
Open Technology Summit
A sneak peek into the Open Technology Summit at Innovate 2014 and the power of open technologies.
Jennifer Throop
Can you tell me which partners will be at the Open Technology Summit and what role they will play?
Sean Kennedy
We've got Array Networks and SODIUS as sponsors - we've also got presentations from jQuery and PointSource.
John Furrier
That's a great question. The partner ecosystem is very important bc #opensource is key to success and lock in is not the trend customers & partners want
John Furrier
The Red Hat article in the WSJ really brought up the issues of building in the open to foster innovation and progress
Red Hat plays hardball on OpenStack software
Red Hat has embraced OpenStack, a new kind of open-source software. But some Red Hat rivals, partners and customers fear that it is wielding its dominance in Linux to block organizations from using alternative cloud software.
Dave Ings
The Read Hat article would be an excellent question for the OpenStack leaders speaking at the OTS.
Beth Jarvis-Maude
Over 500 #ibmpartners are estimated to attend #ibminnovate. They will kick off the conference on Sunday with an exclusive Business Partner Summit
IBM Innovate 2014 - Business Partners
Business Partner information for Innovate 2014, with activities to help business partners navigate the Devops and Continuous Engineering landscape.
Sean Kennedy
At the Open Tech Summit we'll have lightning talks about #mobile #cloud #web #integration ... what open technologies are you using in these areas?
John Furrier
One area I am interested in is #devops around automation and orchestration
Sean Kennedy
@furrier #devops is definitely a hot topic! We've got @dancberg delivering a lightning talk + the panel discussion is focused on product and software delivery (aka "Continuous Engineering" and DevOps)
Zach Jory
@furrier loads of great #DevOps sessions planned. Check out for coverage during the conference.
The Invisible Thread
IBM Rational delivers greater value from investments in software and systems. Rational solutions enable organizations to achieve precision in desired business outcomes and execute with reduced risk and cost.
Kim Messeri
@KimMesseri I'm interested in Dynamic Cloud and BlueMix...heard its a hot topic at this year's Innovate.
Sean Kennedy
it sure is! we've got talks focusing on #OpenStack #CloudFoundry & #BlueMix :-)
Sean Kennedy
Hello Everyone! Welcome to this CrowdChat about the Open Technology Summit at IBM Innovate. Have you had a chance to look at the public agenda?
John Furrier
great to be here and participate. While I broadcast on #theCUBE at #IBMEdge
Crowd Doc
looking forward to learn more about Watson!
Sean Kennedy
@CrowdDr there'll be lots to learn about #Watson @ #IBMInnovate ... are you excited for Watson As A Service?
IBM Watson Ecosystem
The IBM Watson Ecosystem program is for companies interested in embedding Watson’s capability into their offerings to create a transformative cognitive app.
Kim Messeri
@KimMesseri - WaaS? Absolutely! Please share more!