IBM Systems17
Why do so few enterprises collaborate effectively with business teams?
Ron Kline
Is it really just one way –there are comfort zone issues. IT leaders viewed the business as slow and siloed, LOB felt IT was to rigid and slow. Cloud changed the game for both – more than ever the right infra matters
Surjit Chana
Collaboration has yet to be engrained in IT’s culture. And the right collaboration methods are not easy to implement – plus it’s time-consuming
Nathan Dyer
For many, it's hard to do. Takes a culture shift to be more open
Paulo Carvao
IT and business teams come from different backgrounds with very different skill-sets, interests and objectives... and have a heritage of decades working independently.
Nathan Dyer
@SurjitChana Great point with culture - really needs to be led from the top-down
Paulo Carvao
We have seen clients like the London Stock Exchange (see study) attack this issue and start making progress
Surjit Chana
@nathan_dyer yes culture is key...can not force everything via process and mgt system. Culture will drive it naturally
John Furrier
It's clear that automation will solve this problem; IT and business collaboration is hard, people intensive, and time consuming; automation makes it simplier
Surjit Chana
@furrier agreed do you have examples you cam share where and how this was done ?