Sriram (Cloud Don) Subramanian50
@hphelioncloud are there plans to move HP Public Cloud infras to HP Helion Cloud?
John Furrier
This is a great use case
Sriram (Cloud Don) Subramanian
and will boost user confidence
Yes. Watch this space.
HPE Cloud
Yes, all #HPHelion solutions will run on our #OpenStack distros including private and public cloud
Crowd Captain
HP should "prime the pump" to show on their infra as a "lighthouse" to bring the other ships.. good move
Amitabh Dey
HP Public Cloud is already on OpenStack! After Rackspace it was the 2nd most biggest Public Cloud on OpenStack. It's already on Helion. Going forward every offering and Cloud initiative will be based on @hphelioncloud
Rajmohan Rajagopalan
to be clear, we announced rebranding to HP Helion Public Cloud yesterday..
Rajmohan Rajagopalan
all of these products will have HP Helion OpenStack as the foundation in the future
Amitabh Dey
And do not forget our Managed Cloud Services by HP Enterprise Services (called as VPC: Virtual Private Cloud) is also going to be transitioned to HP Helion soon. It means, you can have your workloads on HP Helion based private cloud
John Furrier
@AmitabhPancham I think that is great but you have to beat AWS and be enterprise grade; #stuckinthemiddle ?