Sean Kennedy22

At the Open Tech Summit we'll have lightning talks about #mobile #cloud #web #integration ... what open technologies are you using in these areas?

John Furrier
One area I am interested in is #devops around automation and orchestration

Zach Jory
@furrier loads of great #DevOps sessions planned. Check out ibm.com/invisiblethr... for coverage during the conference.

The Invisible Thread
IBM Rational delivers greater value from investments in software and systems. Rational solutions enable organizations to achieve precision in desired business outcomes and execute with reduced risk and cost.
IBM Rational delivers greater value from investments in software and systems. Rational solutions enable organizations to achieve precision in desired business outcomes and execute with reduced risk and cost.
Kim Messeri
@KimMesseri I'm interested in Dynamic Cloud and BlueMix...heard its a hot topic at this year's Innovate.