SAP and from others) on top of HANA
⚔️⚔️⚔️ kyaaS⚔️⚔️⚔️
what is Pat's favorite VMware technology/IP? And it could be from their recent acquisition as well.
Henrik Wagner
How about asking Pat about what he thinks Chambers uttered the other month about trying to crush VMW. That would be a good ice breaker :)
Jamie MacQuarrie
@aarondelp Very interested to see how #vmware defines moving up the stack. What does the "application economy" mean to them?
Gregg Holzrichter
How will Cisco's rumored development of a more aggressive storage strategy impact general VMware / Cisco partnership, EMC pressure, VSAN adoption?