
The Open Cloud Movement
OpenStack, Cloud Foundry and the open cloud movement.
   10 years ago
#cloudchatCloud TransformationCloud and the new economy: Driving transformation
   10 years ago
#cloudchatHybrid CloudThe Power and Promise of Hybrid Cloud.
IBM Cloud
As more companies join @OpenStack and @CloudFoundry, what does the ideal for adoption look like?
Chris Ferris
adopting cloud, regardless of whether open or closed, requires cultural change in the enterprise - I see the support for @openstack and @cloudfoundry as smart enterprises making a good bet as they pave the way for adoption
Michael Fork
ideal adoption? kick out the proprietary "dinosaurs" and go all in on open cloud. Realistic? slow, staged rollout taking months to years with old and new running side by side for quite a period of time.
Noam Shendar
@mjfork You beat me to it. And the beauty of open clouds is that you can realistically do a slow, staged rollout
Michael Fork
@Christo4Ferris is dead on - cultural change is a must. Adopting cloud without a cultural change is often viewed as a failure of cloud, when it reality it was an organization failing.
Eric Bravick
Ultimately I think hybridization will increase, and we'll end up with a strong group of somewhat competing and somewhat cooperating open cloud technology platforms.
Kelly Capo
I'll go with hybridization
Noam Shendar
It boils down to ecosystem. The approach with the richest set of complementary capabilities will become predominant
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
Sorry I could not make it folks - but have been watching the tweets go by - great topics today!
IBM Cloud
Angel Diaz couldn't make it to the chat today, but I wanted to get your thoughts on a quote he had, and see if everyone agrees: https://www.crowdcha...

Kelly Capo
Looking back 15 yrs, I am just so glad this is where we are now as an industry.
Eric Bravick
In general I'm in agreement, although there are plenty of "dead-end" solutions that last a very long time... ;)
Eric Bravick
There's no question that the advantages of open tech in cloud are so profound that no organization should be considering rejecting them.
Kelly Capo
hhhmmm have you talked to any midsized company CEOs? they don't see it that way
Eric Bravick
The dinosaur of purely closed software ecosystems isn't just dead, its already a fossil.
Kelly Capo
i would love to quote you!!! LOL
Jonathan Bryce
For many organizations this is a decade plus platform decision so the future potential of the platform you choose is critical
Chris Ferris
@ebravick closed software ecosystems are the Zombie apocalypse
Kelly Capo
this is getting fun
Eric Bravick
@kellycapo I know some business organizations still haven't figured this out... we all know someone who is way behind the curve. However, those organizations are increasingly under pressure to join the larger ecosystems...
Kelly Capo
I wish I had the secret sauce to help them make the jump.
Eric Bravick
OpenStack, its like having a shotgun during the Zombie Apocalypse... a shotgun for software that doesn't know its dead yet!
Eric Bravick
@kellycapo We all do!!! Unfortunately it takes a lot of hand holding, education, and labor...
Kelly Capo
ditto - totally
IBM Cloud
What are some of the most telling use cases that illustrate the advantages of OpenStack and Cloud Foundry?
Eric Bravick
From my experience, Hybrid public / private cloud use cases pop out immediately.
Eric Bravick
In specific, cases in which a use case has a predictable base load that we can do highly efficiently in an OpenStack "private" cloud married with say an AWS or Softlayer component.
Jonathan Bryce
@ebravick Digital Film Tree is a great example of those hybrid use cases--post production for Modern Family, Her, etc
Chris Ferris
I think if you look at the breadth of plugins for storage, networking and hypervisors in #openstack you'd have to say that is a clear advantage over propriatery alternatives
Eric Bravick
The public cloud component we shift variable load to, but we can often gain considerable economic and operational advantages by keeping base load in a private OpenStack cloud.
Chris Ferris
*proprietary - sheesh
Jonathan Bryce
They have their own private cloud, studio clouds, and burst to public OpenStack clouds
Jonathan Bryce
They've pioneered tri-brid cloud! = ) You heard it here first
Kelly Capo
ok I love it Tri-brid
IBM Cloud
Congrats to @jbryce on being the first to coin a phrase during one of our chats: Tri-brid #cloud
Michael Fork
most telling use cases are yet to come - Cloud Foundry is not deployed at wide scale to really take advantage of the openness of OpenStack and what can be done across disparate clouds (public, private, on and off-premises, cross vendor)
IBM Cloud
Are there any industries that particularly benefit from or require open cloud technology?
Jonathan Bryce
Any industry that depends on software--oh wait...that's all of them
Eric Bravick
In general, I think anything related to Security strongly benefits from open cloud. Many security oriented hybrid clouds are not possible without an open cloud component.
Noam Shendar
@jbryce Yes, it's a beautifully horizontal approach
Chris Ferris
I can't think of any that don't benefit... as for _require_, I see many governments increasingly moving in this direction of preference for open standards and open source
IBM Cloud
Which industries have been the most fervent early adopters, in general?
Eric Bravick
One could categorize solutions on a scale of "disruptive"... in general on this spectrum I would say more disruptive technology comes out of open cloud tech.
Michael Fork
that's like asking which customers benefit from increased standardization and more competition :-)
Chris Ferris
enterprises with very strong technical depth such as finance, and media are often the trail-blazers - good examples for #openstack are PayPal, Bloomberg, Comcast, and even the NSA
Kelly Capo
Any industry except Government
Michael Fork
traditional HPC type workloads have been early adoptions, especially in Government and Financials (banks)
Chris Ferris
@kellycapo why except gov't? I'm curious... I think I've observed the opposite, actually
Kelly Capo
I'm was thinking NSA type Government work :)
Michael Fork
@kellycapo Agree with @Christo4Ferris, NSA is an OpenStakc user (had keynote a year or so ago), as have national labs like Argonne.
Kelly Capo
I have officially been "Schooled" thanks guys
IBM Cloud
Avoiding vendor lock-in is an obvious benefit for end users when it comes to open cloud technology. What are some other benefits?
Chris Ferris
strong ecosystem is an important by-product of an open initiative
Michael Fork
Ability to control their destiny - don't like where the community is headed, take the code and go your own path.
Eric Bravick
The ability to experiment with paths that the creators of the software didn't necessarily intend or understand is key.
Jonathan Bryce
Many OpenStack users cite the ability to influence the roadmap as one of the key benefits
IBM Cloud
How important is experimentation in building open cloud technology?
Eric Bravick
The ability to examine and understand the components of how something is built, and modify them or reorganize them for a user case.
Chris Ferris
another is innovation - we had >1,000 contributors to #openstack IceHouse release implementing many new features and helping to improve and harden existing capability
Chris Ferris
experimentation on the edges, through various "incubator" initiatives is key to driving new innovation and collaboration
Noam Shendar
Customization, control, agility
Eric Bravick
Experimentation is very important in the more leading edge deployments. It gets less critical as you move towards center mass of an industry... but innovation comes from the edges!
Chris Ferris
I'd have to add one benefit: tee-shirt collections ;-)
Eric Bravick
Cost as a barrier to entry is also important... open cloud technology allows an entire ecosystem of solutions to come into existence that could not have been affordably launched in any other way.