
Unmetric - #SMInspire
Let's talk inspiration - How has it changed in this data-driven age?
Q4: Can data be a source of inspiration?

Chrissy Stanojev
is the sky blue? :)
Rick Liebling
I think it can (but then I'm biased, right?). Patterns can produce ideas that lead to new creative outputs.
Sally Hammond
data can be a great source of inspiration and validation, especially when it is read by human eyes and not relying only on technology 'to tell the story'
Rick Liebling
@sally_hammond algorithms + humans = better ideas.
John Furrier
I think that "data wrangling" or data exploration is the key to creativity bc the answers to many things come from iterating; old data exploration techniques were limited by databases structures; not it's free form and easier to "play with"
Chrissy Stanojev
Understanding and interpreting data is a constantly evolving skill that everyone can sharpen. As @furrier mentioned, there are countless tools that allow you to explore for free.
John Furrier
@chrissystanojev the process of making tooling easier is very important in the evolution of the industry; i predict it will get as easy as a google search
Chrissy Stanojev
the evolution of these tools in 2014 alone has substantially changed "the game" by creating the ability to analyze multiple comparative data-sets while listening & engaging in real-time.
Ok, here we go
Q1: What are your sources of inspiration for creating social media content?

Rick Liebling
Q1 - Online FastCo.create always has great stories that give me ideas. Especially from a marketing standpoint.
Rick Liebling
Q1: @PSFK and @contagious are great places to get ideas too.
John Furrier
Inspiration for me is the hyper targeted interactions that lead to ideation and then progress on a goal or objective; creativity is a collaborative experience that gets sparked by something contextually relevant
Chrissy Stanojev
Mashable, TED and BuzzFeed
Rick Liebling
Q1: Of course, looking at what other brands are doing on Twitter, FB, Pinterest, etc. is always great as well.
Chrissy Stanojev
@RickLiebling In total agreement, social listening is imperative
@chrissystanojev How do you turn listening into new content?
John Furrier
listening in important and increasing signal vs noise a big factor.
John Furrier
listening gives clues and contextual real time affinity to the content creation process. Vectoring relevance into conversation streams is very key in social network bc it then has network effect
Chrissy Stanojev
Listening is the key insight to your audience. You can't create something "better" without knowing & understanding what is already considered "best."
Q2: Has the digital age changed our conception of where inspiration can come from?

Rick Liebling
Q2: I think the digital age has blasted open the sources of inspiration - geographically, time-wise, socially, professionally...
Rick Liebling
Q2: Our definition of what a 'muse' is has certainly changed. Creatives have an endless source now.
Sally Hammond
I agree, inspiration has spread from text to many forms including video and broken down any global barriers
Chrissy Stanojev
The art of storytelling - sharing ideas, experiences, and creative expressions - ignites inspiration. The digital age gives it power to spread exponentially at record speed. #viralcontent
John Furrier
totally changed the inputs for sure; now multiple inputs from online and offline; notion of cues changing big time
Sally Hammond
I think that using digital provides instant feedback from clients and breaks down the walls of engagement in a good way
Q3: Is the romantic vision of creativity as divine inspiration still relevant?

John Furrier
ideas still come when taking a shower :-)
Rick Liebling
@furrier But when those ideas come, do you run to the Internet to validate them?
John Furrier
@RickLiebling great point Rick the validation concept is more important than ever so "peer review" or fact checking on what's floating around is key checkpoint in the internal mind of the creative person
Chrissy Stanojev
absolutely, however it has evolved. Now, Creativity {+ data} as divine inspiration intersecting like a perfect love story. #socialgeek
Sally Hammond
I agree with Chrissy, data to support the creative process wins
Chrissy Stanojev
@furrier Amen to eureka moments :))
Last few moments here...comments, questions?
John Furrier
Inspiration is about harnessing the moment with data and interactions with relevant signals which add to the process vs distract from it. Creativity will be unleashed with connected global society
Q5: How can competitive intelligence inspire your own creative strategy?

Rick Liebling
Blue ocean. See what the comp is doing, and find an open territory for creativity.
John Furrier
@RickLiebling this is my hot button competitive benchmarking and analysis never got better than it is right now and it's getting better with cloud and #bigdata
Rick Liebling
Competitive Intel can also help you see trends and get a view perhaps into what audiences are looking for.
Chrissy Stanojev
@furrier I couldn't agree more. Competitive benchmarking and analysis is where its at. If it isn't measured, it didn't happen.
John Furrier
What is the groups thoughts on Person based interaction for accurate personalization of collaboration
Rick Liebling
Can you re-phrase the question?
John Furrier
I meant persona based data; history of a person's interactions and orientation in effectively aligning with them in conversations
Rick Liebling
The digital world certainly allows for that type of hyper-targeting. Too creepy for some?
We believe in the importance of inspiration so much we created a tool to help marketers ideate.
We Just Doubled Your Creative Inspiration... With Twitter!
Last month, we unveiled Inspire, our newest product and the first ever social media search engine for marketers. Our vision with Inspire was to empower you, the modern marketer with fuel for creative, effective and engaging social content and campaig...
Hello Everyone! Welcome to #SMInspire
John Furrier
inspired to chat with the group
Rick Liebling
@furrier Thanks for joining us John! Such a big fan of the CrowdChat platform.
John Furrier
thanks Rick. I can't wait to get you access to the platform analytics platform.crowdchat.n...
CrowdChat Platform
Our software enables active engagement between brands and their communities. We make life easier and efficient by automating time-consuming tasks. Using your social data, Twitter handles and #hashtags, our platform maps relevant signals and provides ...
பல வேஷம்
just came here as Spectator.... :) hope i'll learn huge from you all tech giants :)
@jonzdavid Awesome, thanks for joining. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
First Q coming in two mins, in the meantime why not fire up our soundtrack http://open.spotify....
Rick Liebling
Some great choices on that playlist.