
Cloud Transformation
Cloud and the new economy: Driving transformation
   11 years ago
#cloudchatIBM Watson & CloudIBM Watson & the Cloud: Driving innovation
   11 years ago
#cloudchatThe Open Cloud MovementOpenStack, Cloud Foundry and the open cloud movement.
IBM Cloud
What does cloud transformation mean for the end user (customer), and how does that differ from the enterprise?
Amy Hylden Anderson
If the app is usable, the cloud is invisible and meaningless to the end user.
Brendan Wright
End Users are seeing more focus on their experience in application development and how technology is delivered. Cloud especially PaaS and SaaS offerings are increasing the agility of organizations to deliver for the end user whether its an intern
The end users not only expect to have apps and products always available and in the mobile world they want everything Available everywhere!
For the Enterprises they are focused on security, migration, privacy of data and understand the need for disaster recovery... the transformation for the enterprise is much longer with more variables!
Eric Saint-Marc
untethered access to innovation and services into an H2H world
Amy Hylden Anderson
One area where end users should see the benefits of cloud is faster access to new applications.
Brendan Wright
The next wave if big data driven analytics which optimize user experience based on machine understanding of the user - both experience and machine learning capability are likely to be delivered via cloud slns because else economics wont scale
The cloud is transforming how customers and enterprise companies work together. Clients expect a full service experience. When they can get help with all their technology needs, in a one stop shop marketplace, this builds customers for life!
Renat Khasanshyn
cloud transformation in general, and cloud foundry/bluemix in particular gives apps to a) end users 5x faster (weeks not months), and b) the enterprise 5x cheaper
John Furrier
End user experience should be invisible to technology, easy to use devices and apps. Reducing steps to do stuff; new experiences
Brian Fanzo
Customers want and live in a SMAC world.. #Social #Mobile #Analytics and #Cloud
Amy Hylden Anderson
End users don't think about "the cloud." They think about unlimited access to applications from multiple devices.
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
I feel the market and consumerization of IT is telling us that there should be no difference in the user experience of technology for consumer and enterprises. Technology becomes opaque.
Jeff Kelly
@aha_inthe_cloud exactly - the cloud should be in the background for the end-user, no more noticeable than the clouds in the sky
Brendan Wright
UX is critical in both, users dont care about how its delivered (social) and dont see the anlytics - they see the outcome. Agree it's opaque @guriahluwalia - but buying process for tech is diff for consumer and enterprise
Brian Fanzo
@bcwright1217 Agree UX & CX are difficult because not only are the skills of the user different but the desired outcomes are as well..
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
@aha_inthe_cloud With unlimited apps, we are now at a different plateau of problem and opportunity to solve complexity of a different kind. We have an Apps surplus, and a Context deficit.
John Furrier
this is for @guriahluwalia on your last tweet. This was my interview at #IBMImpact with Grady Booch -
Grady Booch - IBM Impact 2014 - TheCUBE
Grady Booch, IBM Research,at IBM Impact 2014 with John Furrier and Paul Gillin @thecube #IBMimpact
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
Thanks, I will watch your interview. Need my mojo from @Grady_Booch and you!
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
I am impressed by crowd-sourced collaboration (like Waze for navigaiton). The pattern of peer-to-peer capability in #IoT rather #IoTH (H for Human) enabled by cloud presents astounding possibilities to society and business.
John Furrier
this is why we build #crowdchat this is open, recorded, public, peer to peer. Frankly some amazing insights here. I learn everytime @IBM does a crowdchat
@IBMCloud I am now thinking of Honda's Asimo running purely on the cloud. Now that's both astounding and dramatic entrance
Data will feed the human part of this next generation of collaboration
Brian Fanzo
I am a power user of the app @IFTTT as it automates multiple cloud bases solutions and applications to make my life more productive.. Cloud powers that entire process!
CrowdChat in itself is a CrowdSourced way of producing knowledge that is later reference-able
IBM Cloud
As we move toward an API-based economy, how can companies take advantage of APIs through cloud?
Brendan Wright
I think you have two different cases, for the smaller companies its being laser focused on where you create value and using APIs to build an ecosystem that let's you act big. For the bigger companies, it's using APIs to open up access to the co
Brendan Wright
Part2: For the bigger companies, it's using APIs to open up access to the company's assets and know how in ways that couldn't be done in the past.
