Chris Kernaghan30
MT @dahowlett @dealarchitect how have SAP customer's buying habits changed since 2008, has there been a shift from CapEx to OpEx and are those OpEx expenditures really being spent on Cloud or what SI's reflect as being Cloud?
John Furrier
My guess is that many have been putting in POCs for cloud and not sure the uptake on cloud at SAP
Chris Kernaghan
@furrier @TimFisherUK Cloud is not difficult to grasp, you just need to spend 5 mins and realise that most of it is about the level of control you wish to exert over the resources you utilise/purchase
it's the same IT stuff for years except the new model is speed of deploying new apps and changes
John Furrier
@Crowdfather cloud is beyond obvious in terms of future but the integration with on prem is not straightforward huge amt of issues; oppty is for app infra more than ever
John Furrier
@Crowdfather at #hpdiscover and all other events we've been to all point to #SDN and network issues holding up the app SaaS game in #devops
Chris Kernaghan
@furrier @TimFisherUK @Crowdfather True, integration is a massive piece of gthe puzzle - especially integration at scale. This is where experienced Cloud architects are necessary and not in plentiful supply
Totally agree on Chris point!! policy based {blank} has been around for years. Now it's just more sh*t to deal with
Tim Fisher
you're coming at this from the techy pov. Sales & business guys just want cheap, fast, secure etc but they don't want to take on board what goes round it. Haven't you had the 'AWS do it...why can't we do that here?' chat with anyone recently?
John Furrier
@dvellante should weight in here bc the economics of IT are recasted now but it's a timebomb; he peppered Marten Mickos of @HPhelionCloud on this topic which resulted in a positive debate
Tim Fisher
@BoobBoo but I do agree with you - it's all back to hybrid stuff we were talking about 18mths ago.
Chris Kernaghan
@furrier Marten Mickos Rocks
Chris Kernaghan
@TimFisherUK It is disappointing that we are still talking about this stuff @furrier
John Furrier
yes he out this awesome video we had great conversation
Marten Mickos - HP Discover Barcelona 2014 - theCUBE
Marten Mickos, HP Cloud, HP Discover Barcelona 2014 with John Furrier and Dave Vellante @theCUBE #HPDiscover
Marten Mickos, HP Cloud, HP Discover Barcelona 2014 with John Furrier and Dave Vellante @theCUBE #HPDiscover
John Furrier
@TimFisherUK it's still being talked about bc no one is going to the cloud in masses's on the planning doc in my view; security & networking archit really slowing things down
Vinnie Mirchandani
Chris, depends on SAP products - BusinessSuite, BOBJ, B1 still old style
Vinnie Mirchandani
If SAP could help shave their economy by just 10% or $ 20 bn a year, I would bet customers would spend $3 to 5 bn of that back with SAP's new products.