Crowd Doc12

How much overlap in use-cases between Spark and Impala? cc/ @cloudera

Actually not much. Impala is more from Shark's realm, where Shark is performing much better anyway you look at it

Crowd Doc

Yeah, I meant to ask Spark + Shark >= Impala ?

Dr.Cos Without starting a flame war, I think the fact that Cloudera now supports Spark is very telling. Also, you might want to check http://www.eweek.com/cloud/hadoop-drives-down-costs-drives-up-usability-with-sql-convergence-5/

Crowd Captain Did @cloudera "Jump the Shark" ??

Impala, Stinger, Preso, HAWQ and Shark are in the same 'bucket' if you will. Spark + Shark have a distinct advantage esp due to the BDAS stack

John Furrier
@cloudera aren't dummies they see the future.. i don't understand why they don't talk about it more..their silence is deafening

Dr.Cos The was a community voting process for the submissions. I think there were 38 submitted talks all together. Can't tell more really...