Amy Hylden Anderson
APIs in the cloud is how software is eating the world.
Brian Fanzo
Automation & Software scare many but when you use API's and automate the workflow you can change the skill set of your workforce to manage work that is part of the business they are a part of.
John Furrier
APIs in the cloud offer distribution for developers; APIs are the data transport for cross application integration; cloud enables this
Amy Hylden Anderson
The challenge with APIs is not building them, but managing them: versioning, security, etc. APIs in the cloud require even better tools for management, especially for enterprises hoping to monetize assets.
Using API's to connect the software that runs a data center with your cloud software solution while also being secure and sustainable is a must for enterprise.
Jeff Kelly
APIs play a crucial role in allowing enterprises to bring in new data sources for analysis, cloud is natural home for integration of data sources that are born and live outside any one enterprise's data center.
Brian Fanzo
@jeffreyfkelly Yes I agree Jeff.. Data Data Data is what they want to make decisions but the key is connecting all the data sources and tying that to the business decisions.
Brendan Wright
APIs also key to all platform plays, e.g. app store
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
@bcwright1217 I feel you are on a point. In other words, API economy blurs the notion and distinction between smaller vs larger companies.
John Furrier
@guriahluwalia agree but agree with @bcwright1217 small companies can be on the giving and receiving of value through APIs
Renat Khasanshyn
APIs will enable businesses to create ecosystems around that business core product, expanding their value proposition. Think 1000s of "AppStores" uniting supply chain and end user workflows.
By building and maintaining a secure, centralized and feature rich ecosystem of cloud offerings, is what enables an API-based economy to be possible. This creates a center point for biz & tech, allowing all nerve endings to end up in the cloud.
IBM Cloud
What are some of the most dramatic examples you’ve witnessed of the cloud helping to transform a business?
Brendan Wright
for startups it's let us scale to enterprise grade "overnight" - I think how that whole VC backed industry has changed in 10 years is a huge example
Amy Hylden Anderson
I think it's dramatic when it changes a whole industry. Again, AWS and Zillow come to mind right away.
Crowd Captain
this crowd chat app right here is an example; runs in cloud (#devops) lots of node etc; low cost high value; don't have to hire bunch of sys admins #infrastructure #code
First thing that comes to mind is Disaster recovery scenarios or collocation IT demands that weren't predicted!
John Furrier
I see analytics continuing to be huge spinning up cloud real time resource pools to do "point analytics" on data..system like capabilities at the finger tips #bluemix will be part of this
Brian Fanzo
At #AWSreinvent it was very cool to see companies like @AirBnB & @Dropcam grow and expand so fast while never purchasing one physical server!
@CrowdCaptain that is true, people are exposed to apps that they never know runs on the cloud
Brendan Wright
in big companies that have already invested, the transformation tends to be looked at for cost savings and frankly that case is often hard to make
Brendan Wright
big companies that have already invested in systems need to focus on cloud projects where they develop new capabilities - analytics and other big data are use cases that make sense
Enterprises must find a scalable approach to grow & manage cloud applications while also using software to manage legacy equipment.
John Furrier
@iSocial_Fanz there is a lock in if to dependent on cloud;
Ed Laczynski
the dramatic ones aren't all greenfield. they are often in seemingly fringe problems with outsized impact. e.g. can't access information, get cloud+mobile storage and sharing >> increase productivity + sales + happiness
Brendan Wright
Lock in is a misnomer - there are plenty of SIs that will move you cloud to cloud
Brendan Wright
it just a function of business case if you worried about cost... if you are missing capabilities, then that's a different challenge, but possibly an opty too @edla
Gurvinder Ahluwalia
I am impressed by crowd-sourced collaboration (like Waze for navigaiton). The pattern of peer-to-peer capability in #IoT rather #IoTH (H for Human) enabled by cloud presents astounding possibilities to society and business.
Renat Khasanshyn
we've seen a dramatic impact of the cloud in the form of cloud foundry powered app factory which resulted in 1-2 year time to market advantage for 1B+ enterprise (media) against competition
The reason we exist is because of the cloud! Forever changing the Home & Business IT experience. We're the most Simple, Reliable & Affordable Online Helpdesk. We built MCC IN the cloud & deliver our services FROM the cloud.