
Q2: What concerns do you have about embracing cloud-based data warehousing and analytics?

Nancy Hensley

Henrik Loeser
network speed, security

Wendy Lucas
Most clients think security is the biggest barrier
Srinath Ranga
As a Solution provider, it is a question of convincing the client about security issues..

Nancy Hensley
Most people are concerned with Security but there are plenty of apps that can easily move- how about test/dev?

Henrik Loeser
@data_henrik but I learned who is hosting it and that Softlayer customers can get dedicated networks

Adam Ronthal
Security a top concern for cloud-based analytics. dashDB designed with security in mind from the ground up.

Nancy Hensley
WIth all the investment going to the cloud, Security concerns will be solved quickly, we are already thinking years ahead with #dashDB

Marco Bonezzi
data location

Adam Ronthal
Data movement to the cloud a concern for cloud-based analytics. dashDB + Data Works makes it easy.

Amit Patel
IBM has thought of common concerns clients have with cloud-based analytics like security, data privacy, hybrid architectures, data integration.

Nancy Hensley
∑ By year-end 2016, more than 50% of Global 1000 will have stored customer sensitive data in the public cloud (Gartner as quoted on Wired) - 50% are not worried!

The Hoffington Post
@data_henrik Network quality is really important for any database/DW in the cloud. Speed is important, but stability even more so.

Amit Patel
#dashDB brings enterprise class data warehousing to the cloud.

John Furrier
@nancykoppdw with containers and perimeter-less security getting stronger this concern will be mitigated

Nancy Hensley
lots of concerns with moving/loading data as well

Natasha Bishop
Hmm @GetdashDB not worried abt #security does not mean its not an issue though. How do we address?

Leon Katsnelson
we hear "security" a lot. That is why dashDB has security baked in. There is the usual perimeter security that you would expect. There is also encryption all the way. Most important, dashDB can tell you if you have sensitive data and what to do about it

Adam Ronthal
@Natasha_D_G Security starts from the ground up, proceeds to the software design, and concludes with operational best practices. We've got you covered.

Leon Katsnelson
@marcobonezzi by data locatin you mean complaince with safe harbor laws?

Sam Lightstone
One of the concerns that people often have about move to cloud is load simplicity. That's why dashDB has focused on it so heavily. Seamless integration with IBM DataWorks extends dashDB to huge potential. Rich data format support.

Marco Bonezzi
@katsnelson exactly...sometimes that is required I guess

Leon Katsnelson
@_hoffman dashDB runs in Softlayer. One of the key differentiators for Softlayer cloud is robustness of its network. Head and shoulders above other CSPs

Customers are concerned that they will lose control over their data if they put it in the cloud. That security and compliance may suffer.

Sam Lightstone
Security! Yup (as others have said, and I agree). dashDB has always-on encryption for data on disk, and across wire transfers.

The Hoffington Post
@katsnelson Agreed. Both within and between data centers. Gotta think globally about these things.

Rich Hughes
Some concerns around Cloud DW-ing include bulk loading, synchronizing, and securing data.

Katrina Read
Where the data is physically stored is still a concern to many companies - leveraging the global SoftLayer pods to support DashDB will be essential.

Jeff Feinsmith
How is high availability handled? If one or more DashDB nodes managed in the Cloud goes down, what happens to my data and application availability?

Rich Hughes
Security concerns around data can be mitigated with hybrid cloud solutions.

The Hoffington Post
@JeffFeinsmith If you use Cloudant as your canonical data store, the data is replicated multiple times on different servers _before_ it even gets to dashDB.

Tim Crawford
Comes back to risk around the data. Compare that with value to see the whole picture.